HAMOVL.TXT A collection of amateur radio overlays for the Psion series 3a MAPPER program MAPPER was written by Steve Litchfield slitchfield@cix.compulink.co.uk Installation. Put the *.MP3 and *.PIC files into any APP/MAPPER3A/ directory. REPT144.MP3 2m Repeaters REPT433.MP3 70cm Repeaters REPT50.MP3 Proposed 6m repeaters REPTATV.MP3 REPTMW.MP3 HAMCIX.MP3 CHAN5.MP3 ( ok, off topic, the proposed channel 5 tv transmitters) BEACUK.MP3 50Mhz and above UK beacons. Errors and omissions to carl@ambrosia.demon.co.uk Carl Littlejohns GW0TQM