Business Suite Version 1.15 Copyright Chris Nicholson 1998/1999 Please mail all suggestions, comments or details of problems to me at Visit my web site at for all the latest information and updates on my programs. Program overview The principle behind Business Suite is that it brings all the programs required for business life into one package (Contact management, stock control document management, answerphone controller and expense manager). Easy and flexible linking of files means that information can be grouped by a common denominator to allow easy location of data. The whole program has been designed so that this information can be found quickly and easily with the minimum number of key selections. All of the programs use the same code and screens so there is a major memory saving leading to the ability to run more programs at the same time. In addition the program is module based so that you only have to load the modules for the programs that you want to use. REGISTRATION Business Suite is shareware. You can use it free for 21 days, after this it must be registered. This software represents many hours of programming, so if you like it please register. Business Suite can be registered in two ways. . Via Regnet at $35 Registration ID = 4984 or directly via . By Mail, send a cheque for £12 made payable to Chris Nicholson to 5 The Kilns Calne Wiltshire SN11 8HJ England DISCLAIMER No responsibility is accepted by the author for any loss of data, however caused, by the use or misuse of Business Suite. The responsibility for any consequences of installation or use rest solely with the user. No warranties or guarantees of any kind are implied. The author accepts absolutely no responsibility for any decisions formulated using information provided by StockIt. DISTRIBUTION Business Suite is freely distributable to anyone so long as it is distributed in UNMODIFIED FORM along with this unmodified readme file, and that no further fees are charged. FILES Minimum installation Bussuite.opa Any drive :\app Program file Contact1.opo Any drive :\app\bussuite Program file Contact2.opo Any drive :\app\bussuite Program file JbsortB.img Internal M:\app Sort module Optional files Bussuite.rsc Internal M:\app\bussuite Help file Stock.opo Any drive :\app\bussuite Stock control module Stoconv.opo Any drive :\app\ Converts existing StockIt files to new format Anscom.opo Any drive :\app\bussuite Answerphone control module Manager.opo Any drive :\app\bussuite Expense and fuel module Percalc.opo Any drive :\app\bussuite Percentage calculator module Datafind.opo Any drive :\app\bussuite Data file information find module There are also a set of sample files that should be installed in the same directories that they are held in in the ZIP file INSTALLATION Copy the file Bussuite.opa to directory \app on any drive. Copy contact1.opo and contact2.opo to the directory \app\stockit\ on any drive. If you want to use the online help then install the file Bussuite.rsc to the directory M:\app\bussuite\ on the internal drive. Install any of the other required modules in the locations indicated above. Then install StockIt on the system screen using Psion-I. Either press enter to create a file called Bussuite or press Psion N and type in a new name followed by pressing enter. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS John Boyce for the use of his sort program Jbsort. HISTORY Version 1.15 First full release Version 1.00 - 1.14 Beta testing Help file Preferences - All You can select whether to log all contacts to a master file and/or to an individual contact log. It is worth noting that any number of records can use one individual contact log. This allows you to group information in a manner that suits your way of working. When you expand a contact record you can allow it to carry forward the master record details. This can save data input where you input a company name, expand that to it's own file and enter all the contacts within that company. Currency - select the currency that you want displayed. Agenda - select the Agenda file for any actions to be written too. Password - To use password protection first activate it using "Set main password", after this you need to apply a password to the files you want protected using "Individual password". It is thus possible to have non-sensitive information open freely whilst protecting others. You can use the master password across all files or change it for each file. The password can then be deactivated for all files via "Set main password" When in StockIt a new heading appears under preferences to allow the amendment of categories, percentages and screen information. Hotkeys - All Right arrow - displays expanded file options and linking Left arrow - returns to previous file Up arrow - scrolls through records (all views) Down arrow - scrolls through records (all views) Escape - activates Quicklist for fast switching between files Diamond key - switches between the various screens available Space key - returns to list view Tab - tag a record + - edit action date in Contact Manager/add stock in StockIt - - edit contact date in Contact Manager/deduct stock in StockIt D - links a record to a Data file W - links a record to a Word file S - links a record to a Sheet file N - displays contact details for that record 1 - fast link to expanded contact file 2 - fast link to