WELCOME to NEW PALABRA Version 3mx/1 北北北 IMPORTANT information about the files 北北北 Palabra has several files as part of the game package but is designed so that you can omit some options. Not all of the files originally included are essential. You can delete several of them if you need to save disk space. So read the following carefully. The following 4 files are an essential part of the game and must NOT be deleted. These 4 files are the minimum requirement . . . \APP\Palabra.app (the main application program) \OPD\PALABRA\Dicty.odb (the 4 letter word dictionary) \OPD\PALABRA\Pcasino.opo (the casino games) \OPD\PALABRA\Cards.pic (picture file for pack of cards) The following 5 files are optional. Their use enhances the game but they could be deleted if you really need to save disk space. You could try the game with them first, then rename them so that Palabra doesn't recognise their presence. Give the original names back to those you need and delete the others. Alternative sounds will automatically replace the missing sound files and wording will replace the picture files. The Help file can be deleted when you are familiar with the game . . . \OPD\PALABRA\Bell.snd (a general win sound effects file) \OPD\PALABRA\Hot.snd (hot spot casino sound effects) \OPD\PALABRA\Come.pic (casino entrance picture) \OPD\PALABRA\Bye.pic (casino exit picture) \OPD\PALABRA\Help.opo (game information pages) Copy the above 9 files to your Psion (if you want the game to reside there) and install Palabra in the usual way. The following 3 files are automatically created during play and you need not be concerned with them at all. The 2 temporary files will be created on and deleted from the Internal disk irrespective of where the main game resides so as not to waste Flash SSD space. \OPD\PALABRA\League.odb (league created on first use) M:\OPD\Wtemp.odb (duplications - automatically deleted) M:\OPD\Ltemp.odb (reorders league - automatically deleted) and the final file is the one you are reading now . . . \WRD\Read-me.txt The game needs approximately 70 kb free memory to run. If playing from a disk, make sure the disk is not Write-protected. 北北北 Playing PALABRA 北北北 Palabra consists of a series of 9 mini word games and an occasional bonus game all using four letter words. Two jokers are available which, when used, automatically double the score in the current game. You are taken through the games in random order to score points which can be gambled for high stakes in the casino. There are 7 different tables in the casino and these are presented randomly in between the mini-games if you have a score of at least 40 points. Casino access is limited prior to registration. There is a bank from which you can borrow points. Interest is charged every 5 minutes of play and borrowing wisely can give you additional points to use in the casino for high rewards. The bank sometimes makes special offers available. High scores get a player into the league table which is presented at the end of the whole game (or it can be called from the menu). Help screens are available to explain each game/casino table. As in life, skill and hard work earn the initial rewards and luck, daring and chance determine what you can do with them. 北北北 The DICTIONARY 北北北 The dictionary contains more than 2000 four letter words. In order to score points you have to enter or find words which the dictionary recognises and in some games the dictionary presents words to you. In order to avoid the use of words that some will find offensive, which are very obscure or extremely informal, a few words are marked "restricted" in the dictionary (an asterisk is appended to the word). These words will be recognised and accepted if you type them in but the game won't offer them to you. There are differences in the way people use vocabulary, so if you want to alter the dictionary you can add, delete or change words by viewing the dictionary file in the Data application. But you MUST use a routine to sort the dictionary into alphabetical order for its use in Palabra. (The last entry in the dictionary acts as a marker and should not be removed.) 北北北 Registration 北北北 This game is SHAREWARE so YOU MUST REGISTER IT if you want to keep it on your disk for more than 7 days. Registration encourages the production of low cost shareware, goes some way towards compensating for the costs and time of the programmer and leaves the user with a clear conscience and an enhanced karma. Registration is easy and details are shown on screen during the operation of unregistered games. This game is deemed accepted as seen. The game has been rigorously tested over a long period and there are no known errors but no liability can be accepted for any error causing any loss or damage. Reports of any bugs will be welcome at davidgee@mailcity.com ************* In this age of technology, which deceives so many into believing in their own power of creation, dreaming in forgetfulness of their true nature and position, may the power and love of Jah guide you. *************************************************************************