IMPORTANT INFORMATION ===================== !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Before unzipping the application files in PRODUCT.ZIP ! ! please read LICENS.TXT. ! ! You must not unzip PRODUCT.ZIP only if you do not ! ! agree with the contents of LICENS.TXT ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Installation ------------ Please see INSTALL.TXT. -------------------------------------- | WARNING | | The shareware version has been | | "crippled". As long a unregistered,| | "nag" screens will appear now and | | then as a reminder to register and | | a remark appears in letters. | -------------------------------------- Registration of Shareware ========================= Lite version (S3 and S3a) ------------ The registration fee is A$29.95. We can send you a registration number by email, and send you the printed manual and a floppy with all of our shareware by mail. Please use the form ORDER.TXT. Post it via mail, email or FAX to Berthold Daum lichtbild pty ltd 21 Margate St. LPO Box 6011 Cromer, Vic 3193 Australia CompuServe 100026,3365 INTERNET: HomePage: fax: +61-3-9584 9638 Alternatively, you can register via CompuServe (GO SWREG): Author: Berthold Daum Program Title: RepPoc V3.0 lite S3/S3A Program name: Registration ID: 3826 Fee: US$ 24.95 Professional version (S3a only) -------------------- The fee for the professional version is consists of 1. Fee for lite version A$ 29.95 2. Upgrade fee: A$ 20.00 Alternatively, you can upgrade via CompuServe (GO SWREG). If you not already have you need to register for RepPoc LITE before you register for RepPoc PROF. Author: Berthold Daum Program title: RepPoc V3.0 prof S3a - Upgrade Program name: Registration ID: 6984 Fee: US$ 15.00 (You must be registered to the LITE version) Entering the registration number -------------------------------- Press MENU, / , ENTER, ENTER, then enter first name and the registration number. Note: The entered name must be part of the machines owner name. The registration number must be issued on the entered name. Professional version for S3a ---------------------------- The professional version has additional functions: - Creating spreadsheets from DATA files and updating existing spreadsheets with DATA file contents. - Multifile links - Export of data to DATA files. RepPoc Version 3.0 - Release Notes =================================== Platforms --------- RepPoc runs on PSION S3,S3a,S3c and Acorn PocketBook I and II in native mode. On Acorn PocketBook I an extra OPL translator is required to create custom text functions. RepPoc can be run on the S3a-emulator and supports screen sizes up to 640x400. ( Set SERVER_PARAMS -X640 -Y400 -D in HCSERVER.PAR for the big screen) RepPoc LITE runs on Siena and Siena emulator in S3 mode. RepPoc PROF does not run on Siena. Requirements ------------ RepPoc LITE: 56-84k disk space needed depending on options RepPoc PROF: 70-112k disk space needed depending on options Please see the installation routine for details. RepPoc uses 32kB-64kB RAM when active. We recommend to install the system on flash SSD, the REPORT folder on the internal disk. New in version 3.00 ------------------- - Support for non-string fields in files (ODB files) - New relator =.. (starts with) - Formatting functions can be used on top of text functions for instance C2::sum::value - New formatting function for reports: B:: (Bargraph) - View definitions to customise screen display - Parameters for text functions - New text functions: cnta, cntb, cntc, csv, ssv, lcnt, left, right - New options for sorting Sort order: ascending/descending seperately for sort criterion 1/2 Show: marked only (removes all non-marked records from selection set before sorting) - Support for Siena (LITE version only, in S3 mode) PROF version: - File links (up to 3 files) with multifile views - Export function to create new DATA files from view definition - Auto extend function for spreadsheet update Program Description ------------------- This is only a brief description of program facilities. A comprehensive printed manual is shipped on registration. RepPoc is a report writing and mail merging program based on the PSION WORD and DATA formats. It can be used to create lists, labels, letters, envelops from selected database records. The print layout is controlled by forms created with the WORD application. To create a report you need: a database file (DAT\ folder) a form (WORD document) (REPORT\FORMS\ folder) an output file (WORD document) (WRD\ folder) a search criterion a sort criterion (optional) a view definition (optional) (REPORT\FORMS\ folder) file links (optional) The above file specifications and the search criterion are stored in a report file (REPORT\ folder). When you start the report application, you are first prompted with the name of the DATA file and the search criterion. At this stage you may want to modify this information. All changes will be kept in the report file selected. You can also re-specify the search criterion using the PSION-F function (or the TAB key). This changes will go into the selected report file, too. Limitations ----------- - Only a selection set of 256 records (1024 on S3a/S3c) can be viewed or sorted, but you can print more. - Records with a total length of more than 1022 bytes are not processed. - Fields with more than 255 characters are not processed. - only the first 32 fields of a record can be processed. Searching --------- The search criterion can be complex. It can consist of several conditions. 