PSCORE A Cricket Scoring Application for PSION's Series 3a, 3c, 3mx and Siena computers Version 2.4 © B.G. Fowler 1997-2000 The author does not give, or imply, any warranties or guarantees, regarding the use of this software and will not be liable for any loss or damage incurred thereby. This application is made available as shareware only. In order to register your version and be able to make full use of all it's functionality, please refer to the accompanying document REGISTER.TXT USER GUIDE This guide assumes the reader understands the game of cricket, it's laws, and the communication signals between umpires and scorers. It does not attempt to explain the game or how to score one. Full menu and online help facilities are available to provide assistance on how to use the application. On some screens and dialogs, names have been abbreviated in order to fit them on. They appear in full in the edit dialogs and in the print files. Registration: Until the application has been registered, a dialog is displayed initially, asking whether you want to register. On entering Y, a further dialog is displayed allowing the registration code and associated name to be entered. Future uses of the application will merely result in a message confirming the copy is registered, together with the version and copyright details. Initial: On entry to the application a series of dialogs is displayed, allowing the scorer to enter the following details about the match and the first innings. These details are used on the scorecard and scorebook prints and set up internal variables used during the game. Description of match (M) Home team name (M) Away team name (M) Venue (M) Date(s) (M) Defaults to current date, but can be changed for matches of more than one day's duration. The date is abbreviated on a Siena's display, but appears in full on the print files. Any change to the default date will display and print exactly as input. Umpires' names (M) Scorers' names (M) Which team won the toss (M) If either team name has not been entered, this is suppressed. Type of match, (limited overs or time) Failure to input limited overs, and the number of overs, will result in the innings not being completed automatically by the computer after the requisite number of overs have been bowled. Number of balls in an over (6 or 8) Extras Wides No balls Runs scored These are the default extras the computer will add on for wides and no balls, when the batsmen have not run. For matches where penalty runs are added regardless of whether or not runs are scored, set Runs scored to 'include', otherwise leave it at 'ignore'. e.g. If a no ball went for 4 byes; set to 'ignore', 4 no balls would be scored; set to 'include', 4 + penalty no balls would be scored. Penalty wides and penalty no balls are controlled separately to provide flexibility. Innings of (I) If either team name has not been entered, this is suppressed. Scorecard filename The name of the file that the current scorecard is written to at the end of each over and at the end of an innings. The file is subject to the normal PSION naming standards and may be located anywhere in internal memory or on an SSD, but will be placed in \OPD directory, unless a different one is specified. This file contains the latest scorecard as a backup during an innings and can be used as the final scorecard at the end of the innings. As a complete file is written at the end of each over, it would be better to use internal memory or a RAM SSD, rather than a flash SSD. Weather conditions (I) Pitch conditions (I) Overs limit for Innings (I) If a time match has been entered, this is suppressed. First Innings (I) Runs Wickets Overs Balls This dialog only appears on the unregistered version to enable previous innings details to be entered so that match results can be calculated. Leave these fields blank, except for the last innings of a match. If team names, or batting side, have not been entered, a warning message only will appear, as there will have been insufficient data entered. If runs are set to zero, or blank, the other three fields will also be initialised. Opening batsmen and bowler Scoreboard: The scoreboard shows the current situation in the innings. The current total, the current Batsmen's scores and which one is facing, the number of wickets fallen, total at fall of the last wicket, last batsman's score and overs bowled are updated for each delivery. The deliveries bowled in the current over are shown at the bottom of the display, with runs shown in black and extras in grey. Where both runs and extras have been scored of one delivery, ('include' option for penalty runs) the line above will be utilised, which will result in the normally shown information temporarily disappearing. Should there be more deliveries than will fit across the bottom of the screen, the earliest will be lost. Functions: Player Names It is only necessary to input any player's name once in a match. Whenever a player is selected, a list of all the names already entered for the team is presented. From this list, a name can be selected and subsequently amended. Also on the list are; '(none)', to allow a name to be left blank; '(new)' to allow entry of a new name, if eleven names have not already been entered; 'Sub' for substitute fielder on a list of fielders. Names already appearing on the batting or bowling details screens will not appear in these lists. The bowler will not appear on the list of fielder names. Only the names of players who have bowled a ball will appear on the list of bowlers when changing a batsman's details. If there are no previously entered names, the name can be entered immediately. The simplest way to think of this is that the list is really a list of players, one of which is selected and their name entered or amended. Amending one instance of a name will change all instances in that innings. Display Batting Details (DIAMOND) This screen shows the current batting details. It highlights the number