Dungeons V2.2 ============= (C) Thomas Ashton 1996 ====================== Installation... =============== Copy Dungeons.opa to any directory on any drive and install it onto the system screen by pressing Psion+I on the system screen. Run it by putting the highlight on the Dungeons icon and pressing enter. (Dungeons will make a \DUN\ directory to save highscores and levels.) Story... ======== You live in a small village. All its people live in constant danger from a castle about a mile away. Once it was owned by a rich and powerful man, but a few years ago he died, and the castle became overrun with evil creatures. Then a few days ago in one of the raids the monsters who lived in the castle frequently made on the village your mother and father were killed. You vowed to get revenge, with a small dagger in your hand you venture into the castle. Playing the game... =================== Use the arrow keys to move your person (Indicated by a * on the map) around the maze - more of which appears as you move around. During your adventure you will find things in the maze, (Including monsters!) and a dialogue will appear asking you to make decisions about what to do. On the Siena pressing the W key will display the weapon power. You will also be given level codes during the game (Select "Info..." on the menu) with which you can skip back to a level at any time by using "Jump to..." on the menu. You win the game when you kill the last monster on level 8. For more info press help in the game. -- Thomas Ashton Thomas@mwashton.demon.co.uk Http://www.mwashton.demon.co.uk/