FirePic V1.00F -------------- Description ----------- FirePic is a picture loader/viewer/saver for the Psion 3/3a/Workabout that offers a few extra features over other similar programs. Firstly, it can load and save multiple file formats by the use of plug-in DYLs (currently supplied DYLs for PIC and PCX formats). Secondly, these DYLs can support good dithering of images from multi colours down to the black/grey/white of the Psion screen. ******************************************************************** WARNING AND DISCLAIMER ******************************************************************** Use this software at your own risk. I won't be held responsible for any damage to you machine/information etc. etc. ******************************************************************** Installation ------------ You should have expanded this ZIP file using the -d option to preserve the directory structure. Copy the contents of the APP and DYL directories to a disk on your Psion. Install the icon on the system screen using Psion-I (or the equivalent on non-English language machines. Usage ----- Run the program from its Icon. You will initially see the program logo. All options are chosen from the menu bar. Tip --- If you want to import large 256 colour PCX files on to the psion, rather than copying the files across to local Psion drives and having FirePic load them from there, you can use a program such as RCOM to make PC drives visible to the Psion and have FirePic load them directly from the Psion drive (saving a lot of disk space). If you have PsiWin you can still do this, however, you will need to edit the psionprc.ini file to remove a flag and make the PC drives visible to the Psion - see the PsiWin help file for details. ******************************************************************** Bug reports / Comments ---------------------- Send any bug reports or comments to the author (Andrew Baldwin) at the following e-mail address: (or just "baldwina" on CiX) Legal status ------------ This program (refering to the archive file "") is FREEWARE. That means it may be distributed by any means except those explicitly stated by the author in this document. The program MAY NOT BE DE-COMPILED OR IN ANY WAY ALTERED. It may be distributed on commercial or non-commercial electronic networks (such as CiX, Compuserve, and also the Internet), and through libraries (such as 3-Lib) on floppy disk only, although no charge apart from distribution costs should be made. It should only be distributed in the form of the single archive file "". There is no implied or stated guarantee as to the programs worthiness in performing the stated functions and the author will not be held responsible for the results of any defects in the program.