GRNotes Version 2c ================== For the Psion 3a/c/mx ===================== Copyright 1998, Gavin Ryalls ============================ *** Description GRNotes is an application for keeping random notes in a structured sequence whilst allowing easy recall and cross-reference. Psion Word, Sheet or Data files may be attached to each note. The program was developed from a desire to make the Psion perform the same job as a Filofax - not just keeping information in one place, but also organising it into logical sections. Notes records are stored in folders (think of DOS directories and sub-directories). The user can search down the folder path to retrieve groups of notes or else by searching a key field, a date, or by using a search string. There is also a shortcut facility which lets the user bookmark frequently used records or folders for immediate recall. The program can be used to organise task lists, forward planning, contacts, projects and general reference notes. It is also very useful for grouping together related Psion app files and can serve as a launcher for the built-in apps. *** Installation You should have the following files which need to be copied to the indicated directories on the Psion: grn2c.opa \app grnotes.rsc (help file) \opd grnotes.ini \opd You will also have to create the following directories on the drive where you installed the program files: \NOTE \APP\NOTE Install from the system screen using psion-I. Select Grn2c.opa and press . *** General Operation and move between records. , on a folder, will list sub-folders and notes. If pressed at a note, any linked file will be launched, or if none, a dialog will open to create a new link. lists the parent folder. lists the root folder. Delete operates the same as psion-D. Tab displays a note's contents. Menu items: File Open psion-O Opens a new file Exit psion-X Closes program Edit Record psion-T Edits a single note. Copy psion-C Copies the note title for use with bring in other apps Bring psion-B Creates a note using highlighted data from another app Search By date psion-L Lists all records for date selected Find psion-F Finds all records containing entered string By type psion-Y Lists all records of a type (see note types below) Shortcuts Toggle psion-S Adds or removes a note from the shortcut list List psion-I Lists all notes on shortcut list Records New record psion-E Creates a new note New folder psion-R Creates a new sub-folder in the current folder Delete psion-D Deletes a note Move psion-V Deletes a note from its current folder Paste psion-P Inserts a note Moved from another folder Link Show psion-W Displays the name and path of a linked file Cut psion-U Removes a file link from the current note Special Register Registers GRNotes Font style Selects Roman or Swiss font About Shows program information *** Note Types If a record is created with (including brackets) in the header line , a string of user-defined note types entered into the first text line will be used as a selection list when adding or editing notes. Use commas between each type. I use "note,waiting,question,task,contact,reference,goal,done". Where no record exists, note headers are entered freeform. *** Registration GRNotes is Shareware. If you continue to use it, you must register. Please send a cheque for GBP10.00, payable to Gavin Ryalls at 1 Foulden Place Dunfermline Fife KY12 7TQ Scotland You will be sent a user password to remove nag screens and will be entitled to free upgrades and bug-fixes. Please report all bugs and requests to Registration will encourage further development of the product. *** Version History Version 2a * Status window control introduced * Zoom control and choice of font styles added * Copying between folders added * When jumping to a linked file, the program will now test to see if that file is already open, and if so will bring it to front rather than show a 'file in use error'. * Search by key removed as superfluous. * Various bug fixes and tidying-up. Version 2b * Re-issue with .ini file Version 2c * When moving up the tree structure towards root, cursor now highlights parent folder. * Item dates now included in new item and edit boxes. *Note display key moved to to avoid clash with backlight control on later machines. *** Acknowledgements GRNotes makes use of code written by other authors obtained in Cix psion/files: Link paste server/client: Original code written in C by Colly Adapted and translated into OPL by Tom Dolbilin Icon: Created by Phil Creed [end]