expanded document file 3 - fast link to expanded StockIt file 4 - fast link to expanded BusCalc file 5 - fast link to tag list 6 - fast link to action list in Contact Manager/fast link to order report in StockIt 7 - launch AnsCom (if installed) 8 - launch PerCalc (if installed) 9 - launch DataFind (if installed) 0 - launch Expense/Fuel Manager (if installed) Starting - All First decide on the information you want to store and amend the labels to reflect this, Psion L. Bear in mind that although the first use of the main program is as a contact manager it can be used to store any information and act as the gateway to all of your important data.Press Psion E and enter the information required or a title for the file you are expanding too. Each record contact record can be expanded to a Contact, Document,StockIt and/or BusCalc file, as well as linking it too a Sheet, Data and/or Word file. The structure has been designed so that a contact record can be expanded to any/or all types of file but all the others (Document, StockIt and BusCalc) can only be expanded to files of their own type, e.g. Document to Document and StockIt to StockIt. Labels - All Each file can have it's own set of labels allowing you complete control of your data layout. Using this idea the Contact Manager element can be used to record any form of information and assign dates. Linking - All Pressing the right hand arrow will bring up an information box showing the status of any linked files. To move too or create a new one select the relevant option and follow the screen prompts. When inserting records into an expanded file the program can automatically insert the details from its parent record, if setup from preferences, thus preventing the duplication of entering common information. Once a link has been established the keys 1 - 4 can be used for fast selection of linked files. Except for the Document Manager, to link to a Word, Sheet and/or Data file press the first letter of the appropriate file type, e.g. "D" for Data, the program will then check to see if it is already linked. If not follow the on screen prompts to either link to an existing file or create a new one. To amend any of the links press shift-Psion-L and a box will appear showing all the links for that record, select the link to modify and follow the on screen prompts. Tagging - All Records can be tagged and a special tag file produced that will show only the selected records. This file can be sorted exported to allow selected information to be segregated. The list can be composed of records from just the current open file or all files, you are prompted for which files to include. Search - All To find information go to the Search heading on the menu and select the appropriate option. Copy and Insert - All Data can be copied and inserted between files but not between programs, i.e. you cannot copy a record from a Contact file and insert it into StockIt. When inserting a file within StockIt you can retain it's link to the main stock file. This allows records to appear in multiple files i.e. different files for each customer, but show the same stock amount remaining and make stock control easier to control. Jbsort - All The program will sort in ascending order using the specified fields. A numerical sort is also possible (but only on one field, which must be made up only of numbers). To access this type of sort an additional character has to be sent to the program. Alternatively, if only one field is specified and that field is a numeric type field (as opposed to a string field) then the numerical sort will be automatically invoked. Should the program fail at some point in the procedure then there should be no lasting damage as the last thing the program does is delete the original and substitute the new file, prior to that, the original file is not altered in any way. Exporting - All All programs can be exported to Sheet or Data. First sort your information as required, then press shift-Psion-E and follow the on screen prompts. Once an export has been completed you will be prompted on your return to BusSuite to save or abandon. Importing Records - All You can import records from other Psion Data files by using the import facility. Select Psion-M and follow the on screen prompts. When asked to define the field layout of the Data file that you are Importing take note of the following: If the import file fields are in the following order; User Field 1, User Field 3, User Field 4, User Field 2. Then you would insert the following numbers for the relevant fields; User Field 1 - 1 User Field 3 - 2 User Field 4 - 3 User Field 2 - 4 Entering contact - Contact Manager The definition of "Contact" in the program is the last recorded activity logged against a record. Contacts can be viewed on the third screen, to view the full notes press N and an information box will appear, to clear press "escape" or "enter". You can initiate contact via either the "Dial" key or by pressing the "-" key and the contact timer will begin. When using the "Dial" key the system will prompt you for the number and dial using DTMF tones. Complete the contact information and once completed you can confirm or amend the time taken for the contact. This allows a duration to be recorded so a report can be accessed in either (if activated via preferences) of the contact logs to show the time spent