Bricks -The ultimate Breakout game- Version 1.00 29/11/98 Welcome to Bricks, the ultimate Breakout game. Requirements: A 3a/3c or 3mx palmtop. 45K for installing the game ~70K for running the game Note: This game will run too quickly on an mx and will need the machine to be running in slow mode (Ctrl+Diamond) Installation: Place the bricks.opa file anywhere. Place the bricks.lvl, bricks.hlp, bricks.pic and ball.pic files in an \APP\BRICKS\ subdirectory on drive M. If enough people want me to, I'll enable the game to be run from any drive. Please let me know if you do! Install bricks.opa in the usual way. Note: the distribution ZIP file has the correct directory structure. Starting the game: When you first start Bricks, you will see the title screen, offering a choice of various options. For full details, consult the on line help, available by pressing Menu and selecting Help. Help: Help is available in the game. Press menu during gameplay to access it. Licence: This game is Shareware. If you like the game, sending a cheque for 5 GBP made payable to Darren Prescott (NOT Venturesoft), will give you a registration code, or, at your own risk, you can send 5 GBP in cash (not recommended). Send cash/cheques to: D Prescott, "Medvale", Cliff View Gardens, Bay View, Leysdown, Sheerness, Kent ME12 4AF England As I'm at University, away from this address, I would appreciate an e-mail telling me you've registered, so I can send your code out quickly. This will allow you to play the other parts (another 35 levels) and will entitle you to a free upgrade to Bricks Deluxe when it is released in 1999. You may register online for $14, visit for more details. American users can call 1-800-WWW2REG to register the game, again for $14. The excess is due to RegNet charges. There are no time limits for this game, this Shareware licence allows you to evaluate the program for an indefinate period of time. Your registration code will work with both the Siena and Series 3x versions. The usual disclaimers apply, that is, if your Psion explodes whilst using the game (or even crashes horribly) then I am not responsible. If you spot a bug in my game, please notify me _immediatly_ so I can fix it! This game uses an icon designed by Neil Bee (, who has a site full of icons at Used under license. Contact info: I would appreciate any comments (good or bad!) about this game. Please send e-mail to Visit CastleWeb at: for updates. Q&A: How come the ball hits a brick, but the two either side go? Too boring to explain fully, but it involves the bricks being 10 pixels wide, and the ball being 11 wide. If I reduxe the size of the ball, then bricks get removed too easily. History ======= 1.00 First public release 1.01b,1.02b,1.03b Reviewed on Listener's Web Site. 1.00b First internal beta