Thankyou for using SLIDE 3.0 for the Psion Series 3a/c ------------------------------------------------------ Downloaded from the 3-Lib web site. Software for Siena/3c/3c/Series 5 New for v3.0 (over v2.7) ------------------------------- Reworked by for use as guidance for doing overhead presentations; Import from textfiles, teach-in, display of progress (bars & clock) New for v2.7 (over v2.5) ------------------------------- Extra flexibility in file placement; font selection and text emphases; now freeware, not shareware! Note to upgraders: because of the font changes, v2.7 files are NOT compatible with v2.5 ones. Sorry..... that's the price of progress! Synopsis -------- SLIDE is a slide-show/demo/tutorial system for the 3a/c, with graphics, WVE sound files and special effects. It is totally free for any use whatsoever. The downside to it being free is that if for any reason it doesn't do what you want, there's no technical support! 8-) Installation of the SLIDE program --------------------------------- After unzipping, you should end up with this text file and a pile of directories. If you got a load of files instead, go back and try unzipping again, this time telling your unzipper to preserve the original folder/directory structure! The directory structure shows where the files are to go on an actual Psion 3a or 3c. Just copy it or mimic it as needed. Basically, the .OPA files go in \APP\ the .DBF file and the .RSC file go in \SLIDES\ the .PIC file goes in \PIC\ and the .WVE files go in \WVE\ Install both the icons (editor and viewer) in the usual way with Psion-I and you should see two film-like icons with the Demo file showing under their file lists. If not, you've done something wrong! 8-) Note that any SLIDE data (.DBF) files you create should be on a RAM disk, as the program does a lot of record re-ordering which would result in a very large file on a FLASH disk! Editing ------- Use SLIDEDIT to modify existing slide-shows or create your own, in the usual Psion way ... The system screen will show up any slide-show files it finds inside any \SLIDES\ directory ... Playing ------- Just press ENTER on the correct filename under the SLIDE VIEWER icon and your chosen slide-show will kick off. Use the Menu button whilst playing a slide show to alter the way the show is presented .... Note: PIC files wider than 80 pixels will be centred on the screen and displayed for 'background' effect in the grey plane unless the 'Gallery' option is used, as shown in the example slide shows. PIC files less than 80 pixels wide will remain in the black plane and will appear on the left of the slide text. Note: The pause is the wait time in seconds at the end of each slide before the screen is cleared and the next slide shown. The user can press any key to go directly to the next slide without waiting for the time delay to expire. If no pause is specified, the default is 5 seconds. If the user wishes to pause for longer on a particular slide, pressing 'Psion-P' will pause the slide-show until another key is pressed. For 'infinite' pause, you can specify 0 seconds. Creating new graphics --------------------- You can draw your own PIC graphics on the Psion using my DRAW v2.85 painting application, which is fully working shareware. It's the best-selling Psion bitmap editor, with over 400 registered users! You can download it from my web site, or from the same source as SLIDE itself. Slide-show distribution ----------------------- If you want to upload your slide-shows to bulletin boards etc for others to try, please keep them separate from the Slide ZIP file that you obtained this program in, although you're welcome to include the SLIDE.OPA viewer program with your slides. Summary ------- That's about it! Steve Litchfield 22 Grays Crescent Woodley Reading RG5 3EN ENGLAND email: Tel: 0 118 9265081