in those areas. Entering action - Contact Manager The definition of "Action" is the next programmed activity intended. Actions can be viewed on the third screen, to view the full notes press N and an information box will appear, to clear press "escape" or "enter". To plan an action press the "+" key and complete the details. Once complete you will be prompted if you want the details automatically entered into Agenda. Details of all contacts can be viewed in the Contacts screen and for full details of the notes press 'N' to raise a dialog showing complete dates and notes for both the last contact and next action. Action list - Contact Manager An action list can be produced that will show all actions due between any two dates selected. The list can be composed of records from just the current open file or all files, you are prompted for which files to include. Time monitoring - Contact Manager With each file being able to have it's own set of labels and the timer function on the contact logging it is possible to have a file set up for the recording of every days tasks so that you can use the contact log to record the specifics of each task and the time taken. In this respect the whole program can be used as a time monitoring program. Adding a record - StockIt The first field is used throughout the program as the main identifier, so I would suggest that this be used for a products unique reference, e.g. part number or name. The next 3 text fields are completely free for you to enter any relevant information. The next field allows you to put products into categories, which can be defined by you. This allows for easier viewing when used in conjunction with the sorting facility. The next field is for you to enter the initial price. This can either be the list price or a cost price because the program can mark up or down, dependent on what setting you have selected in the percentage preferences. After saving the record you are prompted to input the stock information for this item. Enter the current stock level and then the minimum order level. If you do not want to use this feature leave the fields blank and accept the zero warning that appears. Stock Control - StockIt To add to a product's stock level press the "+" key and enter the quantity of units added to stock, the supplier and a purchase number if required. When you want to reduce the stock level press the "-" key and enter the quantity of units sold, customer name and an invoice or receipt number. If there is insufficient stock then you will be warned of this and if you opt to proceed then this will be noted as a back order. An order report can be viewed on screen and exported to Sheet or Data via shift-Psion-E. All transactions are recorded in both a total transaction file and an individual transaction file. You can calculate the total value of all the products in stock in this file by pressing shift-Psion-D. Please note that all products on backorder are treated as a zero value. Document Manager The principle behind the Document Manager is to allow you to store documents in the usual places i.e. \wrd \spr etc, but to structure them into relevant groups and assign descriptions to them. Expense Manager Getting started Ensure that you have installed Manager as per the installation instructions. Only one vehicle can be tracked using the fuel recording side of the program and this is automatically opened when the program is started. The program is very simple and effective, making use of Sheet to provide the reporting features. Data is entered for fuel using Psion-F and for expenses using Psion-E. The rest is fairly self-explanatory. AnsCom Getting started Ensure that you have installed AnsCom as per the installation instructions. Once the module has been loaded you can add names for the relevant commands using Psion-T. Then enter a command string for the relevant title and activation key using Psion-C. The commands that can be used are the standard set, (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,#,*,a,b,c,d) and they can be separated by spaces so that you can control any pauses that are required in between commands. To initiate a stored command press the letter key indicated to the left of the command title required. PerCalc Getting started Ensure that you have installed PerCalc as per the installation instructions. The program runs in a loop until you press escape. This makes it idea for working on figures that use repetitive percentages. All you need to do is enter any two sets of figures and the program will calculate the remaining data. Pricing Calculators - This section can be used to check and assist with the correct pricing of a product or service. As long as the correct data is entered, it will calculate the minimum amount of units that need to be sold to achieve either breakeven sales or a set profit value, or the actual sale price. In these calculations a unit refers to the individual product, and breakeven in this instance is the number of units that need to be sold and not their sales value. DataFind Getting started Ensure that you have installed DataFind as per the installation instructions. The principle behind DataFind is that it will search all or one of your Data files to find any information you request. This saves time if looking for information where you are unsure which actual file it is stored within.