****************************************** ****************************************** ** ** ** Contact Log ** ** Version 2.3 ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 1997 LHC Software ** ****************************************** ****************************************** In this README.TXT file you will find the following topics: 1) What is Contact Log ? 2) Installation Instructions. 3) Getting Started. 4) Contact Log History. 5) What is Shareware ? 6) More from LHC Software. 7) Disclaimer If you are like me and hate reading manuals, then you will be tempted to skip this readme file. Please DO read it. It is very short, honest ! 1) What is Contact Log? ----------------------- Contact Log is designed to record details of contact events such as telephone calls, meetings, correspondence, etc. It links automatically to the built in DATA, AGENDA and WORD applications, enabling you to easily manage their contact information. The information stored by Contact Log is then instantly available for quick reference, making sure you are always up to date. Contact Log is accompanied by Fast Log. This small utitly allows you to quickly record contact events without starting up the full Contact Log Application. Contact Log is suitable for use on the Psion Series 3a and the Psion Series 3c. Installation Instructions ------------------------- After unzipping the log21.zip file you sould have 9 files: contact.opa, contact.rsc, 6 .pic files and this readme.txt file. There are three sets of installation instructions, of which only ONE will apply to you. The instructions are for: Brand New Installation OR Upgrade from version 1.3 or higher OR Upgrade from version 1.2 or earlier. Please use the instructions which apply to you. New Installation ---------------- Installation is easy. 1) Create a \APP\LOG\ directory on any drive. (If you are not sure how to create this directory check your Psion Manuals) 2) Copy the log.opa file to the \APP\ directory. 3) Copy all the other files to the \APP\LOG\ directory. All these files are optional but it is strongly recommended that you use all these files. Without the contact.rsc file you will not have any online help, and without the .pic files there will be no icons displayed in the Main Options Menu Bar. 4) From the System Screen on you Psion choose to install Contact Log. Upgrading From Previous Versions (1.3 or greater) ------------------------------------------------- 1) Delete all the contact log program files from your Psion, being sure to keep the directories the same. The following are the files you will need to remove are the log.opa from the \APP\ directory, plus all the files from the \APP\LOG\ directory. * Note: Do not remove any of the data files from the \LOG\ directory, and for registered users you should be sure to keep the c_log.ini file in your \OPD\ directory. * 2) Remove the Contact Log icon from the system screen. 3) Copy the new Contact Log program files to your Psion as follows: File Location ---- -------- contact.opa Any \APP\ directory. agenda.pic Any \APP\LOG\ directory. data.pic Any \APP\LOG\ directory. log.pic Any \APP\LOG\ directory. memo.pic Any \APP\LOG\ directory. word.pic Any \APP\LOG\ directory. find.pic Any \APP\LOG\ directory. contact.rsc Any \APP\LOG\ directory. 4) If you are upgrading from version 2.0 or higher please also copy the fastlog.lst file which you will find in your \APP\LOG\ directory to your \LOG\ directory. 5) From the System Screen on you Psion choose to install Contact Log the Contact Log icon back onto your Psion. Upgrading From Previous Versions (1.2 or earlier) ------------------------------------------------- Versions 1.3 and greater use a very slightly different file format from previous versions, so you will need to make some slight alterations. 1) From the system screen move the highlight to the Contact Log icon, and choose to remove the icon from the screen. 2) Create a new \APP\LOG\ directory on any drive. (If you are not sure how to do this check your Psion manuals.) 3) Replace the log.opa file on your Psion with the new log.opa from the .ZIP file. This log.opa file may be placed on any drive. 4) Copy all the other files to the new \APP\LOG\ directory. All these files are optional but it is strongly recommended that you use all these files. Without the contact.rsc file you will not have any online help, and without the .pic files there will be no icons displayed in the Main Options Menu Bar. 5) If you have registered your copy of Contact Log you will have a log.ini file in your \LOG\ directory. Copy this to the \OPD\ directory on your internal disk. 6) You can now delete the old contact.rsc file (The help file if you have it), and the old log.ini file (The registration file which you copied to the new \APP\LOG\ directory). 7) Use to re-install the Contact Log icon to your system screen. If you have any difficuly with installing the Contact Log files you can receive assistance from the customer support line, via telephone, e-mail or post. See the end of this text file for the contact details. 