Psi-Mapper/London 2.2 (C) UK 1997 Steve Litchfield ================================================== Released September 8 1997 *************** If you unzipped this product from its constituent ZIP file(s) _without_ the "-d" or "Include folders/directories" option (to rebuild the original correct directory structure), then delete this file and the other files you've just created and try again! If you use a Mac, please note that you should avoid any unzipping options that involve 'smart'-handling of linefeeds. *************** Registration fee: œ14 The program is fully working, with all data sets and functions etc, as I trust you to do the honest thing and to "play fair with shareware". As a reminder to do so, the status window cannot be shrunk until you register, ensuring that "Unregistered" stares you in the face(!) while using the program! 8-)) Registration address (send UK cheque or Eurocheque in UK sterling or equivalent in well-wrapped dollars/francs/DM to) : Steve Litchfield 22 Grays Crescent Woodley Reading, Berks RG5 3EN or register on Compuserve via GO SWREG, using id. 7035 or register on the net with a credit card using secure transaction technology at For future updates of this program, please download from Psi-Mapper/London requires a Psion Series 3a/3c or Acorn PocketBook II, with approximately 100k of free system memory to run in. ======================================================================= Psi-Mapper/London is shareware. This does not make it a free program! Yes, you can copy it freely to friends or acquaintances, or even upload the original ZIP file to bulletin boards etc, but if you like it and continue to use it, then you are honour-bound to register. Registration gets you: a) a clear conscience that you're using paid-for software, and that you're helping support future development of the MAPPER program family and other quality Psion shareware software. b) a special code that will personalise your copy of Psi-Mapper/London and let you shrink or remove the status window to give more room on-screen. No need to re-install the software, just use the registration menu option and type in the code! c) A direct say in how the program develops. ******************** IMPORTANT!! ******************************** This text file documents the history of the program, its installation, and some of the more technical aspects to running it. For general help in using and understanding Psi-Mapper/London, please browse through the *extensive* on-line help. This help is the only documentation of most of Psi-Mapper/London's features, so work through it properly! 8-) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is Psi-Mapper/London, released as shareware. The .OPA program file is (C) 1997 Steve Litchfield. With the exception of the road data, all data sets are public domain and were collated using public domain and other freely available reference works, and data gathered from privately-owned GPS units. Data sets remain the responsibility of the original contributors. No liability whatsoever can be accepted for any inaccuracies in this program or any of its data sets. The road data was "based upon the Ordnance Survey map with the permission of The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, (C) Crown Copyright, MC 0055". If you'd like to contribute an item or vector data set, then go right ahead, subject to the restrictions on copyright mentioned at the end of this text file. Components and Installation. ---------------------------- Psi-Mapper/London may be one of the largest and most complex programs you'll ever have to install on your Psion, so don't get frustrated if you can't seem to work out how to get everything going immediately. You're on a learning curve, so don't give up too soon! NOTE: Before installing Psi-Mapper/London, do the following. Go into 'Set Preferences' on your system screen menu and set 'Update lists' to "System Button". If you don't do this, the 3a/3c will try and update all its lists after *every* file is copied, which will take ages .... If you don't use PsiWin on a PC: Assuming you *did* use -d with PKUNZIP etc. and now have all the files in their original directory structure; with the link on between the Psion and the desk-top machine, go to the Psion keyboard. Position the cursor on the system screen on Time and press Psion-C. The 'Copy Files' dialog will appear with the root directory selected. Change the second line to point to the appropriate directory on the desk-top. Change the third line to be "\", i.e. a single backslash. Change