GIZMO version 1 21st October 2001 for Psion Series 3a/3c/3mx Copyright (C) 2001 UK Philip Bister GIZMO is free INTRODUCTION Gizmo is the alternative Series 3 calculator, Have you ever wished the Series 3 calculator could run OPO modules with a module header and prompts for easier data entry? Or perhaps you are a former Series 3 user that has now upgraded to the EPOC platform (Series 5 range) and lost all that extra calculator power that you once had, now that the Psion calculator does not support OPO modules. Gizmo makes running user OPO modules easier with print commands and data entry prompts displayed on the screen whilst running from the calculator. Gizmo comes with a number of useful modules written by the author. Why not run them to see how much easier they are to use? In its own right, Gizmo is a 12 digit floating point calculator with almost all of the functionality of the Series 3 calculator, plus some extra functions of its own. Plus large bold calculator display with a scrolling display of calculations as they are performed. This first version will only run on the Series 3a/3c/3mx machines, but another version is being developed for the Series 5/5mx, Series 7 and Revo machines. COPYRIGHT Gizmo is copyright (C) 2001 UK Philip Bister. All rights reserved. Reverse engineering/translation is prohibited. DISTRIBUTION This program may be freely distributed provided that all of the documentation is included and unaltered in any way. DISCLAIMER This software is supplied 'as is'. The author takes no responsibility as to the suitability of this products intended purpose, or for the accuracy of the data contained within it, or for any consequences which may occur as a result of a malfunction of this software. **You must use this software at your own risk** INSTALLATION The Gizmo folder should contain the following files: Gizmo.opa Gizmo.txt Giz_opl.txt Circle.opo Monthac.opo Profit.opo Sphere.opo Vat.opo Simply copy the GIZMO.OPA application file to the APP directory, and install using Psion-I The OPO modules should be placed inside your OPO directory on the internal drive. ENTERING VALUES Simply type the sum, and press enter to evaluate. If you make a mistake, use the backspace to delete a last entered character. The last answer is remembered until replaced with another answer. You may therefore perform further arithmetic on an answer by typing +, -, * or / before a number. for example *2 will multiply the last answer by 2. Memory references (a,b,c or d) may also be used in your input. For example, if a value of 1.6 is stored in memory a, typing the sum 2*a will return an answer of 3.2 When using the menu function, type a value first then choose a menu function. Note that pressing escape clears the data entry registers as well clearing the calculator screen. MEMORY Four memories are available, but only one is active at a time. A memory flag showing which one is active is always displayed in the memory window. Memory functions (Min, M+, M-, Mclear or Mrecall) will only address the active memory. But if you use a memory reference in a calculation, any of the four memories can be addressed in your calculation regardless of which one is active. The stored contents of each memory is always displayed. Input to a memory works only on a previous result. Therefore if you wish to load a number direct to a memory, the number must be typed and then press enter, then choose Min. The active memory can be changed by choosing the menu item 'change memories'. MENU FUNCTIONS Most of the menu items are self explanatory, whilst some others may need a word of explanation. As far as the trigonometry functions are concerned (tangent, sine etc.), Gizmo uses radians to calculate angles. But by default, Gizmo is set to accept angles in degrees (unless the setting is changed to use radians). Use radians By default, Gizmo is set to use degrees. However, selecting this option changes the setup to use radians. This menu item will then change to read use degrees. Deg to Rad Converts the value entered (in degrees) to radians. If the setting is changed to use radians, this option will change to Rad to deg, to convert from radians to degrees. Pi returns the value of pi (3.14...) Sq. root Calculates the square root of a value. 1/x Calculates the reciprocal of a number. Common log Calculates the common logarithm (base 10) of a number. Common anti-log Converts a common log value back to normal number format. Natural log Calculates the natural logarithm of a number. Natural anti-log Converts a natural log value back to normal number format. e(x) Returns the arithmetic value e (2.71828...), or raises e to a power. Note that if a value is not entered, then this function will just return the value of e, otherwise e will be raised to a power. Run OPO Run user written OPO modules. See the file Giz_opl for information on writing OPL programs for Gizmo. POWERS Powers are not available via the menu but are available by typing a sum like this; 4**3 will raise 4 to the power of 3. PERCENTAGES The percentage operator can be used in expressions like this: 60+5% i.e. 60 plus 5% of 60. Result: 63 60-5% i.e. 60 minus 5% of 60. Result: 57 60*5% i.e. 5% of 60. Result: 3 60/5% i.e. what number is 60 5% of. Result: 1200 OPO MODULES SUPPLIED The author of Gizmo has supplied the following OPO modules with this version for your own use. Circle Calculates the area and circumference of a circle. Sphere Calculates the volume and surface area of a sphere. Vat Calculates the vat taking into account monthly settlement discount. Monthac Calculates the amount of settlement discount that has been allowed on an invoice. Profit Calculates profit on cost and profit on selling. PROGRAM HISTORY v 1.0 21st October 2001. First release for Psion Series 3a, 3c, 3mx.