of the batsmen currently facing, and allows the input, or amendment, of batsmen and fielders' names. Use the cursor keys to select the name, then press Enter to change it. Batsmen names can also be input as each one comes to the wicket. The details for each batsman (howout, runs, balls, etc) can be adjusted by using SHIFT and ENTER. This facility can only be used to make adjustments to the score, not to change the state of the game. A batsman can not be made out from not out and vice versa, but his runs or balls faced can be adjusted. Once a batsman is out, the method of dismissal or the bowler can be changed. Confirmation is prompted for, before any changes are applied. From this screen, PSION and E can be used to adjust the extras. The extras and total fields will be automatically changed to reflect any adjustments made. PSION and R can be used to adjust the scoring rates. Display Bowling Details (SHIFT + DIAMOND) This screen shows the current bowling details. It highlights the number of the bowler bowling the current over, and allows the input, or amendment, of bowlers' names. Use the cursor keys to select the name, then press Enter to change it. When an 'empty' row is left on this screen (name blank and all details zero), it is erased and the remaining rows are shuffled up on exit from the screen. Bowlers' names can also be input as they are selected for the next over. The details for each bowler (runs, wides, etc) can be adjusted by using SHIFT and ENTER. Note that the balls for the current over can not be changed, as these are temporary and will be reset at the end of the over. Confirmation is prompted for, before any changes are applied. When an 'empty' row is left on this screen (name blank and all details zero), it is erased and the remaining rows are shuffled up on exit from the screen if a file is printed from the bowling details screen. From this screen, PSION and W can be used to adjust the fall of wickets. It is only possible to change the details of wickets already fallen, and not reduce or increase the number of wickets. The minutes field can be left blank. Over details can be adjusted in a similar way by using PSION and O. This screen is also displayed between overs to enable the bowler to be selected for the next over. A bowler must always be selected, therefore escape and diamond keys can not be used to exit this screen and wickets and overs can not be adjusted between overs. Mismatches When returning from either the Batting or Bowling Details screen to the scoreboard, warnings are given if any adjustments have resulted in mis- matches in the data. It is the user's responsibility to investigate and correct anything reported. The checks carried out are: Fall of wkt - the runs or minutes decrease from one wicket to the next, or to the final situation, or the batsmen out do not match the batting details. Over analysis - the runs or wickets decrease from one over to the next, or to the final situation. Overs - the bowlers' overs do not match the number bowled in the match. Note that this check takes into account any overs split between more than one bowler. Runs - the number of runs do not match between batting and bowling details. Balls - the number of balls do not match between batting and bowling details. Wickets - the bowlers' wickets do not match the batsmen out Match details (PSION + m) Allows correction, or late input, of match details, as per Initial entry (Items marked M). Note that only the current innings' print will reflect changes made here. Previous innings' files will need to be changed manually. Input of team names for the first time using this process will also prompt for the team batting. Innings details (PSION + i) Allows correction, or late input, of current innings details, as per the Initial entry (Items marked I). Reset overs (PSION + o) This is only available for time matches and resets the overs displayed on the scoreboard to zero. This can be used to facilitate counting the number of overs bowled in the last hour of a time match or the number of overs bowled since a new ball. End innings (PSION + e) This should be used at the end of any innings which finishes without the batting side being all out, or the maximum number of overs being bowled in a limited overs match, or the required runs being scored by a team batting last, e.g. a declaration. It indicates to the computer that the innings is finished and annotates the print files accordingly. Non-use of this will leave the print files appearing as if the game was still in progress. This function is done automatically when the one of the above criteria are met. A prompt will appear asking if the batting side is all out when a wicket has fallen on the last delivery before the innings' end. This allows for the batting side not having 11 players. Abandon match (PSION + SHIFT + e) This indicates to the computer that the innings is finished, as above, but also allows the scorer to input a comment to appear in the print files as a result, e.g. 'Match Abandoned - Rain'. If this process is not used, the program will assume the match has completed and try to calculate a result based on the scores. Any comment entered can be amended by using the Result function. File Innings (PSION + f) This facility allows the innings' details to be printed. In order to keep the program size to a minimum, allow electronic storage and make use of the computer's extensive word processing facilities, the innings' details are not written directly to a printer, but written to a file on the PSION. The files produced are in ASCII text format and can be edited and printed using WORD, or a text editor. The facility can be used from any of the three display screens. A dialog offers the choice of whether to write the full scorebook or the summary scorecard to file. The name of the file to be written to is then prompted for, which will be placed in \OPD directory, unless a different one is specified. If, however a scorecard is