New features in ShopList 1.11 This version adds AutoList, a feature which automatically adds regularly-purchased items to the shopping list. The Find function has also been upgraded so that items containing the search string embedded in the middle of a word are excluded. To upgrade to version 1.11, it is only necessary to copy the new files to \APP and \APP\SLIST. Note that there is an additional file, SLISTUPG.OPO, which automatically upgrades the .LST files to the new format. It is strongly recommended that you make a backup of your list files before first opening/upgrading them using the new version. If you have already registered, it is not necessary to re-enter the registration code. New features in ShopList 1.10 This version adds handling of cash discounts per item. A couple of minor points have been clarified in the Help file. To upgrade to version 1.10, it is only necessary to copy the new files to \APP and \APP\SLIST. If you have already registered it is not necessary to re-enter the registration code. New features in ShopList 1.09 This version adds handling of Multibuy discounts. You can now buy N items for the price of M, or specify a cash discount when purchasing N items. The price per item is automatically calculated on the basis of the specified discount, held internally as a floating point number, but is rounded for display purposes to the nearest penny. To upgrade to version 1.09, it is only necessary to copy the new files to \APP and \APP\SLIST. If you have already registered it is not necessary to re-enter the registration code. New features in ShopList 1.08 This version introduces five new features over the original release. The first relates to "once-only" and "each trip" purchases. You can now define categories as containing "repeat purchases", "once-only purchases" or "each-trip purchases". "Repeat purchase" categories operate as before, with items in "Pick" being updated at "checkout". In contrast, items in "once-only" categories are erased from both "Pick" and "Tally" at "checkout". This allows the shopping list to include items like books and videos which you will only buy/rent/borrow once. Suppose that you have a "once-only" category called "Videos". You might put in "Pick" all the videos which you might be interested in buying/renting at some point in the future, transfer one or two to "List/Shop" when you wanted to rent them, and following "checkout" these would be expunged from the list altogether. Items in "each-trip" categories are added back onto the shopping list on "checkout" ready for the next shopping trip, thereby ensuring that you don't forget to buy them. For example, you might define a category called "Staples" containing such items as bread, milk and other perishables which you buy every week. These would always stay on the shopping list. Items can readily be moved to and from this category by using the "Update item" command (Psion-U). The second is to allow a default store and aisle to be defined for each category. For example, you might buy almost all meat products in aisle 1 of your local supermarket, so you would want any new items added to the "Meat" category to automatically default to that store and aisle. However, you can override these defaults for any particular item if desired when it is originally added or purchased. This feature is also useful for "once-only" categories, whose items would otherwise never have an aisle. The third is to provide an alternative means of changing categories or stores, via a dialog box opened by pressing . The fourth new feature allows items in the current category or store to be rapidly selected by pressing the first letter of the item name. The fifth is an automatic check of file structure when a list file is opened. This is implemented as an optional module (SLISTCHK.OPO), which can be omitted to save space if desired. These changes are backwards-compatible with existing .LST files, all of whose categories will initially be set up for "repeat purchases" and contain a null default aisle. However, the default store for existing categories will default to the first store which you defined, so on upgrading to version 1.08 you should update the properties of each category in turn using "Modify" (Psion-M). Apart from than these changes, the other alterations to the program since its original release relate to the fixing of minor bugs, as detailed in the History.txt file.