This is a collection of icon designs which I have produced over the past 2 years, using Rick Andrews excellent "Draw2" program (now up to version 2.82). May I also recommend Chris Netocny's "IconVu" as the best app for viewing (and managing) my "gallery". Both these apps are available on section 18 of the Compuserve Psion forum. You will see that my designs are grouped in sub- directories so as to make it easier for you to find one of a particular type. The main directory is \ICN\ - which is where the Psion looks for pics in making new "lists" or "groups" from the "Special" menu of the system screen. This work is issued as freeware, to promote my availability for GUI design work - and to plug the 2 apps mentioned above! Phil Creed Handjive Productions 21 Seymour Road Wollescote Stourbridge West Midlands DY9 8TB England CIS: 100302,1314 TEL: 01384 352365 -: ENJOY :- 21 Seymour Road