'condition' has the following construction: fieldspec operator value or fieldspec value 'fieldspec' has the following construction: label or label[n] n=1...9 n identifies line number for multiple line fields. or txtfunc::label or txtfunc::label[n] n=1...9 'label' denotes the field of the DATA record, e.g. Name: or Work: (Phone symbols are not written). 'txtfunc' denotes a valid text function (see below). If a field has no label, it is addressed via a dummy label: field#nn with "nn" being the field number (starting from 1 for the first field). Valid operators are: = <> < > <= >= for alphanumeric comparisons (not case sensitive) =.. start with == <<>> << >> <== >== for numeric comparisons If no operator is used, the condition is that the field denoted by 'label' has to contain the value (not case sensitive). Values are specified without quotes and can contain blanks. However, they must not contain logical operators and paranthesis as separate tokens. Conditions can be combined with logical operators such as NOT AND OR ( ) Example: work: germany and not ( notes: = no mail or field#5 berlin ) selects german business contacts but excludes the ones with the remark "no mail" or where the second line of the address (field#5) contains "berlin". Search criterions treat multiple line fields (created with Shift-Enter) as a whole. Alternatively to a complex search criteria, you can enter the usual search string, too. The string will be sought in any field of each record. This is the only form of search criterion that can contain wild cards. Only the records matching the search criterion are displayed. You can scroll the records and from record to record in the same way as in the DATA application. You cannot, however, update records. You can use the dialling function, by pressing the dialling key. Printing -------- Despite of the name of this function, RepPoc does not output to a printer. Instead it prints into a WORD document. This document can then be opened with the word processor, modified and printed to any appropriate printer. However, this method can create a problem, as the output file can become to large for the disk. If this happens, simply divide your report into parts by modifiying the search criterium. Add, for instance, Name: < m for the first part and Name: >= m for the second part. When the print function is started, you are prompted for the form sheet and the output file. Changes made here will be stored in the current report file. After the output file was created, you have the possibility to invoke the word processor immediately and print you file from there. However, you may want to leave RepPoc first and initiate the printing from a separate task if you run into memory problems. For letters, two more print modes exist. Instead of creating one big document, RepPoc can create a single document for each letter. It will invoke the WordProcessor for each letter to print the document. On an S3a this can be done in an automated manner. Generating letters as individual documents has the advantage that headers and footers appear with each letter and that the page number is correct. Form sheet ---------- You need a form sheet for printing. RepPoc gives some help to create new form sheets. Use PSION-C to create a new form sheet. The new sheet will contain a title paragraph, a header paragraph (in the case of lists), and a body paragraph. The body paragraph will contain field specification of the current data file enclosed in ® ¯ (left chevron, right chevron). The chevrons can be entered via CNTRL-174 and CNTRL-175 (or CNTRL-1 then "l", and CNTRL-1 then "r" )but it is much more comfortable to generate a form sheet with the PSION-C function and to delete the fields not needed. Field specifications are given in the same way as for search criteria and can contain text functions and line numbers. In addition field speci- fications can be prefixed with a record number for group processing. The record number denotes the position of the record within the record group processed with one formsheet. The body paragraphs have slighty different layouts depending on the form type (list, label, letter). For