CALCULATOR PROCEDURES A Library of Add-on Procedures for the Series 3 / Series 3a Calculator. Version 1. The procedures and the documentation are copyright (c) James Wilkinson 1996. Note: `The' documentation for CALC.OPL is CALC.WRD and MANUAL.WRD. These files were written on a Series 3a, and are designed for use with Psion Word. This ASCII version is based on those files, but cannot convey everything I would like it to - so use the Word files if you can. I have had to re-write this file slightly, to ensure that it still makes sense without some of Word's facilities. WHAT ARE THESE PROCEDURES? It is possible to add to the (rather limited) functions available in the Psion Series 3 range Calculator, by writing your own procedures in OPL. I use my Psion regularly in my Maths courses at university, and so I've developed a library of procedures that I find useful either in Calc, or when I'm simulating mathematical processes in OPL. Partly because the procedures do not write to the screen (exept for some information messages), they will work normally on any Series 3 or Series 3a - they will just run slower on a Series 3, and that's only because a Series 3 has a slower processor. In this document, I'm going to assume that you are familiar with a Series 3 and with some maths, but not necessarily with programming languages. WHY HAVE I MADE THEM AVAILABLE? When looking around the Imperial College FTP site, among others, I noticed the lack of such libraries of procedures. I finally came across a related program, and thought "My library is better than that!" So I decided to make the library available to all and sundry, in the hope that it might be useful - and encourage some-one with a bit more knowledge and programming skill to make their procedures available. (Because I'd like some better procedures myself). Since I wrote the procedures for myself, and since I use them in Calc or in programming, there's no `front end' - either use them through Calc, or, if you're desperate, write your own. Similarly, the comments are not very thorough, and there's no on-line help - use the end of this document or MANUAL.WRD. You won't need all of this document or all the procedures - cut both files down to size to save on your disk space. HOW TO PREPARE THE LIBRARY You should find with this document a file named CALC.OPL. This is a plain text `source' file, suitable for use in the Program Editor. This is because I think you will find these procedures much more useful if you can customize them to suit how you use the Calculator. To cut down on distribution file size, and to encourage you to alter the procedures, I have only included the (untranslated) OPL file - you will have to `Translate' it yourself (eg in Program). Don't run the file through the Program Editor or RunOPL - go to the calculator. HOW TO USE THE LIBRARY Every time you open the calculator, you will have to load the library to use the procedures. (Choose `Special / Load OPL', and choose `Calc' or whatever you choose to call the file). I personally call it `Maths', which describes what it's used for, not how it's used. You could try calling the library `Sys$calc', which would stop the file from being shown under the RunOPL icon (and also stop the untranslated source from being shown under the Program icon, unfortunately) (1). Setting the `Hidden' flag has a similar effect, but then Program won't `Translate' a new version until the flag is cleared. This can be a pain in the neck. To use a procedure, enter its name, *followed by a colon (:)* (yes, I often forget), then add the parameters (the numbers you're working with) in brackets, separated by commas. For example: Calc: quad:(1,2,4) (Of course, you don't type `Calc'). These procedures can only directly return one number. Sometimes I use information messages, but usually if I have more than one number to return, some information will be in the calculator memories. I use the `first' three memories - M1 to M3, which I label X, Y and Z. There is a note on calculator memories at the end of the document. IMPORTANT NOTE FOR FOREIGN USERS If you use a full stop as a decimal point (eg 12.5 = 12 1/2), you should separate the parameters with commas, as above. If you use a comma (,) not a full stop (.) as the decimal point (eg 12,5 = 12 1/2) then you should separate the parameters with semicolons (;) *in Calc* (and in Sheet). For example: Calc: quad:(1;2;4) *Everyone* should still use the full stop (.) when writing OPL programs. In my Series 3a User Guide, this is explained on page 235, under `Customising the System screen'. It isn't made very clear, which is unusual for Psion manuals. I am going to assume that you use a full stop as a decimal point. If anyone would like to produce French, German, Swedish, Italian, Welsh, Spanish, or any other versions of this manual, with the `correct' notation, please feel free to do so. (Just credit me). That brings me nicely on to COPYRIGHT AND DISTRIBUTION I have tested these procedures for up to a year in some cases, and have fixed all the bugs I can find. If you find any more, please let me know so I can fix them. However, I cannot take responsibility if you lose any marks or anything else by relying on these procedures. I have asserted copyright mainly to ensure no-one else does, and to ensure another 5 seconds of fame. If you want to change the source, *do so* - that's why you've got it. If you want to distribute changed code, or additions to the code, or portions of the code, *do so*. All I ask is that you credit me, and that you provide adequate documentation if you are distributing code as a library (like this). There is no shareware fee or anything else. If anyone wants to get in touch (2), you can e-mail me at, but remember I won't be there during vacations (or after June 1998, when I should graduate). Or you can write to James Wilkinson, 28, Juniper