Psion Serial Cable ================== Suitable for Series 3c/mx/Siena/5/5mx/7 (Reproduced from the old website of Justin Buckland) ( DESCRIPTION =========== The cable is a 12 inch* long PCMCIA-type cable assembly connected to a 9-way D-Type socket. The connections between the pins are identical to those in the PsiWin cable. The D-Type socket cover has thumb-screws to enable secure attachment to a PC and a strain relief grommet to prolong the life of the cable. * This is a bit short, but the PCMCIA cable assembly only comes with this much cable on it. If you want to connect your Psion to a Modem rather than to a computer, you will need to construct a null-modem adapter (see below). CONSTRUCTION ============ Parts List ========== The parts are available from CPC (tel: +44 (0)1772 654455). Note that the cable assembly is not identical to the connector on the cable that Psion supply, having a different arrangement of small plastic keyways. This doesn't usually make a difference but they can be CAREFULLY pared down with a scalpel to make the fit in the Psion easier (do this at your own risk though). Description Part Number -------------------------------------------------- PCMCIA Cable Assembly CN00842 9 Way socket Black (pack of 10) CSSOCKET15 Plastic D-Type Hood and Thumb-screws CNDPT9B Cable Grommet Black (pack of 10) CSCPL-12 Connections =========== The 9 way D-Type should be wired as follows: Sig 15w I/O 9w Colour Sig Comments -------------------------------------------------- - <-- 1 DCD Not used TXD 4 --> 2 blue/grey RXD Data to PC RXD 8 <-- 3 yellow/grey TXD Data to Psion DSR 5 <-- 4 orange DTR PC Ready GND 15 --- 5 black* GND Signal Ground DTR 3 --> 6 red DSR Psion Ready CTS 7 <-- 7 yellow RTS PC Ready RTS 2 --> 8 purple/grey CTS Psion Ready RI 6 <-- 9 green/grey RI Not used * older cables (pre 1997) use white instead of black for this wire NULL-MODEM ADAPTER ================== The Psion PsiWin cable has a 9 way D-Type socket which normally connects to a PC. If you want to connect the Psion to a modem, then you will need a null-modem adapter as well as the normal PsiWin cable. The null-modem adapter will need a 9 way D-Type plug on one end (to attach to the PsiWin cable) and probably a 25 way D-Type plug on the other end (to attach to the modem). The connections are: Signal 9 way I/O 25 way Signal Comments ------------------------------------------------- DCD 1 <-- - Not used RXD 2 --> 2 TXD Data to Modem TXD 3 <-- 3 RXD Data to Psion DTR 4 <-- 6,8 DSR Modem Ready GND 5 --- 7 GND Signal Ground DSR 6 --> 20 DTR Psion Ready RTS 7 <-- 5 CTS Modem Ready CTS 8 --> 4 RTS Psion Ready RI 9 <-- 22 RI Not used