required mid-innings, a different file must be used to the regular print file, as it will be overwritten at the end of the next over. The SCOREBOOK option produces a file containing the full innings' details, similar to a cricket scorebook. The only details not included are the batsmen's scoring strokes and the full ball-by-ball bowling analysis of each over. In order to print correctly, the page setup parameters will need adjusting, depending on the application and printer being used, If using WORD, landscape orientation, with all margins set to 2.5 cm should be used. The print will be over two pages. The SCORECARD option produces a file containing summary innings' details, suitable for sending to the press or a league's administration. In order to print, the page setup parameters will need adjusting, depending on the application and printer being used. If using WORD, portrait orientation, with left and right margins 1.0 cm should be used. The print will be on a single page. Note that if the team names are not entered, the result can not be determined and will not appear in either of the print files. Also, the definitions of drawn and tied matches can vary greatly in different competitions. The result calculated by PSCORE may need to be changed, where, for example, wickets then scoring rates are not used to determine a result, in the event of runs scored being equal in an overs match. Run Rates (PSION + r) This function displays, for overs matches, the current runs per over and, for the second innings, the required runs per over at the start of the innings and the current and revised runs per overs as the innings progresses. For time matches, it displays the overs bowled per hour. New Innings (PSION + n) Only available when registered Initialises the application ready for the next innings. Match details are retained, and dialogs prompt for the new innings' details. The runs required (time match) or 1st Inns (overs match) will be calculated and displayed on the scoreboard when the last innings of the match is reached. If a team has followed on and has not scored enough runs to make their opponents bat again, a fourth innings will not be started. Once a new innings has been started, the previous innings' details are lost and can not be changed apart from on the print files. Adjust Totals (PSION + j) Allows adjustment to the total of any previous innings, if, for example, the umpires direct an alteration to be made to the score. It only adjusts the innings' total and it will be the responsibility of the scorer to adjust the details on the print files. Using this will maintain the match situation. removed Result (PSION + Shift + r) This option will only be available once an innings has finished and only if the batting team has been entered. It can be used to alter the result calculated by Pscore at the end of a match or entered using the Abandon function. Any entered result will always replace the calculated result. The program will calculate the result again if the field is reset to blank. This function will be of most use when league rules for tied or drawn matches are not the same as those Pscore uses. Exit Program (PSION + x) PSCORE can be exited from any of the three displays, but once it has been left, it can not be restarted and all the current match's details will be lost. A dialog will prompt for confirmation that the scorer wishes to exit and a further confirmation will be sought if the current innings or match has not been completed. About (PSION + b) This function displays information on the application, including current version and registration details. Help (Help) The source for the online help is in file PSCORE.HLP, which can be deleted if space is a problem on your machine. Play: Deliveries All input can be in upper case or lower case. Batsmen will be swapped automatically when an odd number of runs are scored, whether off the bat or as extras Dot ball (.) Ensure all dot balls are entered, otherwise the ball count will be incorrect. Runs (1 thru 9) Byes (CONTROL + . then b) A dialog prompts for the number of byes scored Leg Byes (CONTROL + . then l) A dialog prompts for the number of leg byes scored Wide (x) A dialog allows the scorer to select the number of wides. 'No run' will result in the default number of wides, entered during the match start processing, to be scored by the computer. Selecting one of the other types of runs will result in a further dialog allowing the input of the number of wides scored (plus penalty runs if appropriate). NOTE - if the batsmen do not run, always select 'no run', otherwise the batsman facing may be wrongly changed, but if they cross for a single, enter 1 wide. No Ball (o) A dialog allows the scorer to select the type of runs off the no ball - No run, Runs off bat, Byes, Leg Byes and No Balls. 'No run' will result in the default number of no balls, entered during the match start processing, to be scored by the computer. Selecting one of the other types of runs will result in a further dialog allowing the input of the number of no balls scored (plus penalty runs if appropriate). NOTE - if the batsmen do not run, always select 'no run', otherwise the batsman facing may be wrongly changed, but if they cross for a single, enter 1 run or extra. Wicket (w) A dialog allows the selection of the type of wicket. This must be used for ALL wicket types, even those not credited to the bowler. The program will prompt for the type of delivery, any runs or extras scored and record the batting and bowling details appropriately. If any previous batsman has retired not out, a dialog will ask whether they are returning to the wicket. The incoming batsman's name will be prompted for if necessary. For a catch, a dialog will appear asking whether the batsmen crossed If the wicket fell on the last ball of the over, do NOT take the end of the over into account, as the batsmen will be swapped by the end of over processing. When the non-striker has been run