VatCalc Andrew Lee email Freeware This archive contains Vatcalc.opa Vatcalc.txt (this text) To install, copy vatcalc.opa into the APPS folder. Install via the system screen "Install". Yes another Vat Calculator for the Psion 3a. VatCalc borrows alot of ideas from Steve Litchfields Vat program, however my main aim was to make it as quick and easy to use as well as taking advantage of the 3a's bigger screen. VatCalc creates a dat file on the root internal drive called vr.dat, this file contains the vat rate as set by VatCalc. Please send bug reports and comments to Andrew Lee Parkend House Hotel Parkend Nr Lydney GLOS GL15 4HL UK ad mode on Other software by AJL "LumberJack" The PABX Call Logger for the Psion 3a. Why spend alot of money on a PC based Call logger when you can use a Psion for approx 1/3 of the price? Fully featured and user configurable. email for more details.