Psi-Mapper/France for the Psion 3a and 3c ================================================================== Hey, yes! This file's actually in english! 8-) One of my goals in writing Psi-Mapper/France was to do the whole thing in french, for people living or interested in France. When abroad, people are FAR more friendly if you at least try to speak their language, so consider Psi-Mapper/France to be a gentle prompt towards getting your dictionary out and brushing up your school french! The file MAPPERFR.TXT contains installation instructions (if you need them) and all the documentation describing how the program works is built into the on-line help screens. If you've already used the GB version of the program, you'll be right at home in no time at all. Even most of the hot-keys are the same, apart from obvious ones like Psion-C for Chercher (Find)! For news of Psi-Mapper/France, please see Steve Litchfield Reading, UK, April 1997.