out, the option 'Backing up' will become available on the Type of Delivery' choice list. For run out, obstructed field and handled ball, a dialog will prompt for batsman facing the next ball. If the wicket fell on the last ball of the over, do NOT take the end of the over into account, as the batsmen will be swapped by the end of over processing. Timed Out can only be entered as long as play has not been resumed (a delivery has been input) since the last wicket Non-deliveries Retired (PSION + h) A dialog will ask which batsman is retiring, followed by a further one asking if they were not out or out. If any previous batsman has retired not out, a dialog will ask whether they are returning to the wicket. The incoming batsman's name will be prompted for if necessary. Absent (PSION + a) The last batsman to arrive at the wicket will be set to Absent, as long as play has not been resumed (a delivery has been input) since the last wicket. One-Short (PSION + -) Subtracts 1 from the runs or extras off the last delivery. Runs must be input as the batsmen actually run, then input one short to ensure batsman facing is correctly maintained. DO NOT adjust the number of runs scored before input. When undo is used on a delivery, one short can not then be used on the preceding delivery. Over Processing Over Complete (CONTROL + o) If the number of balls input in the current over is less than the number of balls expected in an over, a dialog will ask the scorer to confirm the over is complete. The current scorecard is written to the print file. The Bowling Details screen is displayed, to allow selection of the next bowler and it will prompt for the bowler's name, if necessary. The batsman facing is swapped automatically. Bowler Hurt (CONTROL + SHIFT + o) For use when a bowler is unable to complete an over and is replaced by another bowler mid-over. The Bowling Details screen is displayed, to allow selection of the new bowler, and it will prompt for their name if necessary. Error Correction: The ability to correct input errors in this program is not extensive, in order to keep the size of the program to a minimum. Swap batsman facing (PSION + s) This will swap the batsman facing. No other details are changed. Swap bowler (PSION + SHIFT + s) This will transfer all deliveries bowled in the current over to a different bowler. The Bowling Details screen is displayed, to allow selection of the new bowler and it will prompt for their name if necessary. Batting details will be updated for any wickets taken in the current over. When an 'empty' row is left on this screen (name blank and all details zero), it is erased and the remaining rows are shuffled up on exit from the screen. This function will only work on the current over and all previous overs will be unchanged. This is the only way to change the bowler, if the wrong one has been selected for the current over. Undo (PSION + u) This will undo all input back to, and including, the last delivery. For example, if input has been:- 3 runs; one-short; retired hurt; new batsman's name; over; bowler's name; then Undo will restore the scoreboard to it's state before the 3 runs were input. If the erroneous input had been the over completion, the 3 runs, one-short, retired hurt and new batsman's name would need to be input again before the next delivery is entered. Miscellaneous: Computer Failure As the game will inevitably continue, and the scorer will not have time to sort out the computer, in the event of a complete failure there is no facility to 'reload' the match and continue scoring on the PSION. Timing Timing of the innings and the opening batsmen commences when the first delivery is entered into the computer. When a wicket is entered, the timing of the outgoing batsmen ends and the incoming batsman commences, as the wicket is processed. The innings' finish time is taken as being that when the last wicket falls. Delaying these inputs will result in incorrect timings being recorded. All timings are rounded to the nearest full minute. If no delivery has been input for five minutes, a dialog is displayed asking if there has been a break in play. If the reply is Y, the time from the previous delivery to this one is subtracted from the two batsmen's time at the wicket. This allows adjustment of time for interruptions in play. Innings Completion When the computer identifies that the innings has finished, it will prevent further input and write the final scorecard to file. The conditions that result in this are: Overs completed in limited overs match Required runs scored by side batting second Batting side all out Manual end or abandon innings Undoing the last delivery, adjusting the innings' totals, or changing the number of overs will reset the innings and allow further input, unless the innings has been manually ended. Note that if the innings has not been completed, either automatically or manually, the print files will not reflect the end of the innings. Exit Exiting the application from the system screen is only possible when it has been left at either the scoreboard, batting or bowling details. The current scorecard is written to the file as part of the exit processing. Once exited, PSCORE can not be restarted and all the current match's details will be lost. History: Ver. Date Reason 0.1 Mar '97 Beta test 1.0 May '97 First version 2.0 Aug '97 Various minor bug fixes Whole match scoring introduced On-line help added 2.1 Nov '97 Siena displays corrected Wicket and over processing improved 2.2 Apr '99 Adjustments from detail screens during match Option to score penalty runs when other runs scored off wides and no balls Run out backing up and no balls scored off an attempt added 2.3 Jun '99 Single entry of player names Print and exit capabilities added to details screens Adjustment to result 2.3a Jul '99 Fixed abend in changing details of not out batsmen 2.4 Apr '00 Scoring rate adjustment added Allow all out when less than 11 batsmen Various minor bug fixes