EXPENSES MANAGER (S3A Only) ------------------------------- History: 01 Dec 95 Initial Issue of V1.0 16 Feb 96 Version 1.1 issued with the following enhancements: a. Increase in capacity to 200 Entries b. Company car monitor module added. c. Different Date formats allowed. d. Option to jump to next entry after reconciling. e. Sorting Routines re-coded to speed up program. f. Allowances and Mileage Rate only displayed if non-zero. g. Display refresh speeded up. h. Font now selectable for each screen. i. Foreign Currency option. j. Date Filter option added. k. Per-Diem allowances catered for. l. Backup/restore facility added. m. Configure decimal places option added 07 Jul 96 Version 1.2 issued with the following enhancements: a. Proper Printing System, including PSIWIN support, implemented. b. Proper Psion compatible Help system implemented. c. Option to use Swiss Font. d. A 'Non-Allocated' option added to the Vehicle Monitor. 20 Sep 96 Version 1.2a issued to fix the following bugs: a. Attempting to print from the Vehicle screen caused a crash. b. The 'Restore' function would not work if a new car had been entered. c. The font settings for the Archive screens were not remembered. d. It was possible to put in too many categories. 17 Feb 97 Version 1.2b issued to fix a bug associated with starting new trips.