StockIt Version 1.05 Shareware Copyright Chris Nicholson 1997/1998 Please mail all suggestions, comments or details of problems to me at Visit my web site at for all the latest information and updates on my programs. StockIt is a powerful stock control/pricing program. Its' features include; list views, tagging of records, 4 user defined fields, 5 percentage fields for marking up or down, import facility, linking Word and Sheet files, and a pricing calculator to ensure correct pricing. The stock control monitor alerts when stocks fall below user defined levels and will generate both order and transaction reports to allow you to monitor your business. REGISTRATION StockIt is shareware. You can use it free for 21 days, after this it must be registered. Until you receive your registration code each file is restricted to only 8 records. This software represents many hours of programming, so if you like it please register. StockIt can be registered in two ways. . Compuserve On-line registration ($35) via "Go Swreg" SWREG ID = 16761 . By Mail, send a cheque for £20, made payable to Chris Nicholson, to 5 The Kilns Calne Wiltshire SN11 8HJ England DISCLAIMER No responsibility is accepted by the author for any loss of data, however caused, by the use or misuse of StockIt. The responsibility for any consequences of installation or use rest solely with the user. No warranties or guarantees of any kind are implied. The author accepts absolutely no responsibility for any decisions formulated using information provided by StockIt. DISTRIBUTION StockIt is freely distributable to anyone so long as it is distributed in UNMODIFIED FORM along with this unmodified readme file, and that no further fees are charged. FILES Registered users should make a note of their registration code before proceeding. Stockit.opa Any drive :\app Program file Stock1.opo Any drive :\app\stockit Program file Stock2.opo Any drive :\app\stockit Program file Stock3.opo Any drive :\app\stockit Program file JbsortB.img Internal M:\app Sort module (please note that this is the new version) Optional files Stohelp.rsc Internal M:\app\stockit Help file INSTALLATION Copy the file Stockit.opa to directory \app on any drive. Copy Stock1.opo, Stock2.opo and Stock2.opo to the directory \app\stockit\ on any drive. If you want to use the online help then install the file Stohelp.rsc to the directory M:\app\stockit\ on the internal drive. Then install StockIt on the system screen using Psion-I. Either press enter to create a file called PriCalc or press Psion N and type in a new name followed by pressing enter. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS John Boyce for the use of his sort program Jbsort. Arthur Karpman for his excellent suggestions and assistance. HISTORY Version 1.05 Minor bug fixes Version 1.04 Added category to transaction report sorting Included main screen in the diamond key Added sort details to the help file Version 1.03 Address change Minor bug fixes Version 1.01 Initial release Getting Started When you first run the program you will be taken through a setup procedure that allows you to specify your program preferences. I have setup some defaults so that you can use these and then, if required, change them at a later date. The program will then automatically go to the add screen so that you can enter your first record. You will need to add one record to allow access to the rest of the program. If you are unsure, just enter any information because the record can always be edited or deleted later. File Management StockIt supports multiple files so that, if required, you can divide your information into different categories. To create a new file from the system screen put the cursor under the StockIt icon and press Psion-N, you will then be prompted for a new file name. Once this is completed StockIt will start with this as the current file. To start using an existing file place the cursor under the StockIt icon on the system screen and scroll down to the required file, then press enter. Preferences StockIt supports multiple preference files, giving you the ability to set up different field headings and percentage settings for any file. To create a new preference file select Preferences from the menu and new. You can now use the preference settings in the menu to assign your new requirements. To open a different preferences file use Psion-j and select the file you want to use and press enter. The new preference are now in use. Adding a record The first field is used throughout the program as the main identifier, so I would suggest that this is used for a products unique reference, eg part number or name. The next 3 text fields are completely free for you to enter any relevant information. The next field allows you to put products into categories, which can be defined by you. This allows for easier viewing when used in conjunction with the sorting facility. The next field is for you to enter the intial price. This can either be the list price or a cost price because the program can mark up or down, dependent on what setting you have selected in the percenatage preferences. After saving the record you are prompted to input the stock information for this item. Enter the current stock level and then the minimum order level. This can then be monitored on a daily basis, when the program is started or using shift-Psion-C. If you do not want to use this feature leave the fields blank and then accept the zero warning that appears. Importing Records You can import records from other Psion Data files by using the import facility. Select Psion-I and decide whether you want to import to the currently open StockIt file or create a new one, then select the Data file that you want to import. Next define the field layout of the Data file that you are importing. For example if the import file fields are in the following order; User Field 1, User Field 3, User Field 4, User Field 2. Then you would insert the following numbers for the relevant fields; User Field 1 - 1 User Field 3 - 2 User Field 4 - 3 User Field 2 - 4 Program Control There are 2 list views, all and tagged records, and you can alternate between them by using Psion-L. Using the escape key will always take you back to the list view that you are currently using. To move between records in list view use either the up/arrow keys, page up/down or home/end. Records can be tagged to allow selective viewing or export options. To operate the tag option use the Tab key to turn the tag on or off. To select a record from the list view press enter. To switch between Screens 1 and 2 use the Diamond key. To move between records in normal view use either the left/right arrow keys or home/end. Each record can have a Word note attached to it. by pressing the "N" key. The first time that you do this you will be prompted to either link to an existing Word file or to create a new one. Once you have specified the file the program will automatically launch this file when the "N" key is pressed. You can edit the linked file information from the preferences menu. Each record can have a Sheet note attached to it. by pressing the "S" key. The first time that you do this you will be prompted to either link to an existing Sheet file or to create a new one. Once you have specified the file the program will automatically launch this file when the "S" key is pressed. You can edit the linked file information from the preferences menu. To move to a particular record number use Psion-J. Stock Control To add to a product's stock level press the "+" key and enter the quantity of units added to stock, the supplier and a purchase number if required. When you want to reduce the stock level press the "-" key and enter the quantity of units sold, customer name and an invoice or receipt number. If there is insufficient stock then you will be warned of this and if you opt to proceed then this will be noted as a back order. The minimum order level monitor can be set up by the settings in the general preferences or you can manually activate it by pressing shift-Psion-C. By pressing shift-Psion-C you can check to see if any items require ordering, including back orders and then produce a report detailing the quantities etc.This can be automatically run everytime the program is started or the date is changed by selecting the required option in the general preferences. All transactions are recorded and a transaction report can be produced by pressing shift-Psion-I. You will be prompted as to how you want the data sorted so that the report is more useful. You can calculate the total value of all the products in stock in this file by pressing Psion-T. Please note that all products that are on backorder are treat as a zero value. Exporting You can export either all, just an individual record or tagged records to a sheet file. If exporting all then you can choose how you want the data sorted. Pricing Calculator This section can be used to check and assist with the correct pricing of a product or service. As long as the correct data is entered, it will calculate the minimum amount of units that need to be sold to achieve either breakeven sales or a set profit value, or the actual sale price. In these calculations a unit refers to the individual product, and breakeven in this instance is the number of units that need to be sold and not their sales value.