Aladin Version 2.01a ==================== (c)2000 D R Cunningham INTRODUCTION ============ This interface has been written to enable the dive profiles stored by Aladin dive computers to be downloaded and interpreted without the need to carry a laptop PC around. This is especially advantageous when diving abroad. This interface is provided as an extra to DiveTime, using DiveTime to log and display the dive information, and will work with versions 4.01a and above. Previous versions of the Aladin interface will not work with DiveTime version 4.01a but data already entered will still be useable. This new version has been written especially for the new DiveTime log format. Limitations =========== Version 2.01a has only been tested with the standard DOS Aladin interface and the interface described below with both an Aladin Air and Pro Nitrox dive computers. It should work with most Aladin computers (except O2 types) but will definitely not work with the MemoMouse. What it does do:- 1. Download Log book and Profile information from the Aladin. 2. Save this information to a file for possible later re-import. 3. Import Log book and Profile information from a DataTrak file. 4. Display dive profile, physiological and alarm information over time. 5. Display the Nitrox mix where this is available. 6. Display Computer configuration information, such as serial number, battery life etc. What it does NOT do:- 1. Talk to the Aladin, eg to set configuration parameters. 2. Re-transmit Log book and Profile information to a PC running DataTrak. 3. Export Log book and Profile information to a DataTrak file. 4. Allow detailed examination of the dive profile (Zoom in). 5. Calculate or display nitrogen and oxygen tissue absorption information. DISCLAIMER ========== This program was developed without using any documentation from Uwatec and is supplied "as is". The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for injury, loss or damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of this software. HARDWARE ======== PsiWin Cable / Aladin Interface Adapter ======================================= If you don't already have a PsiWin serial cable, you will have to buy one or build one (see below). Then you will need to build a 9 way D Plug to 9 way D plug adapter as follows: Signal 9W D Plug I/O 9W D Plug Signal (Psion) (Aladin) TXD 02 --> 07 RTS & 03 RXD RXD 03 <-- 02 TXD GND 05 --- 05 GND DSR 06 --> 04 DTR This arrangement uses TXD and DSR from the Psion to power the Aladin interface. The data to the Aladin is also connected to the negative power to prevent noise at the input affecting the Aladin. Aladin Interface ================ The Aladin interface I started using was built according to Version 1 by Matthias Heinrichs (see below) and incorporated the adapter above. This worked well but had an annoying tendency to bridge the contacts when the serial port is disabled. For this reason, I suggest only connecting the Aladin AFTER the download timeout has started, otherwise the Aladin will enter "Plan" mode. An interface could be built with its own supply (eg a PP3 battery like the MemoMouse) but this obviously would not fit within the 9-way shell as the tested version did. The interface I am now using is the proper DOS interface from Uwatec which are still available if you hunt around. Using this interface required an additional link to be added between pins 7 and 3 on the Aladin side of the adapter to prevent the Aladin going into "Plan" mode, when the interface was enabled, thus preventing the download. DOWNLOADING =========== Importing from an Aladin Computer ================================= Before starting the download, connect the serial cable, adaptor and Aladin interface to the Psion, but not to the Aladin - yet. After selecting Import from Aladin, a timeout of 1 minute will start. During this time, the Aladin can be switched on and connected to the interface in the normal manner (Red to "B" and Black to "-") and Logbook mode entered (by bridging "B" & "+" then "B" & "E"). The timeout will be suspended while the Aladin is connected and continue if it is disconnected. If the download is successful a dialogue will be displayed giving the option of saving the data to a file. If the download is not successful, the download can be retried (by bridging "B" & "E", then "B" & "+" and "B" & "E" again). To abort the download, disconnect the Aladin so that the timeout will continue and complete. Once the download is successful and the data saved to a file (recommended) the data will be analysed and the computer configuration displayed. Pressing "Enter" will start the import and any dives after the last dive in the current DiveTime log will be added to the end of the log. If the Psion does not recognise the computer type number, a dialogue will be displayed so that the generic type can be selected. The whole of the Aladin data can be imported by creating a new DiveTime log and importing the data into this. If there are no dives in the current DiveTime log, the dive number will be taken from the total number of dives recorded by the Aladin. Importing from an Aladin File ============================= After selecting Import from Aladin file, the import will proceed as if from the Aladin once the data has been saved. Data files are saved with an additional 4 bytes added which are the time stamp of the Psion when the download was completed. This is so that "Import from File" can correctly calculate "Time In" an "Time Out". Importing from DataTrak File ============================ After selecting Import from DataTrak file, a dialogue will be displayed requesting the selection of the DataTrak file. This will initially be set to \OPD on the internal drive. When he file has been selected, a new log will be created, called "Dtrak" and the import will proceed automatically. The dives will be imported as they are logged in DataTrak, with the following exceptions: 1. Timeout and Surface Interval are calculated from the end of the final ascent and not from leaving the water. 2. The Average Depth and, therefore, Air Consumption are calculated only for time below the surface and not for the whole profile. 3. Some of the activities will be lost since DiveTime does not record these. REFERENCES ========== Aladin download information is available from Gary Lorensen ( at DataTrak file format information is available from Michael Dieterle ( at Aladin interface hardware information is available from Matthias Heinrichs ( at This also contains numerous other Aladin related links. PsiWin cable information was derived from the website of Justin Buckland (, which has since disappeared, and is reproduced in the file Psicable.txt. Aladin, DataTrak and MemoMouse are trademarks of Uwatec ( PROBLEMS ======== There are a number problems interfacing the Aladin to the Psion which are due to the way in which the Aladin transmits data and the Psion handles serial communications. These are: 1. The Aladin interface derives its power from the serial port, using the DTR and RTS signals to provide this. The Psion defaults handshaking signals to positive which means that the Aladin / Psion interface has to be powered from DTR and TXD, the only guaranteed negative output. 2. The Psion only applies power to its serial port when its enabled (to save power) and the Matthias Heinrichs Aladin interface bridges the "B" and "-" contacts when it is not powered. This means that the Aladin will enter "Plan" mode before the download and cycle the Logbook after the download. This doesn't seem to apply to the Uwatec interface. 3. The Aladin outputs a square wave when its not transmitting data. This causes serial errors which continually terminate the Psion serial process. The length of time taken to restart the serial process can miss the real start of the data. This means that download may have to be attempted several times before it is successful. HISTORY ======= The version of the Aladin interface can be found by selecting "About" from the "Dive", "Import" sub-menu. Version 1.01b - (beta release) First released version. Version 1.01c - (beta release) Correction to download profile analysis to allow for surfacing during a dive. Addition of Nitrox mixture. Version 1.02a - (beta release) Improved profile analysis, confirmation of checksum and display of computer configuration parameters on import. Version 1.03a - (beta release) Addition of imperial units support, in line with version 3.02a of DiveTime. Version 1.03b - (beta release) Minor corrections to conversion factors following testing in use. Version 2.01a - (beta release) Upgrade to ensure compatability ith new version of DiveTime.