Resistor 1.0 (C) Hugh Matthews, November 1996 Overview Resistor converts between the standard component colour code and component values. Conversions can be carried out in either direction. Not only does it deal with '4-band' carbon film resistors, but also with precision '5-band' and '6-band' metal film resistors and with polyester capacitors. Installation instructions Copy Resistor.opa to any \APP directory. Put the optional help file Resistor.rsc in \APP\RESISTOR from the same \APP directory. Install Resistor from the system screen using Psion-I. Menu commands Input: 'Colours' Psion-C converts colours to values. 'Values' Psion-V converts values to colours. Special: 'About' Psion-A displays version information. 'Exit' Psion-X quits the program. Diamond selects the type of resistor or capacitor. License conditions 'Resistor' is distributed as 'Freeware'. You may redistribute this program provided that no charge is and that it is accompanied by the original documentation. You may not reverse-engineer, reverse-translate or modify the program in any way. 'Resistor' is provided 'as is'. Although the program has been carefully tested, no responsibility can be accepted for damage or data loss caused by its use. Contacting the author 'Resistor' was written by: Dr Hugh Matthews, St John's College, Cambridge CB2 1TP, England. EMail: URL: