Accounts program - K R Baker This is a quickly written, unstructured text file that may be useful to read! Background ========== The accounts program was written to provide me with a Psion version of my account book, with only the essential extras and none of the memory consuming bells and whistles seen on many other bank account programs. It is not meant to be a complete personal finance program like Money. It is meant to keep track of a bank account or finances so that you know the movement of your money and how much you have. Installation ============ Put the opa in the app directory and install it. Files created ============= The account files .acc are created in the \dat directory as are the archive files .arc. More than one account file can be open at a time, but by using more than one instance of the program. Using the program. ================= When initially started you need to enter an initial balance. Enter entries by using psion-a or from the menu or by pressing a character which is then used as the first character in the add entry box (I know it is highlighted and will disappear when you continue!), however if you have a previous entry starting with that character its entry text will be in the add entry dialog box. This template not only uses the same text but the same amount and the entry type. For example all my cash point entries start (Cash Point) so by pressing ( I get the entry I want; as the amount I take out is often the same I can just press return to add the new entry. Deleting and updating entries is straightforward. Moving up and down the entries is done with up, down, pgup, pgdn, home and end which have their usual meaning. Ctrl-up and ctrl-down move to the start and end entries of the month; if you are already there then it goes to the start and end entries of the previous or next month. Each time you start the program the cursor goes to the last entry that of today or earlier. Zoom and the status windows work as usual. Screen updating is slow but acceptable, I expect I will at some time make it faster. Special Entries =============== These are entries that are set in the future. They operate as follows: They are dated like normal entries and when that date comes up they become normal entries. Those that are repeating (like standing orders) are duplicated and the next future entry created. You only see the next entry for a standing order. When adding an entry you can set the date in the future to make it a future event. or you can explicitly add a future event. A standing order creates a future entry that repeats. It allows you to specify a particular day or the last day of the month. Entries with 0 amount can be entered but the 0 will not be displayed. I use these as extra text, or create standing orders to remind me that a bill is due. eg phone bill will arrive around this time. Thus it helps prevent me from spending all the money! The interest entry is a special future event and you can only have one per account. It calculates the compound interest over the specified interval, at the specified rate which may be a two tier rate, and takes the tax of at a fixed 25%. I have not fully checked this feature, as the interest rate on my bank account only gives me about 14p per month. If the entry dates correspond to the banks then it should be correct (give or take a penny). To try out the future events (and not have to reset the Psion date!) I have included an option to fool the program into thinking the days are advancing. Use psion-+ to set a new date. Dont use this on important data as the effects cannot be reversed! Printing ======== Print a statement of entries between the given dates. Parallel printer is assumed. - this may be changed in the future. Tidying ======= You can remove entries in bulk from the start of the account. These may be appended to an archive file. The archive file is another accounts file but with the .arc extension. To read it you must use tab on the open file dialog box or rename it. Finally ======= Any errors or ideas that would increase the useability in general (not just for you but useful to all) should be emailed to me. Keith