Drive, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 3RA England. Those of you with knowledge of England and e-mail addresses will spot that I'm studying at Exeter University, that Salisbury is eighty miles away, and that this must mean that the above address is my home address. (3) DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PROCEDURES Warning - this manual has to be mathematically technical in some places, because most procedures use advanced mathematics. If you don't understand, you probably don't need to use that procedure. I've avoided asking the question `Why?' when something mathematically interesting crops up - but I haven't explained it, either. Some procedures expect integer (whole) numbers, but since Calc sends numbers in floating point format, they expect them in this format. You do not need to use Int(5) or anything else. Thankyou: The only procedure not to take parameters, this is a Terry Pratchett joke (from `Interesting Times') and is here so that the module does *something* if you run it from the System screen. (Without it, you'll raise an error). Cross:(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2) This procedure calculates the vector (cross) product of (x1,y1,z1) and (x2,y2,z2). The x-component is returned in the `bottom line' of Calc and in M1, the y-component is returned in M2 and the z-component is returned in M3. For example Cross:(1,0,0,0,1,0) = 0, M2 = 0, M3 = 1, so i x j = (1,0,0) x (0,1,0) = 1 k where i, j, k are vectors. Det2: Det3: Det4: These take four, nine, and sixteen parameters respectively, and calculate the determinant of a 2 by 2 matrix, a 3 by 3 matrix, and a 4 by 4 matrix respectively. For example, for the matrix [ 1 2 3 ] [ 4 5 6 ] [ 7 8 9 ] det3:(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) = 0. Fact:(x) This produces the factorial of the positive part of x. For example, fact:(-3) = 3 * 2 * 1 = 6 (written 3!). This procedure is unusual in that, although the calculator will not handle numbers greater than 10**100, the procedure will happily give the factorials of numbers up to 1e5 = 100 000. (1e5! is 2.8e456573. Most calculators and routines stop at 69!, which is 1.7e98). If x is less than (or equal to) 69, the procedure just gives the factorial, as usual. If x is greater than 69, then x! will be larger than the calculator can handle. The routine divides by 10**100 every so often, to keep the number within Calc's limits. It counts the number of times it has to divide by 10**100 and returns it in calculator memory M1. Put this number in front of the exponent to get the real answer. For example: fact:(200) `= 7.88657867365E+74' and M1=3, so 200! = 7.887*10**374. This may not be of much use (and it slows the procedure down slightly), but I find it interesting. The procedure will take several minutes to calculate factorials of numbers in the high thousands - you hve been warned! Frac:(x) This procedure returns x as an approximate fraction. The numerator (top number) is returned in M2 and the calculator's `bottom line', while the denominator (bottom number) is returned in M1. For example, frac:(pi) `= 355', M1 = 113, so pi is *approximately* 355/113. (Of course, pi *cannot* be written exactly as a fraction.) The denominator will always be less than 10000, and the accuracy is set so that there will always be a match by then. Mod:(a,b) This is the modulus example procedure in the manual. It gives the remainder after division, or (to put it another way) it gives you `clock face' calculations. mod:(9,4) = 1 mod:(10+5,12) = 3 (five hours after 10 o'clock is 3 o'clock. Muller:(fn,x1,x2,x3) Muller's method is a fast numerical method for solving equations. It takes a bit of work, partly because Calc won't let you use `='. 1. Rewrite the equation so that it is equal to zero. (Try putting `right-hand side' - `left hand side'). For example, xý=2 becomes x**2-2=0. 2. Put the equation in terms of what you call M1. For example, M1**2-2=0. 3. Put the left-hand side in quotation marks. For example, "M1**2-2". This is the `fn' to put in the parameters. `x1' to `x3' are just starting guesses. They should be in the rough vicinity of the true answer. If they are too close to each other and too far from the true answer, you may get an `Invalid arguments' error as the answer enters the complex plane... For example, Muller:("M1**2-2",-1,0,1) = -1.41421356237, which is (about) the negative square root of two. Which root you get depends on which estimates you start with. If you try squaring answers to check them, don't forget to put them in brackets: `-1.41421356237**2' = -1.99999999999, while (-1.41421356237)**2 = 1.99999999999. The accuracy is built-in to about as high as it will go: it's much faster to have maximum accuracy than to type in a less accurate figure, because this method is just so efficient. Newton:(fn,diff,start) This is a version of the famous (or infamous) Newton-Raphson equation solver. I could have estimated the differential for you, but instead I opted to use the more accurate version, which (however) requires you to do some differentiation. The method converges at the same rate as Muller's method, but there is less calculation involved in each iteration. Which method is `faster' is a difficult question - in practice, it depends on where you start. Again, `fn' is a statement in double quotes, such as "x**2+1" and `diff' is the differential of this, also in quotes - here "2*x". The variable should be whatever you have called M1. `Start' is a first approximation. The routine calculates the value of x which makes `fn' equal to zero. *It cannot always do this*. For example, in this example, it is trying to calculate the square root of minus one... (Try it.) That is why the procedure stops at 50 iterations. Another example: newton:("cos(M1/2)","-.5*sin(M1/2)",3) = 3.14159265359 (= pi). ncr:(n,r) npr:(n,r) return the number of combinations and the number of permutations