" P A P I L L O N S " For the Psion 3a and 3c Papillons is a word game devised specifically for computers. It comprises a string of words, each of which has to be found before you can move on to the next. Adjoining words are always related in some way: they may be anagrams of each other; two words may sound like one another (homophones); the two together (in either order) may make a common phrase, the name of a famous person or famous place; the two may be synonyms of each other - or there may be a bad pun ! Crossword-like cryptic clues are available to help you flit from word to word. Each Papillon is approximately the length of a crossword in one of the leading newspapers. There are 42 Papillons accompanying the program. PLAYING PAPILLONS Select the number of the Papillon you wish to play, 1 to 42 inclusive, and with which word in the chain you wish to start - normally 1. For the first word you are given a clue and the number of letters in the answer. Multi-word answers are indicated in the usual way - "RED ADMIRAL" would be shown as (3,7); unlike crosswords, however, the space is entered. Points are awarded for each correct answer, starting at 10 and reducing by 1 for each incorrect attempt. After the first word has been solved you are given the number of letters of the next word. You may guess the word/s at this stage, that is with no additional clue, to achieve the maximum available score of 10. Alternatively you may call for a clue by entering the character "?", which is ready and waiting for you to do so until you key in something else. If you do call for the clue you will be penalised 5 points, subject to a minimum of 1 point always remaining for a correct answer. The last few words of the chain found so far are displayed on the top line. The points now available for the current word/s, and your total points to date are shown at the bottom of the screen. The number of the current word in the chain is also indicated. As an example, part of a typical chain might run :- ...-GARLAND-JUDY-PUNCH-RABBIT-PETER-PAN-SAUCE-CAUSE-EFFECT-... Be particularly alert for anagrams, as they can dramatically and abruptly change the direction and sequence of the word chain. You may resign at any time by pressing ESC; then, either leave the game or start another Papillon. Enter the Papillon number that you want, and where you wish to start it - either at the beginning or at the number of the word at which you resigned last time, say. After the last word has been solved your total score for the Papillon is shown; the number of words in each chain varies between 25 and 35 and the maximum number of points attainable therefore varies between 250 and 350. Any score that exceeds 200 may be regarded as excellent. P A P I L L O N S INSTALLATION "Papillons" is a large program containing, as it does, the equivalent of 42 cryptic crosswords in one of the leading national newspapers. To make it more manageable, therefore, it is divided into one main, and four separate ancilliary modules : PAPILLON, and PAPA PAPB PAPC and PAPD respectively. The latter four modules cannot be run independently, and are installed in a subdirectory called "\PAPS", below directory "\OPO\": therefore they do not appear on the system screen, where only the main module "PAPILLON" is seen. Copy Papillon.OPO to directory \OPO. (Create it if it does not exist) Create a directory PAPS below \OPO, thus having the pathname \OPO\PAPS, and copy PAPA.OPO, PAPB.OPO, PAPC.OPO and PAPD.OPO to it. There must be 85,100 Bytes free space on the device used. After a short delay "updating lists" the program name will appear in the list of OPL object-code programs - normally the right-hand list under the OPL "bubble" (a running man on the 3c), not the rectangle - thus :- Papillon (If necessary, press the "System" button to achieve this). Use the cursor keys to select Papillon, and press Enter. Follow the on-screen prompts thereafter. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -