PSIONWPDATAFILEêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê !":‚.ÆAr ¶3ÐÐÿÿððð ROM::BJ.WDR%PPBTBody text ððð Рp@ à°€PHAHeading A ààðРp@ à°€PHBHeading B ððxРp@ à°€PBLBulleted list ÿÿðÐhðð Рp@ à°€NNNormal ÿÿUUUnderline ÿÿBBBold ÿÿIIItalic ÿÿEESuperscript ÿÿSSSubscript ÿÿ(Mapper Overlay: COMMERCIAL RADIO (FM)Previously known as: Comradio.MP3---------------------------------------------------------This is a completely re-sourced version of all the independent radio stations licenced by the Radio Authority, now showing the locations of more than 150 transmitters. Apart from adding many new stations, the placing of the icons are dictated by where the transmitter is located, not - as previously - by the declared community covered by the station.Whilst this may assist you in identifying a TX mast you might be passing, cetrain popular transmitters carry a number of services, namely NTL Croydon and Black Hill in Scotland which carry four or more. For clarity, these service icons have been offset slightly to show they exist (otherwise they're overwritten by the next service name). Use the step+through function of Mapper to clarify these sites.Additionally, all low power relay stations are shown, but these will always show the name of the main serving station, not any local 'opt in' identity.This information is correct as at August 1995 and will be up dated when enough changes require a re-issue. Any errors or omissions should be forwarded to the compiler for correction.Further overlays will be issued covering:UK Commercial Radio - EnclosedUK AM Commercial Radio - COMRADFM.MP3BBC Local Radio - BBCLOCFM.MP3BBC National Radio - BBCNATFM.MP3For Mapper Ireland, look for:Irish Commercial Radio - IRCOMRAD.MP3National Radio (BBC/RTE) - IRNATRAD.MP3Raymond Okonski - mediascot@msn.comIssue 01 - 01/07/96 ¨&BTNN"BTNN:BTNNªBTNNBTNN¸BTNNBTNN“BTNNBTNN˜BTNNBTNN·BTNNBTNN*BTNNBTNN BTNN&BTNN!BTNN#BTNNBTNNBTNNBTNN'BTNN(BTNNBTNN$BTNNBTNNBTNN