of r objects from n objects. These work as normal, except that they will calculate answers for some values of n and r greater than 69 (the obvious method won't let you do this). For example ncr:(90,89) = 90. npr:(600,3) = 214921200 Pois:(x,lambda) returns the probability of getting a result of x from a Poisson process with mean lambda. If you don't understand that, you won't need this procedure. If you see a message, this is because I had a Stats lecturer with a strange sense of humour. When he introduced the process, he called it `the Poisson process, invented by a Frenchman - who was a marine biologist.' I put this into the procedure to remind me of John Hinde. Princess Camilla and the frogs have not yet made it into the library... Example: Pois:(5,3) = 0.01364 Prime:(n) calculates whether or not n is prime. Note that this only makes sense if n is a `natural' number (a positive integer), so anything else will raise an error, but the procedure does not expect n to be in the special integer format. It will take some time if n is very large, but for reasonable numbers it should come back fairly quickly. It will return 1 and display "False" if the number is prime. If not, it will return the smallest factor of the number that is greater than one, and display "True". Repeated use of this procedure will completely factorise a number. (The exception is when n is 1. 1 is defined not to be prime, but there aren't any factors of 1 except 1. So the procedure returns 0, just to be awkward, and displays the message `1 is not prime'). Some `algebraic manipulation packages', such as `Mathematica' and `Maple' have a similar function. They use various tests to deduce whether or not a number is prime, but when they *say* a number is prime, it is possible that it isn't. I don't know about these tests, so I have to go through proving that numbers are prime. Examples: prime:(1234567) = 127, and "False" is displayed (since 9721*127=1234567). prime:(1234577) = 1, and "True" is displayed. Quad:(a,b,c) Yes, there are ten million different quadratic equation solvers. This one is based on a first-year university computing exercise, which had higher specifications than most. For example, this one will work when a=0, or return complex conjugate pairs (when the answer is complex). Quadratic equations take the form ax**2 + bx + c = 0, and usually have two answers, or `roots'. You will have to watch the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, where a message will appear telling you the exact nature of the answer(s). The output is as follows: If a is not equal to zero, then *either* "Real roots" will be displayed, with one root in M1 and the other in M2 and in the `bottom line' of Calc; *or* "Repeated roots" - the same root in M1, M2 *and* returned; *or* "Complex roots" - the real part in M1 and returned to the `bottom line', *and* the imaginary part in M2 - don't forget this! The correct answer is M1 +/- M2 * i. If a = 0, but b is not zero: "Linear equation" is displayed. There is only one answer here, and it is returned in M1 and in the calculator's bottom line. If a = b = 0, but c is not zero: "c=0?" is returned - because it's impossible! If a, b, and c are all zero: there are infinitely many answers, and "0=0..." is displayed. Examples: quad:(1,3,2) = -2, M1 = -1, `Two real roots' displayed. quad:(1,2,1) = -1, M1 = M2 = -1, `One repeated root' displayed. quad:(1,2,5) = -1, M2 = 2, `Complex roots' displayed, x = -1 +/- 2 i. quad:(0,-1,2) = 2, `Linear equation' displayed. quad:(0,0,1) = 0, `1=0?' displayed. quad:(0,0,0) = 0, `0=0...' displayed. cosh:(x) sinh:(x) tanh:(x) acosh:(x) asinh:(x) atanh:(x) are the standard hyperbolic functions - the procedures almost *are* the definitions. I don't actually use these procedures very much - by the time maths students discover the functions, they're always expected to quote the results in terms of e. Perhaps some physicists or engineers can make use of the procedures. cosh:(0) = 1 acosh:(1) = 0 NOTES MEMORIES Calculator memories are useful for several reasons. Besides the obvious use in Calc, these reasons include: 1. Calculator memories allow OPL procedures to return more than one number to Calc. 2. They allow you to use variables in OPL `EVAL' statements. (In the programming manual, there is an example eval("sin(x)/(2**3)"). What is not made clear is that x *must* be the name of a calculator memory. 3. Memories allow you to `export' numbers from Calc. (This was very useful when I was writing this document, since I could export the results of my procedures. `Evaluate' in Word et ceteras won't let you access procedures.) However, there are some drawbacks, which you should know about. 1. There is no standard way of naming memories, apart from M1 to M9 and M0, which are not very helpful. These names will actually work even if you rename the memories. 2. M1 to M9 and M0 are the only names which will work in OPL, so even if you know memory 1 will be called X (as in the OPL manual EVAL example, above), a program must still call it M1. 3. You can't call your own OPL variables m1 or m2, even in programs which have nothing to do with EVAL or the calculator. I have set these procedures up to use M1 and M2 (and occasionally M3), which I label X, Y and Z. You may find that having a pair of memories called X and Y useful. If you don't want the procedures to use M1 to M3, (Search and) `Replace' `M1' with (say) `M8' in the OPL source. Do the same for M2 and M3 - just make sure you never try calling two memories the same thing! `(Search and) Replace' `M1' shouldn't find anything apart from memory references. Currently, `cross:' is the only procedure to use M3, so if you delete `cross:', you can ignore all references to M3. OTHER NOTES (1) `Sys$' files still appear in the file selector, and in the Calc `Load OPL' requestor. (2) Please do. (3) And that I like living in cathedral cities...