JBData Page 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- N.B. When searching in Single mode and in Page mode, the find will be highlighted on the screen. However - the Labels will almost certainly not be in step with the data. At present there is no way round this but I hope to fix it in the future. If Go to Edit is enabled then the Labels may well display out of step. It is also necessary to terminate the edit in the usual way (using Escape or Tab) before Psion-G will work as you might expect. Find Field Shift-Psion-F ---------- Searches in the same way as the normal search but allows a specific field only to be searched. If the enhanced logical statements are used then the find works in exactly the same way as that of the normal find (i.e. it does not take into account the field selected). Find seeding Ctrl-F/Ctrl-G ------------ It is possible to create a list of Find strings for use on a regular basis - the list is created using Ctrl-G and used with Ctrl-F. The list should be created with a search string per line and, once edited, this is saved using Tab in the normal way. If Shift-Ctrl-F is used then the Find Field dialog will be used. Find Again Psion-G ---------- In Single Find mode this will display the next record that matches the search criteria. Global Search and Replace Shift-Psion-G ------------------------- This is a similar function to the Record Search and Replace but allows the Search to be global (throughout the file). The options are the Search item and the Replace item and, optionally, the field to search on. For this field selection to work the choice must be for Single in 'Fields to search'. The choice of the actual field is made in the 'Field' slot. The search is selectable between case dependent and case independent but, whatever case dependency is selected, the Replace will substitute the found data with the replacement as typed. Escape will terminate the Search and Replace option. During the operation of this procedure the screen will automatically revert to Page mode - this is not selectable but, after the procedure has ended, the screen will revert to the previous display. Once the search string has been found the record in which the item is will be displayed and the found string highlighted. An option to replace just this one, not replace, or replace all found matches will be given. Pressing Escape at this point will terminate the operation completely. N.B. Wildcards do not work in this mode and, if no text is highlighted when the option to replace is given, nothing will actually be replaced. JBData Page 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump to Record Psion-J -------------- To jump to a specific record, if the number of that record is known, use Psion-J. If an illegal number is inputted then the dialog will remain active. Display/Change QuickSearch field Shift-Psion-T -------------------------------- To quickly find out which field the QuickSearch will look in use this key combination. The search field will display in a dialog which will also allow the field to be altered. In previous versions you could only change the field in Line mode, with this dialog you can now change the search field in either mode. Display QuickSearch string Psion-T -------------------------- This key combination will display the current QuickSearch string in the bottom right hand corner for around 2 seconds. This string is cleared after 2 minutes of non-use. Jump to Field Psion-/ ------------- In Line view it is possible to jump to a specific field using this command. It displays a list of field names and, once selected, the display will show that field as the currently selected one. Enter Page/Line mode display toggle Shift-Psion-R ----------------------------------- The multi-purpose dialog is shown with this key press and this switch allows the Enter key to toggle between Page and Line mode or to move to the next record. The current mode is saved in the setup and restored when re-opening the database. The current mode can be displayed on the menu under Display. Remove records from list Psion-- / - ------------------------ A record may be removed from a MultiFind/Marked Records list using this key combination (a MultiFind list is actually a marked records list). This command does not delete the record, it only hides it from the display. Add record to list Psion-+ / Shift-Up / Shift-Dn / + ------------------ This command is only active in the main display and allows the marking of records for display as a marked records list. The marked record is shown in italic text and in bold in the main view. A message will be shown marking a record. The only way of telling whether you are looking at a marked records list or the normal list is, in marked records, the headings are printed in negative (reverse video) mode. This is only true of the Line mode. Page mode currently has no clue as to whether a marked list or normal list is being displayed. Records can also be marked with Psion+ Spacebar - this toggles the status of the record so that a marked record will be unmarked and vice versa. JBData Page 17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Toggle between marked records and main list Psion-V ------------------------------------------- This command will toggle the display between the marked records list and the main list. Reset marked records Shift-Psion-V -------------------- To reset all marked records to unmarked, use this command. If used within the marked records display, it will change to the normal display. Number of marked records Shift-Psion-J ------------------------ The number of records currently in the marked record list can be shown using this key combination. It is displayed briefly in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. About Shift-Psion-A ----- This