"EuroCon 1.0" - your easy-to-use PSION EURO-Converter! (February 1999) 1. General EuroCon 1.0 is Currency converter especially designed for the currencies within the EEC. The EURO-rates have been fixed in January 1999 and since then many manufactorers have been offering "Euro-Calculators". When you own a Psion Series 3*, you can save the money now! EuroCon does the same job, and even better! You can convert to and from Euro or any other currencies of the eleven states joining the currency union. Of course you can define other currencies (CHF, US$, GBP, YEN and userdefined) as well [but not save the rates at the moment. This will be in the next version]. 2. Installation The "EuroCon" application consists of three files: eurocon1.opa, euro.pic, eurocon1.txt Install: Copy "Eurocon1.opa" to any \app\ directory. If you want to have the EURO-symbol within the 12 stars when running the program, you will additionally have to copy "Euro.pic" in your \opd\ directory. The paths should be \app\eurocon2.opa \opd\euro.pic (the programm will run without as well) Then switch to the system screen and install as usual (PSION-I). Important Notice: I haven't been able to test Eurocon on a FLASH- or RAM-SSD. As soon as I can afford a Flashdisk, I'll modify the program so that it will be running on any disk in future. 3. Copyright and Disclaimer Eurocon is published as Freeware. You are allowed and to pass it on to your friends under the following conditions: - You have to distribute ALL three files together (eurocon1.opa,euro.pic and eurocon1.txt). - You are not allowed to sell "Eurocon1". You may charge a small, reasonable fee for copying etc. but not for the program itself. - You are not allowed to retranslate, modify or change the program. If you have any suggestions for future versions of "Eurocon", please send email (see 5.) Eurocon has been tested on a Psion Series 3a and 3mx and has always been working properly. You use Ruler 2.0 at your own risk. If any kind of damage or dataloss should occur while using "Eurocon" - don't blame me! 4. History January 1999 As I couldn't find an easy-to-use Euro converter for the Psion Series 3* I decided to create one myself! February 1999 Added the EURO symbol to the screen display of EuroCon. Eurocon 1.0 is available in German as well. 5. Contact You will always the newest versions of my programs at: http://home.t-online.de/home/peter.widenmeyer/psion3.htm If you like Eurocon - just let me know! Please send your message or your suggestions via email to: wespe@topmail.de That's all, folks! Peter Widenmeyer, February 1999