A few words about "Memory v1.2" July 96 What's "Memory v1.2"? --------------------- It's memory challenging game for the Psion 3a serie. Erm, 'memory challenging' is a bit pretentious. You'll have to discover 25 pairs of hidden pictures. You've already seen that game before, for sure! Upgrade from v1.1 ----------------- You'll have to uninstall Memory v1.1, then delete memo.opa in your /APP directory, and the whole MEMORY directory in /APP... (see end of this document) Then install as explained below. Installation ------------ Sorry, I have provided no scripts or anything, you'll have to do that yourself: You can install the game from an external Flash or Ram SSD. It will NOT attempt to write on that drive (hopefully). Create a directory called MEMO in \APP Create a directory called LEVELS in \APP\MEMO Those files should go in your freshly created \APP\MEMO directory: icone.pic lose.wve meep.wve plateau1.pic poc.wve pouic.wve wi.wve wo.wve (Note: if the sounds (.wve) files take too much of your precious free bytes, just get rid of them... You can free up to 33Kb) Those files should go in your newly created \APP\MEMORY\LEVELS directory: alphabet.pic arrows.pic symbols.pic various.pic icons.pic (courtesy of John H. Torjmann) heads.pic (courtesy of Charles Sellario) arrows2.pic (courtesy of Phil Creed) blox.pic (courtesy of Phil Creed) (Note: only one of them is required. Each file weights about 10Kb) This file should go in your \APP directory: memo.opa Then install using the standard Psion-I hotkey; choose memo.opa Note that a highscore file called mhiscore.ini will be automatically created while playing, in the internal \OPD directory. What's new in v1.2? ------------------- Phil Creed has sent me his contributions to Memory. If you've upgraded from v1.0 or v1.1, you may have noticed the new background layout, the new icon, the 2 extra levels. These are all his work. Massive thanks, Phil! Price ----- That's a Freeware. I wouldn't ask anything for this, as it's my very first programming attempt on a Psion... However, I keep the copyright. Bugs ---- There may be some, as I have yet to discover the subtilities of those Psion beasties... Errors handling is very limited, so please respect the installation directories names or your Psion will scream in anger. Please report me nasty behaviour via Email. "Memory v1.2" requires a 480x160 (or better) screen to run. That means no chance for Serie 3 owners to run it... Distribution ------------ Feel free to pass this software to anybody you know. Inclusion in any software library, on floppy, CDRom, electronically etc. is very welcome. If you're doing so, please drop me quick Email (though I won't complain if you don't). Please do not charge for more than the usual media & postage fees. Warranty -------- No warranties whatsoever. Use at your own risk. Do it yourself -------------- The LEVELS directory contains some different playfields, stored as gray pictures (.pic). You can add yours if you feel the urge to create some new ones. Just put them in that directory and they should be recognised. Send them to me if you do! Please get in touch with me if you're willing to and don't know how. To get in touch --------------- Email: 100325.637@compuserve.com or fbotton@cix.compulink.co.uk Snail mail: Frederic Botton 55, boulevard Barbes F-75018 Paris France Web place: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/FBotton/psion.htm http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/FBotton/psiontxt.htm (text only) Why the hell are the directories different from v1.1? ----------------------------------------------------- There's another game called Memory as well, written by Frans Icke from Amsterdam, Holland. The current archive can be grabbed from his homepage at http://www.xs4all/nl/~icke/index.html His game is rather similar to mine. Different playground size, 2-players game option and a few other differences. I urge you to try it if you've enjoyed mine! By the way, it unfortunately uses the same directory names as my game v1.1. I've decided to change them so that installation does not mess everything. BUT I've decided to keep the same name (i.e. Memory). That means only one game can be installed at once unless you use 'groups'. Final word ---------- May this proggie help you spend some of your spare time! Fred.