====================== Metropolis v1.x (Shareware)============= July 1999 INSTALL ========================================================================= When the file is unzipped (using WinZip or similar) you'll have 11 files. Copy METROPLS.OPA to the following directory on your Psion: \APP\ Copy the remaining files to: \APP\METROPLS To do this, you'll need to create a new directory on your Psion. Press the Psion key with the "+" when the system screen is showing (i.e. with all the application icons are showing). In the dialog, type: "\APP\METROPLS". The directory will then be created ready for the files to be copied from your PC to your Psion. Once the files are copied to the Psion, you install the program from the system screen. Press the Psion key and 'I' and scan through all the programs until you find Metropls. Press return to install, and once again to play. INTRO ========================================================================= Metropolis is based on the classic city simulator idea where you are the mayor of a city who must build and maintain a prosperous city. To do this, you are given funds and building tools to build a pleasant environment for your residents to move into. FEATURES ========================================================================= - REAL TIME CITY GROWTH Your city will grow before your eyes as it's constantly evaluated in the background. Each building's local and global environment is constantly monitored and its population will change accordingly. - INTELLIGENT CITY ALGORITHMS Crime, pollution, traffic, public opinion and commercial/industry success are all constantly monitored and will affect your city accordingly. - STATISTICS MODE This will display your city performance in key areas over the last 10 years. This can show, for example, that your new building strategy is doing well or it could give you advance warning of a dangerous downward trend. - INFO MODE To the right of the display is a little info panel giving some useful relative statistics on how your city did the previous year. - BUDGET MODE This is where you make and lose them money. If your city is good and tax rate is acceptable to the residents, you'll make money. Bear in mind that the more police stations, fire stations and transport links you build, the more it will cost at each budget and the less money you'll make. - EVALUATION MODE Zooming in on a particular building is often useful if you want to know why they are or aren't doing so well. This mode shows how many families have moved in or out (for residential), the age of the property and the type of property. - FULL FILE SUPPORT You can open, create and save games and all their associated data. THE GAME ========================================================================= The skill is to build a city that not only attracts residents to move in (and therefore increase your tax income) but also to maintain the city so that residents actually want to continue living there. Problems that arise include traffic congestion (too much traffic, too few roads), pollution (too much traffic and industry and not enough parks) and crime (too many people, not enough police, parks or entertainment). Besides having various land tools such as roads, railways and park to play with, you also have building tools. These buildings are where your residents will live, work and play. The three main buildings are: residential (where they live), commercial (where they shop and maybe work) and industry (where they may work and where the commercial sector gets their goods). SCREEN LAYOUT ========================================================================= The screen is split into three main sections: Map, Edit and info. MAP AND EDIT VIEW The map view (to the left) gives a birds-eye view of your whole city and the edit view (in the middle) shows a portion of this city in much greater detail. This is the view where your building work takes place. Both views have a cursor - the map cursor (a large black block) determines what is shown in the edit view and the edit cursor (a small black block) determines where building work takes place. The large arrow pointing left or right at the top of the screen indicates which view is active (ie, which cursor you are currently controlling). Use the space bar to switch between these views. INFO VIEW To the right of the display is a little info panel giving details about how your city did in the previous year. Whether crime, pollution, traffic, public opinion and migration went up or down and by how much (in percent, except migration which is measured in families). The long opinion bar at the top of the panel shows public opinion for that year (ie, whether you're doing a good job or not). REGISTRATION ========================================================================= Registration is quick and easy and will unlock the game for unlimited play. For up date details see my website at: WWW.THUNK.FREESREVE.CO.UK\REGISTER.HTM All you need is your credit card, and the unlock code will be e-mailed to you via REGNET. THE AUTHOR ========================================================================= If you would to keep up to date on the continuing development of Metropolis or would like to e-mail me, I can be reached at: The web: WWW.THUNK.FREESERVE.CO.UK E-mail: JUSTIN@THUNK.FREESERVE.CO.UK I'm especially interested in your comments about the game and how it can be improved. Also, if there are bugs to report (they're in there..somewhere). DISCLAIMER ========================================================================= No warranty or guarantee of any kind is given on this program. No liability for any damage or loss to equipment, data, money or software will be assumed. You use this program at your own risk.