oo oooooooo oo oo oo oo oo oo ooooo oo ooooo oo ooooo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ooooo oo oo oo oo oo oo ooooo oo oo oo ooooo dTris Version 1.00F (C)opyright 1997-1998 Jon Read Introduction ------------ dTris is a game that borrows ideas from various falling-block style games such as Tetris, and adds elements of poker dice. Installation ------------ Extract the files from the distribution archive using the -d flag with PkZip (or compatible) to restore the original directory structure. 1. Copy the file DTRIS.OPA into any \APP directory. 2. Create a new directory, \APP\DTRIS 3. Copy DTRIS.HLP, GFX.PIC, DROP.WVE and LINE.WVE into this directocry. In other words, \APP\ contains DTRIS.OPA \APP\DTRIS\ contains DTRIS.HLP, GFX.PIC, DROP.WVE and LINE.WVE If you do not wish to use digital sound, you may omit the WVE files without affecting the game. Gameplay -------- The object of the game is to gain score based on "hands" of five dice. To build a hand, you must rotate the die on the left of the screen until it matches the die to it's right. The die on the left of the screen may also be moved up and down to select which other die to match it to. You can then "drop" this die, removing the matching one below from the playing field and adding it to your hand. Your hand is shown in the five boxes along the top left of the screen. When five dice have been collected, the hand is analysed, and acted on as follows. o A pair scores 50. o Two pairs scores 150 and removes one line from the bottom of the playing field. o 3 of a kind scores 200 and removes one line. o 4 of a kind scores 400 and removes two lines. o 5 of a king scores 600 and removes three lines. o A full house (a pair and 3 of a kind) scores 400 and removes two lines. o A low straight (1,2,3,4 and 5) scores 700 and removes four lines. o A high straight (2,3,4,5 and 6) scores 800 and removes four lines. As you play, more lines of dice are added at the bottom of the playing field. The rate at which these lines are added increases during the game, increasing the difficulty. The game is over when the playing area is filled with dice. Registration ------------ This information is also available in the online help, under the topic "Registering". dTris is shareware, but is not crippled in any way. You may play dTris for a period of 14 days, after which you must register in any of the following ways. 1) Send a cheque for £8, to: Jon Read 5 Coombe Gardens Hughenden Valley High Wycombe Bucks HP14 4PD ENGLAND 2) Register online, with secure credit card transactions at http://www.swregnet.com/ 3) Over the phone by credit card. If in the USA, phone free on 1 800 WWW2REG (1 800 999-2734) or (805) 288-1827. The cost for registration online or by phone is $15. When registering, please quote an email address and the full name of the person you wish to register the game to. In return, you will receive a registration code which removes the startup dialog and places your name on the title screen. Thank you for supporting this software. Online Support -------------- If you wish to report bugs or comment on dTris, please email jnr95r@ecs.soton.ac.uk. The dTris home page is located at http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~jnr95r/psion/dtris.html. If you like this game (or even if you don't!), you may like to try out other games by the same author, including the classic "Jumpy!" series. Point your web browser at http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~jnr95r/psion for more information. ---- Jon Read 5th January 1998 jnr95r@ecs.soton.ac.uk http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~jnr95r