option displays a dialog box with contact details for the author and the current version number of JBData. Zoom In Psion-Z ------- This will change the font used in the display by incrementing the font number. When it gets to the highest number font it will start again at the first relevant font. Separate fonts are used for the Line and Page/Edit views so altering one will not affect the other. Zoom Out Shift-Psion-Z -------- This will change the font used in the display by decrementing the font number. It is the exact opposite of Zoom In. Print Setup Psion-Y ----------- This option allows the Print setup to be changed in a similar way to other Applications. Delete Setup Shift-Psion-Q ------------ To delete the setup of the current database, use this option. The setup referred to is the setup of whether Page or Line mode, if Freeze is implemented, the font used, and other similar options. Save Setup Psion-Q ---------- This option will force a save of the database setup - it is normally saved when exiting the database or application. This procedure works independently of the Suspend Setup Save option. Suspend Setup Save Ctrl-Shift-Psion-Q ------------------ This key combination will bring up a dialog which allows for the Setup Save to be suspended with the file in question. If you have the setup just as you want it then this could be implemented as it will effectively stop the setup being changed between sessions and any JBData Page 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- changes made will only work whilst the file is currently open. Once the file has been closed down then any changes made will have been forgotten. There are only two choices: 1. Save Setup (the default - the setup is saved every time it is changed). 2. No Save (suspend) - this stops the setup being saved with the file. Status Window Psion-Menu ------------- A status window can be toggled between large, small and off in rotation using the Control-Menu key combination. This window is similar to that available in the Psion applications. A temporary window can be displayed using Psion-Menu. Exit Program Psion-X ------------ This key combination will exit (terminate) the program. This also works in the Edit window. In an emergency you can also use Psion-Esc but this will not save any setup and terminates the program without any warning. It is also possible that any changes made to the database may not be saved. To leave without saving any setup use Shift-Psion-X. Password Control ---------------- Passwords can be set by using Shift-Psion-C. If setting the password to On then a dialog will appear that requires the password to be given twice in identical fashion. The password will only be set if both passwords are identical (including case). If there was a previous password set then this old word has to be given in a separate dialog before the password can be changed. The password is limited to 19 characters in length. To remove a password then proceed as if changing the password, when confronted with the password dialog for the new word, just press Enter. This will automatically disable any password control. It is not possible to preset a password for a file. If a password is set then the file will be password protected. The password system is extremely simple in operation and will only deter the casual browser. The file itself is not encrypted, neither is the password, although Data will not open the file at all. N.B. Passwords have not been inhibited on Flash media but a warning appears if an attempt is made to password control a file on this media. This is because there is some overwriting of the file which could rapidly use up any spare space on the Flash pack if the passwords are switched on and off (Flash media can't always be overwritten, so there would be considerable growth of the amount of media used every time the password is changed or switched on or off). It is suggested that, if passwords are wanted on Flash media, then they are left on until such time as the requirement goes away completely. JBData Page 19 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- My brief experiments show that there is growth of around 200 bytes each time the password is altered but this should not be taken as gospel and may well vary with the size of file. Please also note that if the Setup within the file is deleted on a Password protected file then the file will still be password protected but with a zero length password (i.e. just press Enter when confronted with the Password dialog). Sound toggle Shift-Psion-B ------------ This option will toggle the sound (beeps) on and off via the multi- purpose dialog - the status is not saved and only works for the session (i.e. it will be remembered when switching files but forgotten when JBData is closed down). Show Toggles etc. Ctrl-Psion-I ----------------- Displays various settings in one dialog for checking purposes only, nothing can be altered at this point. Edit Window Psion-E/Psion-U ----------- At present it is not possible to alter the number of fields or change their types once they have been set. The obvious way of doing this (should it be necessary) would be to create a new file and import the data to it. The line wrap is always off in the Edit window. It cannot be switched on. This is to restrict problems with the labels getting out of step with the data. There are a few keys that operate in an edit window at present. These are: Find Psion-F ---- Allows a search to take place in the current record being edited. Find Again Psion-G ---------- Once an item has been found, this allows the search to continue through the record to find the next match. Find and Replace Psion-R ---------------- Allows a search and, if found, then the item can be replaced with a given string. If a find is made then a