the fourth line to be the disk you want to install Psi-Mapper onto. Set the fifth line ("include subdirectories") to read "Yes". Your Psion will then copy over the directory tree in one go to the appropriate disk. If you use PsiWin: (i) If you correctly unzipped Psi-Mapper/London with its orginal directory structure, then simply drag and drop this directory tree onto one of your Psion's disk root directories. Note: dragging and dropping whole directory trees so that they end up in the right place is not trivial and you may wish to read the manual and/or practice first!! (ii) If you've got all the Psi-Mapper/London files in the same directory, you're definitely going to have to do it all manually, but at least you can do it all with 'drag and drop'! You'll need to create the \APP\ and \APP\MAPPERLO\ directories by hand on your Psion using the 'Create Directory' menu command. A good tip is to sort the unzipped files by extension/type, i.e. all the .PICs together, all the .MP7s together, and so on. You can highlight blocks of files in PsiWin by clicking on the first one and then holding the key down and clicking on the last one. ALl files in between will now be highlighted as well, and you can drag and drop the lot in one go across to your Psion's drives!! If all else fails refer either to the list below, which should give you enough clues as to where things go! TIP: - when you drag and drop, remember to hold the key down throughout the operation. This forces PsiWin to just copy the file(s) and not try to do any fancy conversions! {Inside the ZIP are the following files, file sizes quoted to help you decide on whether to install certain overlays etc. Contributor information also included where known or appropriate} README.TXT - this file! MAPPERLO.OPA - the main program module. Place this in an \APP\ directory on any Psion drive, and install onto your system screen with Psion-I. Size - 52k plus essential support files (thanks especially to Eddie Slupski for all the updates!), to be placed in a \APP\MAPPERLO\ subdirectory on the same disk: MAPLHELP.RSC - the comprehensive on-line help file - 12k LONDON.MP5 - a data-set of approximately 900 places - 18k COASTLON.MP6 - a data-set showing the Thames estuary and a few reservoirs & lakes - 2k ROADS.MP5 - a data-set of the London road network - 38k MAPPERLO.PIC - essential small bitmaps - 3k plus extra overlays, which you can install as you wish; they all go into the aforementioned \APP\MAPPERLO\ directory ... Vector overlays (i.e. lines and labels) (Thanks to Tony Crocker for contributing these) RAILTRAK.MP8 - a vector overlay of the main-line railway routes - 5k TUBELINE.MP8 - a vector overlay of all the tube lines, laid out properly (i.e. geographically, not diagrammatically) - 3k TUBEZONE.MP8 - a vector overlay of the tube charge zones - 1k Optional item overlays (i.e. specific points and labels and reference info, note that some overlays only cover the central portion of Greater London, roughly the area covered by a typical A-Z guide. The other overlays cover the whole Psi-Mapper/London region): JUNCTION.MP7 - motorway junctions - 2k MAINLINE.MP7 - main-line railway routes - 6k - (contributed by Tony Crocker) TUBE.MP7 - tube (underground) stations, with their line name(s) shown as abbreviations - 8k - (updated 1997 by Eddie Slupski) PLACES.MP7 - places of interest, with their phone numbers - 2k HOTELS.MP7 - a large selection of hotels across London - 6k NCP_PARK.MP7 - NCP car parks in London - 3k POLICE.MP7 - Police stations - 8k - (contributed by Peter Osmond) EMBASSIE.MP7 - Embassies - 3k - (contributed by Eddie Slupski) PIZZA.MP7 - selected Pizza restaurants across London - 4k KENTUCKY.MP7 - Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants - 3k (contributed by someone, but I can't remember who!) HOSPITAL.MP7 - hospitals - 4k - (contributed by Eddie Slupski) SPORTCEN.MP7 - sports centres - 14k - (contributed by Eddie Slupski) GOLF.MP7 - golf courses across London - 3k FOOTBALL.MP7 - main football grounds - 1k MARKETS.MP7 - markets, with their optimum visiting times - 2k (contributed by Tony Crocker) THEATRES.MP7 - theatres across London - 3k (contributed by Tony Crocker & Gordon Drayson) PETROL.MP7 - filling stations - 6k- (contributed by Gordon Drayson) BIGMACS.MP7 - some MacDonalds restaurants - 3k - (contributed by Tony Crocker) Notes: 1) Each of the .MP7 overlays listed above has an associated .PIC file of the same name. These are the on-screen icons for overlays, and will be used if present in the main \APP\MAPPERLO\ directory. If they are not present, a default 'star' icon will be used .... 