3) Getting Started ------------------ You must start up the main Contact Log application and enter the intitial contact details before anything else. From the system screen move the highlight to the Contact Log icon, and either create a new file or accept the default file name. You will be asked to enter an initial contact. If you are not sure of one enter your own details, (you can always delete it later if you wish). Once this has been completed you are free to use all of the functions of Contact Log. The online help should provide all the information you need to use Contact Log, and there is also customer support details available from the Special menu. 4) Contact Log History ---------------------- Version 1.3 added the following features: ----------------------------------------- 1) A new Main Options Menu Bar offers a graphical interface for the main options. 2) A new QUICK MEMO function which allows you to make quick note, and display it on the screen. 3) A new OULINE view which will display all notes for fast reference. 4) Greater use of the key to switch between the main views. 5) Minor bug fixes. 6) The FAST LOG application which accompanied version 1.1 has been discontinued to concentrate on the main Contact Log application._ Version 1.4 adds the following: ------------------------------- 1) Greater use of the Quick Memo function. Now allows more than one memo. The up and down arrow keys allow navigation through the notes. 2) Source code tidied up to speed up the program. 3) Upgraded help file. Version 2.0 adds the following: ------------------------------- 1) Complete review of source code for greater speed, and tidy up the file handling. 2) Added search routine for the Quick Memo function to allow it's greater use as a scratch pad for scribbling notes, telephone numbers etc. 3) Re-write of the help files, with greater detail. 4) Greater distribution of the trial version through local retailers. Version 2.1 adds the following: ------------------------------- 1) Greater interaction with the built in Psion applications. The DATA link will now search for the current contact, or any other text, and make the record the current one if it exists. The AGENDA link will jump to the view of your choice. 2) Added a new "Fast Log" function which allows you to choose from a pre-defined list of commonly used log entries, for standard entries. 3) Linking a WORD file to a log note has been simplified. 4) Logging contact events has also been simplified. Version 2.2 adds the following: ------------------------------- 1) Log entries now typed directly into main screen, with word wrap to make typing easier. 2) Search routines improved, and given new output screen. 3) Bug fix for error with "Fast Log" list. 4) Main View updated to avoid screen "blinking". Version 2.3 adds the following: ------------------------------- 1) New title screen. 2) Better search screen. 3) Greater use of the WORD links in the Contact Table and Overview screens. 5) How to Register ? -------------------- Contact Log is shareware. This is a system which allows you to try this product for an evaluation period of 21 days free of charge. If you want to continue using it after this time you must register your copy. Registration will remove the nag screens. Registered users will also be sent upgraded versions of Contact Log free of charge, (except any postage charges for registered users without an e-mail address). The registration fee for Contact Log is $20 US / £12 UK. If you are in the UK please send a cheque or money order to: LHC Software 182 Bromham Rd Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 4BP England Please make payable to "Paul R. Law" Please include your e-mail address, postal address or telephone number so that you may be sent the registration instructions and codes. Overseas registration is also welcome this way, in either sterling or US dollors. Registration can also be made online via compuserve SWREG id 15532, online via the WWW through the LHC Software homepage: http://www.mailzone.com/users/pub/lhc.software), 6) More from LHC Software ---------------------------- You can find out more about LHC Software, as well as getting the latest software presentations and technical support by visiting our home page at: http://www.mailzone.com/users/pub/do.it.software or via E-Mail: do.it.software@mailzone.com or by post: The Leys, Park Lane, Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire, MK44 1LX, England. 7) Disclaimer ------------- I have used Contact Log on my Psion S3c and Psion S3a machines, and it has work perfectly well, however this does not mean that it will work on your machine, and no guarantee is offered or implied. Use this product at your own risk. Please read Licence Agreement from the Contact Log on-line help file. Paul R. Law LHC Software June 1997