dialog will appear allowing you to ignore the replacement of this item, replace all the items without a further prompt, or just replace this one and continue the search. Escape from the dialog will terminate this procedure. Copy Psion-C ---- Copies highlighted text to a clipboard. The clipboard is saved between edits so that text can be moved from one item to another. JBData Page 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- It is also possible to copy data to the clipboard in Page mode. Press Tab and mark accordingly. No cursor is shown so only whole lines can be copied normally. Although the option is shown on the menu in Line (Table) mode it is not applicable as there is no method of highlighting data. Delete Psion-D ------ Copies highlighted text to a clipboard and then deletes the text in the record. The clipboard is saved between edits but is discarded when the application is closed down. Insert Psion-I ------ Inserts previously copied text from the clipboard to the present cursor position. Bring Psion-B ----- Brings highlighted text from other applications (only if they support this option). Evaluate Psion-V -------- Evaluates a highlighted expression and shows the result on the screen with the original expression highlighted for deletion purposes. If this is used in a Integer or Long field then the result may not be acceptable unless there are no significant numbers in the decimal field (i.e. 12.00 is OK but 12.01 isn't). Select from List Psion-* ---------------- For items that are used regularly it is possible to create a list and select from this list. The list is created in the normal view mode using Psion-*. The list looks just like an ordinary record but in any selected field you can type a list of things to include. Each item should be separated by a comma (e.g. USA,UK,France,Germany for a country list). In the Select mode only the list pertaining to the field being edited is shown and can be selected from (this allows for several lists to be generated for the one database). Zoom (Shift-)Psion-Z ---- This works in the same way as that of the main window allowing the font size to be changed up and down. See under Zoom In and Zoom Out above. This also affects the font in the Page view. Tab width Psion-T --------- To alter the width between Tabs (which are entered with Control-Tab) use this command which enables the distance to be specified. Under normal circumstances 4 characters per Tab is usual. The distance previously set is shown in the dialog initially. This data is saved along with the file. JBData Page 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Labels toggle Psion-H ------------- This option will switch the labels display on or off. If no labels have been set then the type of field will show in brackets in place of the labels. Link/Paste ---------- This option is implemented in a similar way to that of other Psion applications. What this means is that, in an edit mode, highlighted text from other applications that allow Link/Paste (e.g. Word/Data/Agenda) can be brought in to the edit window at the cursor location by using Psion-B. Also, any highlighted text in an edit window can be 'grabbed' by the other applications (normally Psion-B). For this to work successfully, the application which has the information to be grabbed should have been the last one to be used before the application who requires the text. N.B. It is possible to export from the Edit and Page view mode only. The Page view is restricted in its marking in that there is no visible cursor so whole lines only would normally be marked in this mode. Labels in Edit mode ------------------- If labels have been setup then these will be displayed as in Data. If no labels have been set then the type of field will be displayed in brackets as an aide m‚moire - e.g. (String) or (Integer). The labels can be toggled on and off using Psion-H. Special Keys in Edit -------------------- To end an Edit, press Tab - to leave the edit without changing anything use Escape. If there is data beyond the last field of the record then this data will be lost on Save so, under these circumstances, a dialog box will display requesting confirmation that it is OK to save as it is. 'Return' and Escape will take you back to the Edit. N.B. It is not possible to use Tab or Esc from the Menu, the actions are listed there as an aide m‚moire. First remove the Menu with Esc and then press either Tab or Esc. To toggle the display of Symbols (Enter/Tab etc.) in the Edit mode use Shift-Psion-C. There are a few special characters (or key-presses) in the Edit mode. Tab character - use Control-Tab New Line within field - use Shift-Enter Dial symbol - use Shift-Dial Ctrl-D - enters today's date in the format set in Time JBData Page 22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Shift-Ctrl-D - enters today's date in the set format with the full year (e.g. 1997) Ctrl-T - enters the current time in the format set in Time Date changed ------------ It is possible to set up a field to always have the date the record was last changed/created. To do this a string field with a label of "DTStamp" (without the quotes but the case of the characters is also important) should be used. Then, every time the record is altered, this field will be seeded with the time and date in the format as above (the year will always be the four figure number though). This process is automatic and can't be stopped without changing the label name. Help ---- There is a brief on-line help available using the Help key. It does not cover all options but should assist under normal circumstances. Brief notes of the way JBData Setup works ----------------------------------------- From Version 1.3.1 the setup is stored in the Descriptive Record as a type 12 sub-record (I can't use type 13 as DataDeluxe