2) Some of the overlays may also have text files (*.TXT) and/or database files (*.DBF), depending on whether the original compiler of the overlay supplied one. The text files can be read as usual, and describe the overlay in more detail. The database files are for opening in DATA and then linking into via Psi-Mapper's menu options. 3) Each of the overlays includes reference information for each item (for example, telephone contact numbers), and this can be displayed by turning 'Overlay Reference Fields' On. 4) Whether using the supplied vector overlays or contributing your own, please note the low (100m) resolution used by Psi-Mapper/London. It's no good expecting or drawing every last detail, as the resulting data file size would be far too large. The Psi-Mapper vector overlays are *approximate* representations only of the real world, and should not be taken as gospel! As I say, all the above support files live in the \APP\MAPPERLO\ directory. Deleting info from the custom town database, \OPD\MAPPERLO.DBF -------------------------------------------------------------- The \OPD\MAPPERLO.DBF file is editable under DATA, so you can delete individual towns etc and modify them in this way. Please remember to compress the file before exiting DATA ! Grabbing the current map screen as a PIC file --------------------------------------------- You may well want to grab a map screen as a standard Psion .PIC file, for printing or editing using DRAW (see small print at end) or PAINT or any other 3a/3c bit-map editor. Grabbing the 3a/3c screen is done with pressing 'Control', 'Shift', 'Psion' and 'S' simultaneously (it's easier to do than it sounds) and lo and behold a file called SCREEN.PIC will have appeared in the root directory (\) of your internal disk ... _+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_ Thanks for trying Psi-Mapper/London! If you decide to remove Psi-Mapper/London from your Psion, please note that it creates several small files in \OPD\ on your default disk. MAPPERLO.DBF (custom place database), MAPPERLO.REG (your registration key, once I've given it to you) and assorted .LSF files (used to store your preferences and position etc from session to session). If you've created any custom overlays or their icons, there may also be a few files in an \APP\MAPPERLO\ directory on your internal disk ... Small print: ------------ 1) Reverse engineering of the program is strictly forbidden. Attempts to try and 'crack' the methods used by me to protect Psi-MAPPER from reverse translation are also forbidden. If you would like to create a complementary program and use my data-sets, then please get in touch with me, it would be nice to be kept informed! Psi-Mapper/London was built using Andy Clarkson's OPP code development system. 2) A useful related program to have available for editing and cropping any screen-grabs you do in MAPPER-3a/3c is DRAW 2.84, by Rick Andrews. This is a S3a/3c-only full bitmap editor and manipulator and is also shareware, available wherever you got this program from. Highly recommended. 3) You can contact me via email at, from where I can e-mail you back your registration code. If this e-mail does not work for any reason, try 4) If you give Psi-Mapper/London to a friend (as is encouraged with shareware!), then it's always best to give him/her the original ZIP files. If the transfer takes place by SSD, then remember to include both the main MAPPERLO.OPA program and the \APP\MAPPERLO\ subdirectory full of data files. Do *not* give your friend your MAPPERLO.REG registration file, as this is unique to you and contains *your* name, and subsequent piracy will tell the world who started the outbreak! 5) Thanks to all the testers and contributors out there, who have supplied ideas, support, bug-reports, data, code fragments etc, especially Eddie Slupski for all those hours of tireless data entry. If *you* find a bug or spot an error etc in any of the overlays, then please get in touch! 6) Note that the Northings/Eastings and National Grid coordinate systems within the Psi-Mapper program family are used with the kind written permission of Ordnance Survey. 7) Note on copyrights etc.: be careful to only make use of publicly available and public domain data sources when compiling any overlays or town/item plans, unless of course you sourced the information (from memory?) in the first place! If you submit any data, be sure that you are not infringing anyone's legal restrictions! Steve Litchfield