ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³TRIPS 3a, Log your private and/or ³Û ³business trips V2.2 US/UK ³Û ³(c)1996 R.G. Schmidt ³Û ³01-03-1996 ³Û ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÛ ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß NOTICE: I'm a Dutchman, sorry for the poor English. The US/UK documentation is a compressed version of the DUTCH. The TRIPS utility can be used to log private and/or business trips. Trips are represented by a record in the TRIPS database. These records contain information like; description, distance, duration, project etc. Index. -------- Subject Chapter Installation..........................1 Update................................2 System requirements...................3 General...............................4 TRIPS-files structure.................5 Pressing the Diamond key..............6 Add new trips.........................7 Search a trip.........................8 Jump to a trip........................9 Manage your trips....................10 Compress your TRIPS-file.............11 Statistics...........................12 Mark trips...........................13 Preferences..........................14 Print................................15 Printen by RCOM/MCLINK and PC........16 TRIPS-files..........................17 OPL and TRIPS-files..................18 Keyboard reference...................19 Copyright............................20 Response.............................21 Changes in V2.2......................22 1 Installation. --------------- New installation of TRIPS3a (you are NOT upgrading an old version) - Copy TRIPS3A.OPA to \APP directory on - Install TRIPS3A.OPA from within the system screen with Psion-I. ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ºCONTACT THE AUTHOR IN CASE OF PROBLEMSº ºDURING THE INSTALLATION ! º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ 2 Update. --------- If you are already using an older version of TRIPS (V1.6 or lower), you have to update your TRIPS files with the TRIPSUPD utility. After installing this program in the system screen you can use it to update all your TRIPS files. The program files of the TRIPS application must be installed in different directories. Read the installation procedure described above. 3 System requirements. ---------------------- þ Psion 3a; þ 50 Kb free diskspace; þ 70 Kb free memory. 4 General. ---------- All Psion key combinations have a MENU equivalent. The menu can be brought up by pressing the MENU key. The global working of the TRIPS application is comparable with the DATA application already installed on your Psion 3a. For more information, refer to 'Keyboard reference' (chapter 19). 5 TRIPS-file structure. ----------------------- Files used by the TRIPS application are called TRIPS-files. A TRIPS-file has one or more records containing information about a trip such as: þ Description of trip; þ Projecttext (in case of business trip); þ Type (private, business or unknown); þ Registration number (reg.#) þ Distance; þ Duration; þ Date; þ Several types of expenses; þ Fuel price during this trips. The most used Description, projecttext and Reg.# can be configured at the 'Set preferences'-dialog. 6 Pressing the Diamond key. --------------------------- Repeat pressing the diamond key (*) or the Tab key to switch between the four different trips views: normal view, condense view, info view and list view. þ The normal view displays all the contents of a trip; þ The condense view displays all the contents of a trip except the business relevant information; þ The info view displays al the detailed expenses of a trip; þ The list view displays the trips in column format. * The Shift-diamond key or the Shift-Tab key can be used to switch in reversed order. The Control-Menu key can be used to resize the application panel. In case you dont want the panel to be shown all the time. 7 Add new trips. ---------------- When using a TRIPS-file for the first time, the first trip in file is displayed. Looking to the right at the status window shows us the trips are displayed in normal view. 1. To create a new trip press Psion-I (or Shift-Enter in case you selected the alternative keyboard handling in the 'User preferences' dialog). Creating a new trip can also be performed by selecting 'Add trip' from the 'Edit' menu. 2. An 'Add trip'-dialog appears. Enter all the trip related stuff in this dialog. The default (titles) reg.#, project and type configured at the 'User preferences'-dialog are filled in by default. 3. Press Enter to finish the dialog and save the trip to disk. You're able to Enter as many trips as your disk can store. Use the Esc key to abort the dialog and discard the trips changes. 4. The alternative for entering the distance and duration is by entering the start mileage, end mileage, start time and end time. Press Psion-- (minus!) to bring up the 'Calculate' dialog. The application calculates these milages and durations en stores them with the trip on disk. 5. Press Psion-+ to bring up the 'Expenses'-dialog. Several types of expenses can be entered in this dialog. The total of these expenses is displayed at the main screen after closing the dialog. Update trip: Press Psion-U to bring up the 'Update trip'-dialog (or Enter in case you selected the alternative keyboard handling in the 'User preferences' dialog). All editing keys are described in the Psion user manual. Use the arrow keys to navigate between the fields. The current fuel price is also saved with the trip. This is the fuel price specified in the 'Trips preferences'-dialog. The program is able to calculate the fuel cost preciser. Press Shift-Psion-C to alternate the fuel price for a trip. 8 Search a trip. ---------------- Press Psion-F to bring up the 'Find'-dialog. After entering the search key, the application searches the following fields for occurences: þ Description; þ Projecttext; þ Reg.