is already using it!). This sub-record is always the same length in each file but may vary from version to version of JBData. If the setup is changed then the revised setup is saved when the datafile is closed (either by exiting JBData or by opening a new file). This record is ignored by Data, DataDeLuxe, DataView, OPL programs and, hopefully, all other applications (there can be no guarantee of this though). There seems little point in publishing the structure of this record but, if you are interested, drop me an e-mail and I'll send you the information (bear in mind though that it does change quite a lot between versions). Once the setup has been saved then the datafile will grow slightly in size (just above 300 bytes). To make the datafile revert to an ordinary datafile (without this setup record), delete the record using Shift-Psion-Q and then exit the application using Shift-Psion-X (or Psion-Escape). It should not be necessary to do this for the datafile to work with other applications. Note that this does not effect the Password control and, if the setup is deleted on a Password protected file, then the file will still be protected albeit with a null password (just press Enter to get in)! N.B. I have discovered that DataDeluxe destroys my setup - this is because it writes its own version of the Descriptive record and, if Psion were to add items to this record, they would also go missing after running DataDeluxe. There is nothing I can do about this other than warn people. JBData Page 23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks ------ Thanks are especially due to Tom Dolbilin for convincing me to release it, Wolfgang Schirmer (for help above and beyond anything I could have hoped for), Andr‚ Rodach, Andy Clarkson, Mark Avey, Nigel Wright, Kees Krick, Ryn Bodde, Jim Cooke and Chris Lees for their help with this project. Without them (and others whose suggestions I have implemented) it would not be half as good as it is. Thank you very much. Please do not contact any of the above for support, they have no access to the source code and therefore it is unlikely that they will be able to answer any queries. If you have a problem, either contact me via e-mail or post a message in the appropriate forum. Hopefully, someone will be able to help you if I am not around. Get-out ------- As is usual with programs of this sort, I shall not be held responsible for any loss of data , however caused, as a result of using this program. The user must take responsibility for his actions and uses the program at his own risk. I reserve all rights of copyright to the program although neither registration nor payment are required to use it. Limitations ----------- Only finds up to 999 finds in MultiFind. Only 999 marked records can be used at any one time. The program needs around 100k of memory to work. Known Problems -------------- There is a known problem with Label displays in Page mode very occasionally getting out of step with the appropriate fields. At the moment this is very rare and, should it happen to you, please let me know the circumstances and I'll try to correct this for a future version. At present the program does not accept remote commands from programs such as Tom Dolbilin's MACRO or KMAC. If the program freezes for any reason then do not play, trying to un- freeze it. This is extremely unlikely to be successful and may cause greater problems in the long run (such as a complete hard reset of the computer - I know because this happened to me!). Instead, escape using Psion-Esc immediately - please let me know if this happens to you and under what circumstances. JBData Page 24 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact ------- John Boyce CompuServe: 100014,1240 CIX: jboyce Internet: john@jbsoft.cix.co.uk JBData Page 25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Index ----- About 17 Add Record 9 Add record to list 16 Blank Lines Toggle 12 Bring 20 Calculate Widths 11 Compress File 7 Contact 24 Copy 19 Delete 20 Delete Record 9 Delete Setup 17 Description 2 Dialling 12 Display/Change QuickSearch field 16 Displayed fields 11 Displayed fields reset 11 Edit Labels 10 Edit Widths 10 Edit Window 19 Enter Key Toggle 11 Enter Page/Line mode display toggle 16 Evaluate 20 Exit Program 18 File Conversion 6 Find 13, 19 Find Again 15, 19 Find and Replace 19 Find Field 15 Freeze Fields 12 Get-out 23 Global Search and Replace 15 Grid Lines 12 Help 22 History selection 13 Index 25 Insert 20 Installation 2 JBData Setup 22 Jump to Field 16 Jump to Record 16 Known Problems 23 Labels in Edit mode 21 Labels Toggle 11 JBData Page 26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Labels toggle 21 Limitations 23 Line Wrap 10 Link/Paste 21 List add record 16 number of marked records 17 remove record 16 reset 17 toggle 17 Marked records add records 16 number selected 17 remove record 16 reset to none 17 toggle display 17 Memory Sort 8 Merge and Remap 5 Merge File 4 Modify Fields 10 Movement 3 New File 6 Number of marked records 17 Numerical Sort 8 Open File 4 Operation 2 Page/Line View 11 Password 18 Password Control 18 Print Record 9 Print Setup 17 QuickSearch 13 Record Number Toggle 11 Remapped Save 6 Remove Duplicate Records 9 Remove records from list 16 Reset marked records 17 Reset Sort Fields 8 Reset Widths 11 Save As 6 Save Selected 6 Save Setup 17 Search and Replace 19 Global 15 Select from List 20 Select List 20 Setup Delete 17 Save 17 Suspend Save 17 JBData Page 27 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sort memory 8 reset fields 8 Sort File 7 Sound toggle 19 Special Keys in Edit 21 Status Window 18 Support 24 Suspend Setup Save 17 Tab width 20 Thanks 23 Toggle between marked records and main 17 Toggle Symbols 12 Update Record 8 Zoom 20 Zoom In 17 Zoom Out 17 John Boyce 3 May 1998