HOME MANAGEMENT Version 1.0 for the Psion 3A and 3C models by Nigel Bamber , e-mail NigelB@highfell.demon.co.uk INTRODUCTION: 'Home' is a compact program (51K) that allows the user to monitor his expenditure (Items) against a predefined budget for user selected Categories and also his income. 'Realtime' checks , 'information flashes on the screen' and the total configurability of the programme allow the user to know exactly where he/she stands regarding income/expenditure and budget to allow absolute control of a their personal expenditure. PROGRAMME FEATURES: 1. User may choose *any* period to view or preselected monthly,quarterly, yearly views. 2. Press and see minimum, maximum and average analysis for the same transactions or within each Category. 3. Press and see an overall summary screen showing income against expenditure and your budget (also number,min,max and average analysis). Available for any chosen period to view all Categories or just a selected Category. 4. Press and see the a comparison of your annual Income versus total budget set. 5. Press and switch from 'Items' Screen showing Transactions to the 'Categories' screen comparing user defined Categories and their selected Budget. Press again and switch to an 'Items' Screen but this time showing just the transactions under the selected Category. Press to reverse the procedure. 6. Transactions can be 'Ad hoc', 'Monthly', 'Quarterly' or 'Yearly'. 7. The Budget for every Category may be entered as a different monthly amount and may be changed at any time later. 8. Comprehensive Help file 'Home.rsc' provides online help. 9. This programme is Shareware but it is uncrippled (apart from no 'Tidy' function) and only has some limited 'nag' screens. There is no limitation to number of Items or Categories for the unregistered user. INSTALLATION: This is simple! ( Well...ish!) Home.opa (Mandatory) [into an APP directory on *any* Drive A,B,Internal] eg M:\APP\Home.opa Home.hlp (Optional help file) [into a newly created HOMEBUD directory on the Internal drive] ie M:\HOMEBUD\Home.hlp Then install the application as normal. Homeman.prf will be created in the HOMEBUD directory as will a Home.reg file once you register. Also two datafiles will automatically be created (although empty at first) called Homeitm.bud and Homecat.bud. Please note that there are also two datafiles included in the ZIP file called Homeitm.bud and Homecat.bud. These are *SAMPLE* data files so that new users can easily see the wonderful features of this program!! NB the dates of all the transactions are in the year 2000 or more! Therefore if you wish to see them use 'PSION -A' which shows all transactions entered. If you want to use these then put them into the previously created HOMEBUD directory on the Internal drive. GETTING STARTED: By default the program will show the last 30 days of entries. Therefore if you have loaded the sample datafiles you will see nothing until you have selected a period of view that encompasses the year 2000 or select all items ie . If you are entering data yourself then you must enter a Category or a number of Categories first by using and then you can enter some transactions by pressing . REGISTRATION: Send £10.00 or $15.00 to: Nigel Bamber at High Fell,Hannington,Tadley,Hants,RG26 5UA, United Kingdom Send $15.00 (+ $5.00 handling) to REGNET at their Webpages "www.swregnet.com"