DATAMAP ======= for: PSION System 3a/c/(Siena?) Author: (C) Peter von Walter; 28.5.99 email: www: What is "DATAMAP" ----------------- DATAMAP is a very flexible object oriented drawing program for any kind of maps which integrates records from standard database files (DATA). It draws graphical objects (pictures, lines, rectangles, circles and text) and displays data objects (records) according to a discretionary coordinate system on a choosen map area. These maps can be very large (larger than the screen) and will be redrawn or panned accordingly. Actually the program was born by experiencing the limitations of the built in WORLD application: - You can not change databases (different files use the same builtin data) - The possibilities of editing or adding cities and countries are very limited. - Lat/Lon informations are not really used for locations on the map (!?). - You can not change or add other fields of informations (e.g. currency information). - You can not change maps! - Is is not possible to add graphical informations. All this overcomes DATAMAP: Maps can be changed or be based on the same underlying pictures but be overlayed with different graphic objects. Databases can be changed. As these are string oriented data records you can create and edit them any time also using your DATA application. Applications ------------ DATAMAP can be used for any kind of pictures or drawings which are related to data items: - Geographic Atlas with many different maps (World, Continents, Country, Area, Town, Streets, ...) and data bases (Cities, Countries, Events, Islands, Streets, ...). - Technical drawings of devices, maschines, .. containing part items. - Architectural maps showing building details. - Manage the inventory of a warehouse or depot. - Locate your favourite collections (books on the shelf, ..) in a graphical form. - Organize and manage your wine cellar. - ... Files ----- You should have the following (after unzipping): DATAMAP.TXT {you are reading it} DATAMAP.TUT {a short tutorial} In the folder \APP\: DATAMAP.OPA {program} SYS$VW00.OPO {program library} DATAMAP.RSC {online help file, optional} In the folder \DATAMAP\: WORLD.MAP {example map file, optional} CONTI.MAP {example map file, optional} EUROPE.MAP {example map file, optional} GERMANY.MAP {example map file, optional} EUROPE.PIC {picture file for EUROPE.MAP, optional} GERMANY.PIC {picture file for GERMANY.MAP, optional} AIRPORTS.DBF {example database file for AIRPORTS, optional} Installation ------------ Copy the complete folder \APP\ to any drive! Copy the complete folder \DATAMAP\ to any drive! Install (from system) the application DATAMAP.OPA. After installation the program symbol (World with Folder) appears with the example files WORLD,EUROPE,GERMAN,CONTI underneath it. Start one! How to use the program ---------------------- The best way to learn the program is to use it! For example: Start EUROPE and open (DATA-OPEN) the database AIRPORTS. Add, edit & delete new records! Play around with the very powerful functions FIND & SELECT. Add, edit & delete new graphic objects. Install the online help file (DATAMAP.RSC) and use the Help button in each dialog (or in the main screen) to find out what they mean. Always use ESC to leave a dialog. If you are familiar with all the functions you can throw away the help file to save some kilobytes of your precious memory! Use the step by step tutorial in DATAMAP.TUT! Memory Considerations --------------------- Pictures used on maps can consume a lot of memory - for storing in files but also when they have to be drawn in the program. A full screen picture (480*160 pixels) on one plane (black or grey) needs nearly 10KB of memory. A very important preference lets you choose the maximum amount of memory you want to spend for loading a map ('MAP/SETUP/Window Width; Height'). This so called window can be larger than the screen and holds part or the whole map in program memory. BUT: A window will never be bigger than a map! If you want to see something on the map which is outside the current screen, but still inside the window the program simply shifts the window and the already loaded map to the new location. But if the map is larger than the window the remaining part of the map has to be reloaded - this takes a little more time. A large window saves this time but needs more memory. If you are low on memory you have to compromise or stay with the standard screen size (480;160) for minimum memory. Maps can be really big, max 30000*30000 pixels. If you want to fill it with a single picture it would need in grey and black over 200MB of data!! But if you forgo pictures you can always draw other graphic objects (lines, rectangles, circles, text) which consume very little memory, typically around 20 Bytes/per object! MAP files (*.MAP) ================= This file contains all setups and the necessary information to draw a map graphically. Different records (Types) describe the size of the map and the different elements on the map. NOTE: Not the label of the fields but simply the order and the type of the record (field 1) determines the meaning of the fields. You can always open the current map file with the MAP-DATA command and explore the meaning of the fields. All fields are strings. Types of records: Map: ---- Field1: 0 Field2: Default Data file name Field3: Coordination Output Format (0=generic; 1=Geo ; 2=Degree_Geo; 3=Degree&Minutes_Geo) Field4: Max. size of display window (Width; Height) Field5: Map size in pixels (Width;Height) Field6: Left;Top border of map in user coordinates Field7: Right;Bottom border of map in user coordinates Field8: Cursor shape and offset of data window to cursor (Neg. values = crosshair cursor; positiv values = blinking cursor) Field9: Grid width for cursor movement (normally 10) Picture: -------- Field1: 1 Field2: Picture file name Field3: ID number of picture (position in file) Field4: x Position Field5: y Position Field6: Width in pixels Field7: Height in pixels Field8: Plane (0=Black; 1=Grey ; 2=Both) Field9: Mode (0=Set; 1=Clear ; 2=Inverse) Line: ----- Field1: 2 Field2: Field3: Style (0=Thin; 1=Thick) Field4: x Position Field5: y Position Field6: dx in pixels Field7: dy in pixels Field8: Plane (0=Black; 1=Grey ; 2=Both) Field9: Mode (0=Set; 1=Clear ; 2=Inverse) Rectangle: ---------- Field1: 3 Field2: Field3: Style (0=Outline; 1=Filled) Field4: x Position Field5: y Position Field6: width in pixels Field7: height in pixels Field8: Plane (0=Black; 1=Grey ; 2=Both) Field9: Mode (0=Set; 1=Clear ; 2=Inverse) Circle: ------- Field1: 4 Field2: Field3: Radius in pixels Field4: x Position Field5: y Position Field6: Nr of segments Field7: Field8: Plane (0=Black; 1=Grey ; 2=Both) Field9: Mode (0=Set; 1=Clear ; 2=Inverse) Text: ----- Field1: 5 Field2: Text Field3: Style Field4: x Position Field5: y Position Field6: Field7: Font Field8: Plane (0=Black; 1=Grey ; 2=Both) Field9: Mode (0=Set; 1=Clear ; 2=Inverse) DATA files (*.DBF) ================== These files are ordinary DATA files and can be created and edited also with the standard DATA application. NOTE: DATAMAP can only handle (display) maximum 8 fields with maximum 255 characters per field! Two fields have special meanings: - The Label Field is for referencing the record (e.g. selecting it). It should be unique but not has to be necessarily. Normally the first field in the record will be used for that. But you can choose any field either by labeling the field containing the special character '!' (recommended) or by choosing the field explicetely from the setup dialog (however this information may be incorrect if switching to another data file!). - The Coordinate Field is for positioning the record on the map. Normally the second field in the record will be used for that. But you can choose any field either by labeling the field containing the special character ';' (recommended) or by choosing the field explicetely from the setup dialog (however this information may be incorrect if switching to another data file!). The following formats will be recognized if reading coordinate informations: Generic: any two numbers x and y, positive or negative,separated by a semicolon, e.g. "3.3443; -80.25" Generic_Geo: any two numbers with a following letter "N","E" or "O" for positive or "S","W" for negative values, e.g. "3.3443N; 80.25S" Degree_Geo: any two numbers in degree with a following letter "N","E" or "O" for positive or "S","W" for negative values, e.g. "3.3443¡N; 80.25¡S" Degree&Minutes_Geo: any two numbers in degree and Minutes with a following letter "N","E" or "O" for positive or "S","W" for negative values, e.g. "3¡20.3N; 200¡15S" Registration ------------- This program is SHAREWARE! You have the possibility to test it for a certain time (14 days) with the following limits in a demo mode: Max. 5 drawing objects per map. No saving of preferences. If you consider the program useless, simply delete it. If you want to continue to use the program, I ask you for a little contribution (see program "About"!). I will send you a personal key (preferable via email) which allows you to work with the program unlimited. Please do the following: -call "About" in the menu of the program -open the registration dialog with "ENTER" (if in Demo-Mode) for all needed informations. -send me the amount shown there (in DM or equivalent), directly as a bill throuh post mail (is propably the cheapest and save enough!) or send it to my account. -IMPORTANT: Send me also your name, under which you would like to register the program and the "SerialNr" (number), which is given in the dialog. -Enter in "Owner" your name (see above) and in "Key" your personal key (delivered by me) and your program should immediately turn into a full working version. The program can (should) be given away only as demo version (without key). Disclaimer ---------- THE AUTHOR SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE IN ANY WAY FOR ANY DAMAGE THAT MAY OCCUR TO YOU OR YOUR SYSTEM AS A RESULT OF USING THIS PROGRAM OR OTHERWISE! Each program can have errors (sorry)! Of course I will try to get rid of these in future versions. Also I will try to improve and extend the functionality of the programs, as far as I can. Registration is of course also valid for these future versions. Please feel free to contact me if you found an obvious error (Sometimes its really a bug not a feature!) and to send me all your proposals for improvement. Thank you for giving it a try! Version ------- 1.0: First public version. 2.0: Complete rearrangement of file structure. Enhanced FIND function!