letters, e.g. the body paragraph will start a new page. After you have created a new form, you can edit immediately using the PSION word processor. The word processor will be invoked automatically. When you have done you changes, press PSION-X to return to RepPoc. If you decide to modify after you have left RepPoc, move the highlight under the WORD icon, press TAB, navigate to the REPORT\FORMS folder, move the highlight to the new form and press ENTER. Now you can rearrange the keywords, include some more text or tabs, etc. Apart from the standard style sheets: HA,HB,BT,BL we have included some new style sheets: HL for list and report header LE for list and report entry LB for label LT for letter PB for page break (internal) TR for report trailer The style sheets HA, HL, and TR play an important role during report generation: Only the bodytext is repeated. The bodytext is defined as the part between the last HA or HL style paragraph and the first TR style paragraph. Empty paragraphs of style PB are inserted automatically at the beginning of each repetition if a form contains at least one LT paragraph is found in the bodytext. So, letters start always with a new page. Multiple record forms --------------------- One formsheet can now refer to multiple records from the data file, e.g. «1.Name» «2.Name» «3.Name» ... «9.Name». The maximum prefix in a formsheet defines the group size. The record number always comes first, before the name and before an optional text function. RepPoc will read as many records are required to process the form sheet, and will then continue with the next group of records. This feature is especially helpful for processing multi-column layouts, e.g. for labels. (See LABEL.WRD) It can be used in spreadsheets, too (PROF). Multiple line fields -------------------- These fields were created in DATA using Shift/Enter. When displayed all lines are displayed. However, during searching or when printed, only the first line is used, unless specified otherwise. You may do so, by specifying Name:[n] n = 1..9 for the n-th line of the Name: field. Text functions -------------- Text functions are used to derive information from field values for printing, viewing, sorting, searching, linking. RepPoc provides some predefined text functions. Functions are specified in the following way: function::label or function::label[n] or if they have no argument function:: A full description of all text functions is contained in RPFUNC.DBF (PSION database file) as an online reference. However, you may want to write some custom text function. You do this by adding to RPFUNC.OPL. The programming guidelines are in RPFUNC.DOC. It is a good idea to document all changes in RPFUNC.DBF. A special group of text functions allows to accumulate numeric values over multiple records: pos:: current position in list (no argument) sum:: sum of the numeric value of that and the above fields. max:: maximum of the numeric value of that and the above fields. min:: minimum of the numeric value of that and the above fields. mean:: mean of the numeric value of that and the above fields. Another group of functions allows break processing in sorted sets. SORTED:: Checks for sorted selection set. NEW1::field Print field only if sort criterium 1 has changed. BRK1:: Counter for changes of sort criterium 1. POS1:: SUM1::field MAX1::field MIN1::field MEAN1::field Similar to POS,SUM,MAX,MIN,MEAN, but the values are reset when sort criterium 1 changes. NEW2::field Print field only if sort criteria 1 or 2 have changed. BRK2:: Counter for changes of sort criterium 2. Reset when sort criterium 1 changes. POS2:: SUM2::field MAX2::field MIN2::field MEAN2::field Similar to POS,SUM,MAX,MIN,MEAN, but the values are reset when sort criteria 1 or 2 change. IF::field Print rest of paragraph if field content is >= "0" SKIPIF::field Skip rest of paragraph if field content is >= "0" HDR0:: Print rest of paragraph if the first character of sort criterium 1 has changed. HDR1:: Print rest of paragraph if sort criterium 1 has changed. HDR2:: Print rest of paragraph if sort criteria 1 or 2 has changed. TRL0:: Print rest of paragraph if the first character of sort criterium 1 will change. TRL1:: Print rest of paragraph if sort criterium 1 will change. TRL2:: Print rest of paragraph if sort criteria 1 or 2 will change. NPAG0:: Insert page break after current paragraph if the first character of sort criterium 1 will change. NPAG1:: Insert page break after current paragraph if sort criterium 1 will change. NPAG2:: Insert page break after current paragraph if sort criterium 1 or 2 will change. CHAR1:: Returns the first character of sort criterion 1. Formatting functions: --------------------- Formatting functions process field contents as numeric values and to control their representation. When used in