Battleships Development History ------------------------------- V1.0 - 28/08/96 First release version V1.1 - 01/09/96 * Added option to allow restriction of ship placement to vertical and horizontal positions (at users request) * Amended Help file to show all key functions * Fixed Psion-S during game set-up. This was allowing a save game when it shouldn't * Fixed cursor movement problem when Caps-Lock on * Fixed save error when game installed to a different drive than the default drive V1.2 - 20/09/96 * Fixed "Maximum Drawables Open" error when repeatedly pressing Psion-N * Tidied up display * Fixed Random player message, so computer goes first when it says the computer will go first! (And the same for when the user goes first) * Changed registration procedure. Registered users now get a code to unlock all features, rather than having to re-install the program. Registration also now possible via the WWW or phone through RegNet. (See the README.TXT file in this ZIP or the Help in the program). * Moved "diagonal ship placement" setting to start of new game so users can't switch half way through a game * Fixed problem with saving/loading files * Cursor now hidden at start up (just to make it tidy) * Error caused by Control-Menu removed * "Abort current game" message when loading/starting a new game now only displayed if game actually started * Added multiple difficulty levels, so it's much harder to beat (if you set the level high enough!)