====================== RegrePsion version 1.0 ====================== Freeware for Psion Series 3mx/3c/3a 19.07.1999 Files: readme.txt This file regrepsi.opa Application file regr.pic Icon file Installation: ============= Copy regrepsi.opa file to your APP directory. Create \APP\REG directory and copy the icon file Stat.pic to this directory. \APP\regrepsi.opa \APP\REG\regr.pic Install RegrePsion from System screen ->App->Install Note! Data files are saved to \OPD directory What is RegrePsion? =================== I have a need to analyze numerical data quite often (averages, RSD, correlation...). I found only few programs for my purposes and they are sharewares and didn't even include the basic properties I needed. So I decided to make my own one. RegrePsion is quite simple but efficient freeware tool for people who needs to analyze data e.g. averages, sum, std, regression, correlation, extra/interpolation... Overview: - Max number of datapoints (x,y) is 50. Data can be saved/loaded. - Units of X and Y can be defined - Sum, Max and Min of the data - Average, Std, RSD and Variance of the data - Transformation of X or/and Y: ln(), log(), exp(), reciprocals - Regression - Curve types: Linear, Geometric (=Power), Exponenetial - Correlation coefficients - Residuals, residual statistics: # of resid. >0, # of resid.<0, Calculated values (=fitted y values) - Extra / Interpolation - Number of decimals (can be defined between 1-10) Menu: ===== File Open - Open a saved data file Save as - Save a data file (name max. 8 characters) Exit - Exit RegrePsion Data Input - Input your datapoints, max 50 datapairs Edit - Edit your datapoints View - Show your current datapoints Units - Define units to X and Y Transform - Transform X or Y (ln, log, exp, 1/v). If you choose e.g. X and ln(), program will calculate ln(x1), ln(x2), ln(x3)... and use these values in your regression, averages and so on (there is no undo). You can see new values from View. Stat Sum - Calculates Sum of your data and Min and Max values of the data. Average, Std - Calculate Average, Variance, Standard deviation and RSD of your data. Regression - Make a linear, geometric (power) or exponential regression and calculate a correlation coefficient. After having a curve parameters you can also extrapolate or watch residuals. (equations: linear y=a+b*x, power y=a*x to power y, exponential y=a*exp(b*x)). Residuals = The difference betweem the predicted and observed values (y(calculated)-y). These are unweighted residuals. Info Preferences - Set number of decimals (1-10), default is 5. Help - ? About - About RegrePsion Getting started: ================ In main screen there is text 'Current Data:' where you can see the filename of the current opened data. If you have not saved your data there is no any name in the screen. Enter number of your datapoints (Data -> New). Max 50 pcs. (x,y) Enter X and Y:s -> x1, y1, x2, y2,... (one point at time) After last point you can check your data from Data -> View If you have made mistakes you can edit your data from Data -> Edit Define your units from Data -> Units e.g. x: mg/ml y:abs. It helps you to identify your data in later stages (extrapolation, regression). In many cases it's possible to linearize your data by transforming it. You can make the most common transforms from Data -> Transform (ln(), log(), exp(), 1/x or 1/y) Regression: (Linear was first used to examine the relationship between the heights of fathers and sons) Go to Stat -> Regression. Select your curve type: linear, geometric (=power), exponential. -> In the first dialog you can see the fitted curve equation, values of calculated parameters and correlation coefficient (r). Correlation coefficient is calculated from Pearson equation and it ranges from -1 to +1. If r is 0 there is no correlation at all. If r=1 there is perfect positive correlation (both always increasing together) and if r=-1 there is perfect negative correlation (one always decreasing as the other increases). After dialog you will see the menu where you can choose Extrapolation, Residuals or Exit. Extrapolation (/interpolation) will calculate your Y according to fitted curve equation and entered X value. Residuals: Shows residuals from the current regression. Exit will return you to main menu. Future plans: ============= Polynomial regression, plots, Export/Import, print... (version 1.1 coming soon) I'm not giving any guarantee about calculated results. I have made my own tests and it seems to give good (correct) results in any cases. If you found any errors or want to develope this program, please let me know! or send me a postcard anyway Juha Hinkula Sahatie 3 D 34 FIN-01650, Vantaa Finland Tel. +358-40-5178472