CXchange Calculator for Psion Series 3a/3c/3mx Version 1.0 7th August 1999 Copyright (C) 1999 Philip Bister Introduction. CXchange is a Currency Xchange Calculator to convert from your home currency to a foreign currency. CXchange can display up to 10 countries and their respective exchange rates. CXchange allows easy editing of entries and exchange rates, and of course, CXchange can be used for the new Euro currency. CXchange is a very useful addition to the collection of applications for your palmtop. Copyright. CXchange is copyright (C) 1999 Philip Bister. All rights reserved. Reverse engineering/translation is prohibited. Unsupported freeware. This program is released as unsupported freeware. The author regrets that he cannot enter into correspondence and therefore a contact address is not given. However, this is not to say that updated versions would not be released from time to time via the 3-Lib library. Distribution. This version is freeware and may be distributed by any means, eg. floppy disk, CD ROM, SSD. Disclaimer. This software is supplied 'as is'. Every effort has been made to ensure that the application is free from errors. However, no software author can guarantee it. The author takes no responsibility as to the suitability of this products intended purpose, or for the accuracy of the data contained within it, or for any consequences which may occur as a result of a malfunction of this software. You must use this software at your own risk. Installation The CXchange folder should contain the following files: \WRD\CXchange.txt Plain text document file \OPD\CXchange.rsc Help resource file \APP\CXchange.opa Application file You should ensure that the above files are correctly copied into the directories as shown. Install the program by using Psion-I. Using CXchange for the first time When used for the first time CXchange will already have one entry. Its a default entry to get you started! Making a conversion Enter a currency amount by using Menu ³Enter amount. Enter the amount of currency you wish to convert. Move the highlight with the cursor keys to the country to which your currency is to be converted. The answer window displays all information about the conversion. The amount entered, country from and country to information and the converted currency in the country selected. If you wish to convert from your destination currency back to your home currency, press Tab. Notice that the text in the display window changes, and the answer is updated. Press Tab again to change it back. Adding an entry ³New entry to add a new country, exchange rate, and change your base (or Home) country. CXchange will display up to 10 entries. Deleting an entry Place highlight over entry to be deleted. ³Delete entry, will erase that entry. Pressing the delete key will also erase the highlighted entry. Editing an entry Place highlight over entry to be edited. ³Edit entry will display a dialog from which all information relating to the current highlighted entry can be edited. Enter currency amount Use ³Enter amount to enter a new monetary amount to be converted.