#. The search is not case sensitive. Optional is the search direction. In case the application was not able to locate the trip, it displays the message 'Not found'. A located trips is automatically loaded and the contents are displayed on the screen. If you selected the list view, the located trip will allways be displayed at the TOP of the list. Press Psion-G to search for the next occurence. 9 Jump to trip. --------------- You're able to jump immediately to a trip by entering the trip serial number. Press Psion-J to bring up the 'Jump'-dialog. Enter the serial number and press Enter. The trip contents will be displayed. 10 Manage your trips. --------------------- Edit trip: locate the trip to be edited and press Psion-U (or Enter in case you selected the alternative keyboard handling in the 'User preferences' dialog) or invoke 'Edit trip' from the 'Edit menu'. The 'Edit trip' dialog is now brought up. Refer to 'Adding new trips' (chapter 7) for more details about entering trip data. Delete trip: locate the trip to be deleted and press Psion-D or Delete. The button behind the trips serial number indicates 'Deleted' or 'Active'. The trip is not deleted from file but becomes the status 'Deleted'. After compressing, all trips marked as 'Deleted' are removed from file. Copy trip: locate trip to copy and press Psion-C, all trip contents are copied to the end of file; The new trip will be loaded and displayed automatically. Sort trips: this option enables you to sort trips ascending on one primairy key and two secondairy keys. The following fields can be used as sort keys: þ Description þ Projecttext þ Reg.# þ Date þ Type of trip þ Start mileage þ End mileage Manage trips in list view: when the list view is selected with the diamond key, a list of trips (nine on a page) is displayed. 'Edit' functions are only performed on the top trip of the list. The following keys can be used to scroll through the list: Home, End, PgUp, PgDn, Enter, Shift-Enter, Left-arrow and right-arrow. 11 Compress your trips files. ----------------------------- To delete trips from file which you assigned the 'Deleted' status use the compress option. All space in use by 'Deleted' trips is freed up after compressing the file. Press Psion-K to compress currently loaded TRIPS-file. 12 Statistics. -------------- After entering one or more trips you're able to take statistics. Two types of statistics are available: þ Totals þ Averages Before statistics can be taken, define a date filter by bringing up the 'Date filter' dialog (Psion-L or space bar). Trips within the date range (or other range selected in 'Preferences'-dialog) and meeting the description OR reg.# OR project OR type of trips condition are selected to participate in statistics. Totals/averages: bring up the 'Date filter'-dialog using the Psion-L key (or space bar). Enter begin date and end date or other selected range (specified in 'User preferences'-dialog). Enter one or more conditions (leaving empty is unconditional): - only private and/or business and/or unknown trips; - booked on project; - used car (reg.#); - description. Press Enter to activate date filter. Press Psion-T to run 'Totals' or Psion-M to run averages. Depending on the number of trips in file, it takes a while to fetch the data. While processing the file, a message is displayed in the middle of the screen. The message 'No trips selected' is displayed when no trips are selected by the date filter you defined. Otherwise a dialog is brought up with totals or averages. If you specified 'thresholds' in the 'Threshold preferences'-dialog, you will be attended by the program if some totals exceed your pre-defined thresholds in the 'Threshols preferences'-dialog. 13 Mark trips. -------------- Marking can be used for the following purposes: - identify trips meeting your conditions; - print only marked trips (a range); - delete only marked trips (a range). Marking: while processing trips for statistics, trips meeting the conditions in the date filter are automatically marked with an asterisk '*'. Mark current: only the currently displayed trip is marked. Cancel: remove marks on all previously marked trips. Delete: delete all marked trips in file. This way you can selectively remove trips from file. The following procedure can be used for deleting a range of trips: 1. Enter date filter; 2. Press Psion-E or select mark from the 'Mark' menu; 2. Press Psion-W or select Delete from the 'Mark' menu; 3. Compress the file. 14 Preferences. --------------- To calculate used fuel, fuel cost and compensation the application needs various constants: þ Fuel price or price and contents of last fill up; þ Unit to define your average fuel consumption Miles/Litre(gallon) (US/UK) or Litres(gallons)/100Miles (EUR) þ Average fuel consumption; þ Car cost per mile. þ Business compensation per mile. The user is able to configure the application in the 'User preferences' dialog such as: þ Default value for 'Up to date' field in date filter dialog. The choices are: last entered date (stored to TRIPS-file) or the current date. þ Date filter based on data or week numbers or other ranges; þ Use of alternative keyboard handling for the Enter and Shift-Enter key. 