PSCORE A Cricket Scoring Application for PSION's Series 3a, 3c, 3mx and Siena computers © B.G. Fowler 1997-2000 The author does not give, or imply, any warranties, or guarantees, regarding the use of this software and will not be liable for any loss or damage incurred thereby. As a scorer, or a player, how many times have you had to sit there at the end of an innings trying to make the batting and bowling details add up to the running total? Have you ever had to copy out the details from the one scorebook maintained during an innings to the other team's or to a league result sheet, instead of socialising at the bar? What about your club's scruffy looking scorebook, because people forget to bring the pencil and the game was scored in biro, complete with the inevitable crossing out and overwriting? Well, here is the answer. PSCORE is a fully functional cricket scoring application for the PSION 3a, 3c, 3mx and Siena computers, which will remove much of the drudgery involved in scoring a cricket match and dispense with the discrepancies that sometimes result when a scorebook and pen have been passed between a number of possibly reluctant members of the batting team. It will also make it possible to have a computer printout of all your club's matches in a standard format and could even be used by umpires who like to keep a check on the overs and score and currently use pen and paper. PSCORE has been designed with club cricketers in mind, but could be used for scoring at a higher level of cricket. It can be used for both limited overs and time matches of either one or two innings, six or eight ball overs and allows wide and no ball extra values to be varied. It will maintain a scoreboard throughout the duration of a match and also produce files of each innings for subsequent printing, containing the full match details as in a standard cricket scorebook and summary scorecards suitable for forwarding to a league's secretary or the press. Whilst unregistered, each innings of a match can only be scored separately, with the user having to exit PSCORE and reenter it to start a new innings, but following registration the complete match can be scored without the need for this. The Scorebook file PSCORE produces includes each batsmen's time at the wicket, balls faced and boundaries scored, for their full innings and also for 50 and 100 runs. Bowler's averages are calculated and their wide and no ball counts maintained. Fall of wickets, scoring rates for each 50 up to 300 runs and runs & wickets at the end of the first 69 overs are also recorded. The only aspects of a manual scorebook that PSCORE does not reflect, is the batsmen's scoring strokes and a ball by ball analysis of every over. These are not feasible given the size of the screen and fonts available for the printed page. The result of a match is automatically calculated at the end of the last innings. The scorecard PSCORE produces contains the basic batting and bowling details of the innings, fall of wickets and the calculated result, together with a space for the two captains' signatures. Examples of both print files are included in the .EXE file, showing the South African innings of the tied World Cup semifinal. PSCORE has been designed to make it's use replicate manual scoring as near as possible, by taking as input what a scorer would enter in the ball by ball analysis of a scorebook. The computer will prompt the scorer to provide any additional information it requires and also cross check input to ensure consistency. PSCORE is available as a shareware product. As such, PSCOREnn.EXE may be freely distributed, providing that no amendment is made to any of the files it contains. If you continue to use PSCORE, you must register your copy. Details of how to do this can be found in the accompanying file REGISTER.TXT. Installation The files that are included in PSCOREnn.EXE for this application are as follows: \APP\PSCORE.OPA (The application) \APP\PSCORE\MANUAL.TXT (User-guide) \APP\PSCORE\PSCORE.HLP (Online help file) \APP\PSCORE\PSCOREHP.OPO (Run time help module) \APP\PSCORE\PSCOREPR.OPO (Run time print module) \APP\PSCORE\PSCORE.TXT (This introduction) \APP\PSCORE\REGISTER.TXT (Registration information) \APP\PSCORE\SCORBOOK.TXT (Example scorebook file) \APP\PSCORE\SCORCARD.TXT (Example scorecard file) To obtain PSCORE, download the .EXE file to a PC, run this file to extract the compressed files and then move them to your PSION via WINLINK or any other similar connection. They can be stored either in memory or on an SSD, but the existing directory structure must be maintained, i.e. PSCORE.OPA in directory \APP\ and the remaining files in directory \APP\PSCORE\. Once the application files are on your PSION, the application can then be installed on the system screen by using PSION+i. The size of the .EXE file is 71K with the extracted application files requiring 110K storage (deletion of the accompanying documentation will save 37K of this). To run the application requires 25K memory plus 8K memory or SSD storage for each innings' print files. Following installation, the two help files (PSCORE.HLP and PSCOREHP.OPO) may be erased to save memory. PSCOREPR.OPO may also be erased if you are really short, but you will be unable to write any files. Thank-you for your interest in this application. If you have an opportunity, please give it a try - any feedback, suggestions for improvements or future developments, can be made to me, at the address in the registration information. For Siena owners The smaller screen size of the Siena has meant that the amount of information shown on the Batting and Bowling Details displays has had to be reduced. On the Batting display, only the names, abbreviated how outs and runs of each batsman, plus total extras, total runs and wickets are shown. Fielder names are amendable by using the right arrow, even though they do not appear on the display. On the Bowling display, only the names and overs for each bowler are shown. All other information can only be obtained by looking in the print files. The data that is shown on the displays allows a scorer to input/amend details and also answer the two most common questions asked - "How many did I get?" and "How many overs has ..... bowled?" Happy scoring!