Thanks for downloading Death and Destruction! Web Check for updates and new games! This Readme file will tell you: How to install it How to play it To Install: Copy file(s) to dir tc&c.opa app\ *.pic app\c&c\ boom.wve app\c&c\ Readme.txt Read it! After you have done this install the (Psion + I) on your system screen. To Play: Death and Destruction can be played with up to twenty players! You take it in turns to move or shoot. There are there types of terrain, Flat - You can move and shoot accross this. Hill - You can move but not shoot accross this. Pit - You can shoot but not move accross this. So it is all very stratigical. To move: You move by rotating your tank with the two left and right cursor keys. and the move forward with the forwand cursor key. The little gun thing on top of the tanks shows which way you are going! Press space when you are finished. To shoot: You move the target thing by rotating it around the out side of your tank and pressing the forwards and backwards cursor keys to move it in and out Press space to fire. The team mode,you can play in teams,well sort of anyway. Say there are two players, they each have 10 tanks, so player 1 has tanks: 1,3,5,7,9 ... and player 2 has tanks: 2,4,6,8,10... And so the play goes like each player moves his tanks one after another. Also you will still be able to kill the people on your own team. If you play it on and Emulator and set it to twenty computer players its quite fun. Thanks for downloading D&D, Alistair,Inuit