Larvae (c) 1999 Portrayal software 26/6/99 Introduction: ------------- Larvae is a demo which is freeware so feel free to distribute to any and all. Larvae is the first game written by Portrayal software and is still just a prototype so if any bugs turn up, please report them. The game can be downloaded initially only from my own personal virgin net freespace which is located at: Any bug reports or comments - which would be very usefull at this juncture - can be mailed to me at: Thank you for playing Larvae and I hope you enjoy. Machine requirements: --------------------- Due to speed requirements, Larvae will only run properly speed on the Series 3mx. The Series 3c will run the code but it will be very slow. Larvae is also a very big program (by Psion standards) and requires 450K of free space for storage and a further 150K to run (600K total required). Installation instructions: -------------------------- Installation is very simple, copy the whole Larvae directly onto the internal drive of the Psion and install the icon in the system screen from the file Larvae.opa contained in the larave directory. IMPORTANT - The larvae directory must be in the placed in the root directory of the internal drive. putting it as a subdirectory of another folder WILL NOT work. It must be: internal\larvae\ NOT, for example: internal\games\larvae\ Also note that when unzipping the game the /d option must be used (if using PKunzip) to preserve the directory structure. Future developments: -------------------- Larvae is not shareware in that you have to pay to register the demo and recieve an upgrade. Hardly anyone registers shareware, so to keep it simple, if you do want the full game of Larvae buy it as stand alone software for about £20. The reason I say about is that I dont know how much interest people will show in the demo and it may not be worth writing an extended version at all. What I can say is that if sufficient interest is shown I will release full games on the Series 3c, 3mx and 5 each with its own machine specific features. And also the level editor that I used to create these levels. So get those comments to me. Controls: --------- The game has a built in help file which will tell you how to play Larvae. Pressing the help key while in the game or chooseing the menu option. Acknowledgements: ----------------- The code was written by me, Jon Stoackley with the incredible artwork done by Keith Burridge. A lot of additional debugging information was also provided by, Jonathan Lawes Matt Penny Aaron Hayward Alan Robinson Paul Griffin Jody walker This game and all artwork, code and levels are copyright to portrayal software. (c) 1999 Portrayal software.