SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR "MAGIC v1.21" -------------------------------------------- "Magic" (hereafter referred to as "the program") was written by Paul Bowlay ( and is (c) Copyright 1998-1999 to him. It is released as FreeWare, meaning that you may enjoy full usage of it free of any charges. However, please carefully read the following Software License Agreement prior to using the program, because any usage indicates your full agreement to the terms outlined below. If you do not agree to all of these terms, then you must not use or re-distribute the program under any circumstances! 1. You understand and agree that this Software License Agreement applies only to this current version of the program (the version number shown in the title above) and not to any previously released versions. You also understand and agree that any new and updated releases of the program may be accompanied with a totally new or updated Software License Agreement. 2. You understand and agree that the term "FreeWare" in this License means that the author always has ownership of the program and that he has not placed it in the Public Domain nor relinquished any ownership or rights to it. 3. You understand and agree that the FreeWare status of the program may be revoked at any time at the author's discretion. Any such revocation will only come into effect with a new and updated program release and will not apply to the FreeWare status of this release. 4. You understand and agree that the program may be altered or modified by the author at any time, upon which such changes may result in the possible lack of its current functionality, and in such an event you will not hold the author liable for any loss or damage suffered as a result. 5. You understand and agree that the program was written on and for the Psion 3c model only and may not function correctly on any other Psion model, for example the Psion 3a/3mx or any software emulator. You agree to take no legal action against the author if you run the program on any equipment other than a real 3c and any loss or damage to said equipment occurs as a result. 6. You understand and agree that the program may have errors or faults of which the author is unaware, and that if any such errors or faults arise you will not hold the author liable for any damage or loss suffered as a result. 7. You understand and agree that the program may not be 100% suited to any task for which you may be using it, and that any failure to satisfactorily meet such tasks is at your own sole risk, and you will not hold the author liable for any damage or loss suffered as a result. 8. You understand and agree that the author is under no obligation to improve on or further enhance the program, and also that he is under no obligation to correct any errors or faults that you may have discovered. Any such corrections are simply a sign of goodwill on behalf of the author. 9. You understand and agree that any reverse translation of the program (using a tool such as "RevTran" or any similar product) is strictly forbidden and that you will not attempt to do so. 10. You understand and agree that the program is the author's property and that you will not modify, enhance, or otherwise edit it in any way. 11. You understand and agree that the program is FreeWare and that you will not attempt to commercially sell the product (no matter how small the fee) to any third party except under these strict conditions: a. The program is packaged as part of a ShareWare and/or FreeWare Psion-related CD-ROM collection. b. The program must only be distributed in its original zip archive state as found on the author's web site (ie. you may not add or remove files from the zip archive). All other forms of commercial distribution are strictly forbidden (such as on a pay-to-access web site, etc). 12. You understand and agree that if you wish to re-distribute the program in any non-commercial manner (ie. on a free-access web site or any situation where users may obtain it free of charge) that you will only distribute it in its original zip archive state as found on the author's web site (ie. you may not add or remove files from the zip archive). END OF SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT. ======================================================================