'No' means: use the standard navigating keys like the DATA application. 'Yes' installs the alternative keyboard handling: - Arrow left Previous trip - Arrow right Next trip - Enter Edit trip - Shift-Enter Add trip þ Defaults for reg.#, projecttext and type of trip. þ User-configurable title in 'Expenses'-dialog. Press Psion-Q to bring up the 'Preferences' menu. This menu is used to access the 'Trips preferences', 'User preferences' and 'Treshold preferences'-dialog. Preferences are stored into the TRIPS-file and TRIPS.INI. 15 Print. --------- Before printing first establish the connection between the printer and your Psion. To configure print options bring up the 'Print setup'-dialog first by pressing Psion-Y. Printing to a serial device requires the printer to be set up. Press Psion-Y to alter the serial port parameters. 16 Printen by RCOM/MCLINK and PC. --------------------------------- To print trips on the PC using RCOM or MCLINK, follow this procedure: 1. start RCOM or MCLINK on PC; 2. switch link to ON; 3. start trips program; 4. select 'print setup' with Psion-Y; 5. select 'file' in 'printer' field; 6. select 'printen' with Psion-P; 7. select 'lpt1' in 'file: name' field; 8. select 'REM::C' in 'Disk' field. Press to start printing. 17 TRIPS-files. --------------- All trips are stored to one file on disk. This file is located on the internal disk or SDD device in the directory \TRIPS and are called [filename].TRP. Create new TRIPS-file: 1. Select 'New' from the file menu; 2. Enter name for new file e.g. 'miles96'. The length of the filename is limited to 8 characters and should begin with a character. 3. Press Enter to confirm. The new TRIPS-file is created on the disk you specified. New trips can be added to the file. Renaming a TRIPS-file: select 'Rename' from the file menu at the system screen. An already opened TRIPS-file (displayed bold) has to be closed first by selecting the file and pressing Delete. Copy trips file: 1. Select 'Save as' from the file menu bringing up the 'Save as'-dialog; 2. The line 'Save as' determines the type of file to be created. The user is able to save the file in 3 types of text format (with different kind of delimiters) or TRIPS format. selecting 'text' causes the application to create a 'delimited' file. These files can be imported in speadsheets to do some further calculations. 3. Select 'Use new' to open the file right away; Select the text format to exchange files with other computers. 18 OPL and TRIPS-files. ----------------------- TRIPS-files are not compatible with DBF and ODB files. 18 Keyboard reference. ---------------------- Menu - Menu Control-Menu - Resize panel Help - Helpindex Tab - Switch between normal condensed- or list view Shift-Tab - Switch between normal condensed- or list view Shift-Diamond - Switch between normal condensed- or list view Diamond - Switch between normal condensed- or list view Enter - Display next trip Shift-Enter - Display previous trip Home - Display first trip End - Display last trip PgUp - Previous page (list view) PgDn - Next page (list view) Left arrow - Scroll left in list view or previous trip in normal and condense view Right arrow - Scroll right in list view or next trip in normal and condense view Delete - Toggle tripstatus Psion-N - Create new TRIPS-file Psion-O - Open existing TRIPS-file Psion-A - Copy TRIPS file to new file in TRIPS- or text format Psion-K - Compress TRIPS-file Psion-C - Copy current trip Psion-I - Insert new trip Psion-U - Edit trip Psion-D - Toggle tripstatus Psion-F - Search trip Psion-G - Search next trip Psion-J - Go to trip Psion-L - Edit date filter Psion-T - Totals Psion-M - Averages Psion-R - Trip information Psion-E - Mark trips Shift-Psion-E - Unmark trips Shift-Psion-W - Delete marked trips Psion-Q - Preferences Psion-Y - Printer setup Psion-P - Print Psion-X - Exit Shift-Psion-N - Switch to normal view Shift-Psion-C - Switch to condensed view Shift-Psion-L - Switch to list view Shift-Psion-I - Switch to info view Psion-H - Mark trip Psion-W - Change password Psion-S - Sort trips Psion-+ - Edit expenses Psion-- - Edit duration/mileages Psion-* - Registration information Shift-Psion-C - Alternate fuel price for trip 21 Copyright. ------------- The unregistered version of this program is distributed as freeware. The only cost that may be charged are the cost for disks and/or printed manuals. These charges should be limited to a maximum of $ 15 US. The program should not be modified without agreement from the author. Usage of the program is at user risks. The author is not responsible for any damage caused by this program. 21 Contacting the author. ------------------------- Mr. R.G. Schmidt Richard Sturenberghlaan 50 2273 GX VOORBURG THE NETHERLANDS Tel.:+31-70-3874516 Compuserve:100735,331 22 Changes in V2.2 ------------------ No registration required OVerlay, helpfile and application all together in one OPA file. Bug fixes