SOLITAIRE v 1.10 What??? ANOTHER Patience game for the Psion 3a??!! But wait - this one's really good! It features: þ Six different basic games þ Loads of configuration options: you can mix your own game, adjust the difficulty, or cheat your socks off! þ Fast, detailed graphics þ A helpful user interface þ Auto-move, auto-turn and auto-finish þ Powerful hint system þ Extensive on-line help þ Restart and multiple `undo' þ Column compression (no need to scroll the screen up or down) þ Replay particular games þ Independent screen contrst setting þ Several `win' screens In short, it's a masterpiece :-) See the History section at the bottom for details of changes since the previous version. INSTALLATION ("How do I load this smashing game?") The files you need are:- SOLITARE.OPA - the program SOLITARE.RSC - the help file (optional) SOLI1.FNT \ SOLI2.FNT - font files SOLI3.FNT / You can put the program file anywhere you like, although I suggest putting it in an \APP\ directory (e.g. M:\APP\). The font files and help file should go in the same directory, or better still, create a subdirectory called SOLITARE\ and put them in there. Also provided is a German version of the on-line help. To use this, remove the existing SOLITARE.RSC and rename SOLI_GER.RSC back to SOLITARE.RSC. Thanks to Stephan for translation! A settings file is created and maintained automatically (M:\OPD\SOLITARE.INI). If you are upgrading from a previous version, your old settings file will be ignored and overwritten. PLAYING ("What do I do with it?") The different games are: Klondike (standard), Stack, Scorpion, King Albert, Canfield, and FreeCell - I won't go into details on the various games or how to play them, as the online help explains all. Try them and see! HEALTH WARNING! ("Too much Solitaire is bad for you...") This game can be _very_ addictive: I've spent far too many hours having `just one more game' - and I've got the excuse of testing the program! So, please take care not to get _too_ attached to it. AVAILABILITY ("So, is it free, or what?") Solitaire is Freeware! This means you're free to use it and copy it to your friends, BBS, Web site, etc., provided that all these files are distributed together and unchanged, and you don't charge for it. I don't like crippled software, and so this is the full version "wi' now't taken out"! Unfortunately for me, this gives you no incentive to send me anything... So: if you use Solitaire, PLEASE let me know. I'd also appreciate: some dosh (would you be prepared to pay œ5 or œ10 for a commercial game of this quality?), other software, or perhaps a quick note or postcard. I'd welcome any comments about the game, suggestions for improvement, or even criticism as long as it's constructive! Solitaire has taken an awful lot of work, time and effort (probably over a hundred hours in all) - I did it for my own enjoyment as well, of course, and it brightened up some otherwise very boring train journeys. But I'd be depressed if I thought no-one else was enjoying it too! CONTACT ("Who do I thank?") Andrew Giddings Email: Snail mail: 1 Pavilion Close Southend-on-Sea Essex SS2 4TZ England CREDITS ("Roll 'em") The program and support files are Copyright (c) 1997 UK Andrew Giddings. Thanks are due to: Stephan Hradek for ideas, testing, German translation, and generally bugging me :) Andy Clarkson for OPP - it's excellent! Jezar at Psion for the help compiler Steve Godfrey for his font editor Steves Litchfield and Clack et al for keeping the Psion scene bubbling. And of course, Psion for making such a powerful and friendly machine! (Plug, plug - do I get a Series 5 for this?) DISCLAIMER ("It's not my fault!") Although I've done my best to make Solitaire perfect, the chances are that there's just one more bug lurking somewhere. So, please don't hold me responsible if the program crashes, does strange things, or even causes aliens to invade and capture you and your Psion. FURTHER INFO ("Can I go home now?") Why did I write Solitaire? Well, there wasn't a good enough version already! (Before I get lots of hate mail, let me add: none that I've seen, anyway : ) I don't want to criticise anyone, but I've seen too many programs that are far slower, more buggy, or harder to use than necessary. I hope I've been able to show that, even using OPL, it's possible to write good, fast games. HISTORY ("What's this version number all about then?") v1.10 Several minor bugfixes, including a rare freeze condition, and the `number of times through pack' option. New Diamond search key (like `.' but cycles round) Hint and Find now cycle through all possible moves Independent screen contrast (separate settings inside and outside the game) Can now move several cards to a home pile in one go Can select a particular deal number Column cards are now shifted down when you select them, to show the bottom one clearly New `preferences' dialogue for non-game-related options Options now stored per game New menu for game selection, and improved options dialogues New option for building a new column on a face-down card Relevant menu options are now available from win screens German translations courtesy of Stephan v1.01 Fixed bug with initial options causing crash when redrawing the pack Fixed bug with autoput at start even if not set v1.00 First release Finally: SHARE AND ENJOY!! _ /_|_ / |/_n_d_y