This is version 1.5 of Facilities Manager Facilities Manager is designed to help with the management of any kind of facilities, whether they be TV studios, classrooms, company cars or individual members of staff. The program takes the form of a pocketable version of the familiar office planning chart. Improvements in version 1.5:- Paste special allows data to be pasted back into the chart with a time shift. Paste special also allows entries to be repeated. Facilities manager files may now be sorted into chronological order. Agenda sync mode allows Facsman to follow the movement of the cursor in Agenda. Some minor bug fixes. Improvements in Facsman 1.4 were:- Tidy function now has the ability to archive data. Labels may now have an abbreviation attached which is shown when there is too little room to show the full label. Support files may now be placed in a FACSMAN subdirectory within the APP directory if preferred. This archive contains the following files:- README.TXT This file APP directory FACSMAN.APP The application itself FACSMAN.HLP Help file for Facsman FACSMAN.PIC Icon file for Facsman WRD directory FACSMAN.WRD Full instructions for Facsman To install Facilities Manager, put FACSMAN.APP, FACSMAN.HLP and FACSMAN.PIC in the APP directory of whichever drive you wish to use. Use the Install function from the system screen to place Facsman on your screen. Full instructions for using Facilities Manager are contained in the file FACSMAN.WRD which should be placed into your WRD directory. Facsman is shareware. If you intend to continue using it, please register. At present (December 1997) registration costs œ15 sterling. In return for your registration you will receive a small .SYS file which personalises your copy of Facsman, and adds some additional features. You will also receive the latest version of Facsman and a printed manual. Facsman may be distributed freely, provided that the archive is kept intact. Please contact me prior to any commercial distribution of Facsman (Magazine cover discs, Shareware CDs etc). NOTE TO REGISTERED USERS This new version of Facsman has new features. If you have a registration for an earlier version of the program, the new features will not appear in the menu bar, but may be accessed by their keyboard shortcuts. The older help file will also be out-of-sync with the new program. If you have e-mail access, please contact me for an updated registration. Gary Bainbridge ( 29th December 1997