spreadsheets they generate numeric cells. Formatting functions can be used on top of text functions. Fn:: fix point with n decimal place (0...9) Sn:: Scientific with n decimal places (0...9) Cn:: currency with n decimal places (0...9) Pn:: percent with n decimal places (0...9) Nn:: thousandscomma with n decimal places (0...9) A:: Default G:: Floating point H:: Hidden B:: Bargraph D:: Date (number interpreted as days starting at 31.12.1899 as in spreadsheet) T:: Time (0.0...0.5...1.0 starting at midnight as in spreadsheet) Standard forms -------------- We have already included some standard forms: PHONES.WRD landscape format phone list LETTER.WRD standard letterhead FAX.WRD FAX cover sheet ENVELOP.WRD DL1 envelop LABEL.WRD address labels ROLODEX.WRD ROLODEX format address cards You may want to modify these forms according to your requirements and the printer you use. Views ----- Views are similar to forms but they control the appearance of data on the screen. Views are edited through the DATA application (Create view, edit view). You can remove fields, combine multiple fields into one field, apply text functions. In RepPoc PROF you can create multifile views and export views to new DATA files. File links (PROF) ----------------- Up to two secondary files can be linked to the primary file. Each file link consists of a file name, a link criterium and options. The link criterium consists of a secondary file field, a relator, and a primary field value (can include text functions.) Fields from secondary files can be used in forms and views, but not for search and sort. They are identified by their names (as primary fields). In case of ambiguity they can be prefixed with "b." (1.secondary file) and "c." (2. secondary file). Sorting ------- After pressing PSION-S (sort function) you can specify up to 2 sort fields (full fieldspec possible including text functions) and the sort direction (ascending/descending). Note, that not the whole file but only the selected records are sorted. Although we have implemented QuickSort, it can take a while to sort depending on the size of the selection set and how the records are preordered. You may then view or print the records in sorted order. You can interrupt the sort process by pressing any key. You can reduce the selection set to only the records where the sort criterion has changed. A variety of text functions can react on changes in the sort criterion and allows you to create sophisticated reports with breaks, subtotals and totals. Marking ------- During viewing, you may mark the selected records be pressing PSION-M or Shift/Enter. When you print, you have the option to print only the records marked. The mark symbol is shown in the top right corner of the screen. Preferences ----------- The preferences allow you to specify - if the sort function shall be invoked every time the selection set becomes unsorted (especially when the file is opened). - if you want to be prompted for data file, search criterion and sort criterion when the file is opened. - if you want to use WORD as word processor or if you prefer to work using F11. F11 is a WORD enhancer distributed by us. Spreadsheets (PROF) ------------------- First use the function "New spreadsheet" and define the maximum number of lines. RepPoc generates a title line and a control record. You may want to alter the title line or the control record. The control record is used to generate the values later on. You can also copy this new spreadsheet into other existing spreadsheets. Then use the "Update spreadsheet" function to insert the values. When the contents of the DATA file have changed, use the update function again, to replace the old values with the new ones. For more details about this function see the manual. Troubleshooting --------------- 1. Line feed between entries is missing. Examine the form sheet. The last paragraph is probably not closed, i.e. when the cursor is moved to the end of the document, it will be at the end of the last line and not below the last line. Press ENTER to bring the cursor below the last line. 2. List headers or other header paragraphs repeat with the body text. You probably changed the format of these paragraphs. The WORD application has created a new style sheet (e.g. ZA) and assigned it to the paragraph. RepPoc cannot identify the paragraph as header paragraph because they have different names now. You can: a) reapply a Header Style sheet to the header paragraph (HA,HB,HL) and accomplish the necessary changes by modifying the settings of the header style sheet. b) create a short paragraph below the header paragraph and apply a header style sheet (HA,HB,HL) to it. 3. Conditional paragraphs don't appear at all. The paragraph was probable defined above a header paragraph. Move the paragraph to a position after the last header paragraph.