PAC-MAN Version 1.0 For Psion S3a/c (c) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By Paul Williams PAC-MAN is distributed under the shareware theme, it may be freely distributed. However if you decide to continue to use this software for more than 30 days, you must register PAC-MAN. Instructions on how to register the software are found in this file under the section Registering PAC-MAN. PAC-MAN has been written in OPL and was developed during a 1 year period when I worked in Angola, Africa. It helped me to take my mind off the destructive effects of the 20 year civil war. After 5 months of development in my spare time, PAC-MAN was born. The software contains over 2,500 lines of code and has been compiled to three separate OPA applications which link together on execution to form the game. PAC-MAN can be installed like any other application on the system screen by installing the PACMAN.OPA file. Whilst PAC-MAN might resemble the arcade game of the 80's in game play, no attempt has been made to emulate the arcade game in detail and any similarities are incidental. List of Files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following files are necessary for the installation of PAC-MAN PACMAN.OPA - Main PAC-MAN Application PACLIB.OPA - Library Application file PACLIB2.OPA - Library Application file APPLE.PIC - Bitmap file BANANA.PIC - Bitmap file GH100.PIC - Bitmap file GH75.PIC - Bitmap file GH50.PIC - Bitmap file GHOST.PIC - Bitmap file ICON.PIC - Bitmap file INTRO.PIC - Bitmap file PACD1.PIC - Bitmap file PACD2.PIC - Bitmap file PACL1.PIC - Bitmap file PACL2.PIC - Bitmap file PACR1.PIC - Bitmap file PACR2.PIC - Bitmap file PACU1.PIC - Bitmap file PACU2.PIC - Bitmap file PEAR.PIC - Bitmap file POWERPIL.PIC - Bitmap file HISCORE.DAT - Application data file LEVELS.DAT - Application data file Also in PACMAN.ZIP file are the following files PACMAN.WRD - This file in psion wrd format PACMAN.TXT - This file in text format Installing PAC-MAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The installation of PAC-MAN requires 41K. Additionally PAC-MAN requires about 75K of system memory to run. 1. Create a directory 'PAC-MAN' off the I:\APP directory i.e. I:\APP\PAC-MAN. This can be done by choosing MAKE DIRECTORY from the DISK menu of the system screen. 2. Copy PAC-MAN.OPA in the I:\APP directory 3. Copy PACLIB.OPA in the I:\APP directory 4. Copy PACLIB2.OPA in the I:\APP directory 5. Copy all the .PIC files into the I:\APP\PAC-MAN directory 6. Copy all the .DAT files into the I:\APP\PAC-MAN directory 7. From the system screen choose the option INSTALL from the APPS menu. Select the PAC-MAN.OPA application and press enter. PAC-MAN will now be installed HINT ON SOUND If your keyboard clicks as you hold down the arrow keys, this can be turned off by choosing SOUND from the CONTROL menu of the Psion System Screen. Go to KEY CLICK and select OFF. Object of Game ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The object of the game is to control PAC-MAN around the maze to eat all the Pills and Fruits . This must be achieved whilst avoiding the Ghosts that wander around the maze in the search for PAC-MAN. Normally the Ghosts can eat PAC-MAN and a life will be lost. However if PAC-MAN eats a PowerPill, PAC-MAN can eat the Ghosts and gain extra points by doing so. The Ghosts will then return to their ghost house to regenerate. Each successive Ghost eaten is rewarded by more points. The level is compete when all Pills and Fruits have been eaten on the maze. The game is over when PAC-MAN has lost all three lives. Playing PAC-MAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the game is first started the introduction screen is presented. The introduction sequence can be interrupted by pressing any key. The game menu will then be displayed. From the menu the following options are available : New Game - Starts a new Game Level Editor - Loads the Level Editor. Only Registered Users can save Levels modified or newly created Delete Level - Delete a Level. Only available to Registered users Re-Order Level - Re-order the Levels. Only available to Registered users Scoring - Displays information on the scoring of the game About Game - Information about the software Shareware - Instructions on how to register the software Options - Various game options including changing the difficulty of the game, control of random fruits and increase speed during game. High Scores - Display High score table Clear High Scores - Delete High Score table Register - Register software here by entering Registration Code Exit - Exit from game PAC-MAN is controlled around the maze by the four arrow keys. On either side of the maze are Tunnels which the PAC-MAN can use to transport himself to the other side of the maze. The Ghosts cannot travel through the Tunnels. During play, the game can be stopped by pressing the Menu or Psion Key. The menu will then be called upon. If the Random Fruits option is switched on in the OPTIONS menu, Fruits will appear on the maze periodically. These fruits must be eaten before the level is complete. There is also an option in the OPTIONS menu to place Random Fruits anywhere on the maze or only where the PAC-MAN has not eaten yet. The advantage of eating many Fruits is that more points are gained by doing so. Level Editor ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This option is available to the unregistered user but it is only to view. It is not possible to save any modified levels or newly created levels if the software is not registered. The game contains ten levels for registered users (only two for unregistered) and up to 60 levels can be created with the level editor. After choosing which level to edit in the dialog, the Level Editor will be displayed. A cursor is presented in the top left hand corner of the maze and this can be moved to any place on the maze grid using the arrow keys. The following keys place or remove walls, fruits and tunnels. v - Add/Remove Vertical Wall h - Add/Remove Horizontal Wall t - Add/Remove Tunnel 1 - Add Pill 2 - Add PowerPill 3 - Add Apple 4 - Add Banana 5 - Add Pear 0 - Clear Fruit, i.e. blank grid u - Unaccessable Grid s - Exit and Save Level Esc - Exit without Saving Level The Unaccessable Grid option is used to define an area of the maze where it is not possible to reach or PAC-MAN would not be expected to go, such as in the Ghost House. This stops Random Fruits from being created on those parts of maze. If a new level was created by choosing the option New Level when the level was opened, the next sequential level number will automatically be assigned. The level can then be re-ordered to be placed anywhere in the sequence as desired. Registering PAC-MAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Registering PAC-MAN will provide you with the additional features : 1. Full access to the Level Editor with the capability to edit the 10 maze levels and create new levels. Over 60 levels are possible 2. Access to the Delete Level function 3. Access to the Re-Order Levels function 4. Game will not be restricted to two Levels 5. Annoying nag screens will be disabled You can register PAC-MAN by sending œ10 cash/cheque payable to : Paul S. Williams 12A Calleva Close, Hatch Warren, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England, RG22 4TD. The equivalent amount in a foreign currency will be accepted. You will then be sent a registration certificate along with the Registration Code to unlock the software so please remember to quote your name and address.