PART 3 - ADVANCED FUNCTIONS ---------------------------- The program is now very complex and extremely configurable, although the default values make it easy to use. The purpose of this section is to introduce you to some of the more unusual functions so that you can get the most out of the program. For normal use, the defaults are perfectly usable, but this is the file that will tell you how to 'really' use the program. Please note that many of these extras need the Advanced Options modules loaded. Quicken Import/Export --------------------- 1. By popular request, I have included a 'Quicken' Import and Export option for both the main accounts and the Archived details. As it was very simple, I have also included an option to export an ASCII file, and a 'Comma Separated Variable' (CSV) option which could be loaded into any spreadsheet. 2. Because of different ways of exporting Data, I have included an 'Advanced Screen' where you can set those options which you will probably need to set only once. The first is the date field. because the date field format differs between UK and US versions of Quicken, you have to specify, during the Import/Export process, which date format you want. (USA Versions, regardless of display format, seem to export & import dates as MM/DD/YY, UK versions use DD/MM/YY). The next is to decide if you want the RMRBANK reference field to be imported into Quicken into the 'Memo' field or the 'Number' field. You also need to specify the type of account and whyjer you want the Initial balance included. 3. To export, use from the Accounts screen or the Transaction screen, and fill in the required details. I believe they are all self-explanatory, although note you can export all or just reconciled transactions. To import from Quicken, select and specify whether you wish to start a new account or import into the selected account, what date format you want, where to get the reference field from, and how you want to treat unknown categories. When building a QIF file in Quicken, make sure you only check the Transactions box, and the rest are clear. Note that RMRBANK will initially assume that the QIF file is in the \BANK\ Sub-directory. This option seems to have caused the most trouble, so you will find a special section in the FAQ file which answers the most common questions. 4. If you want to use the Quicken Import/Export on a MAC, then when you start up the Psion Link software, from the File menu select the preferences option. Next select the Text files preferences and add .QIF to the list of text files. Then all files exported from RMRBank get uploaded as text files and Quicken can import them correctly. Otherwise QIF exported from RMRBANK files are assumed to be binary files and are given that attribute. Configurability --------------- 4. When I first wrote the program, it was obviously designed for my use. Following comments received from earlier versions, many of the details have become configurable and this is now one of the program's strengths. These are accessible through 'Set Preferences' menus in each screen and a full explanation of each line follows: Main Accounts screen: --------------------- General Menu a. All the Currency options discussed earlier, including a maximum value, automatic selection of secondary country to Home city, display of negative numbers and the Currency separator. b. Warning Beeps can be selected On/Off c. The Terminology menu incorporates selections for 'Check' & 'Cheque', 'Petrol', Gas' 'Diesel' or 'Fuel', 'Shares' & 'Stocks' and 'Scheduled Transactions', 'Future Transactions', 'Direct Debits' rather than 'Standing Orders'. Note that the hot keys for these will also change, i.e. for petrol will become for gas, and for orders becomes or respectively. d. The Escape key can be configured to offer a quick way of changing accounts, rather than returning to the main screen. e. The directory where your Memo Pad is held can be changed, and you can define whether it should be a WORD file or a DATA file and whether it should be Group-based, Account-based or simply one file for everything. f. The Printer Configuration can be selected (Parallel, Serial, File) g. When setting up the program it is often useful to stay in the 'Set Preferences' menu until you are complete. This can be selected from the menu. h. The program has a memory cache to speed up performance, but at the expense of using memory. The optimum size for the cache is 11,000 bytes, but if the program crashes with 'No System Memory' during complex operations, you may find reducing the cache size will help. Transaction Menu a. The facility for using Default Transactions and Auto-Counters is covered later. b. If you want the 'Deferred' transaction idea to be automated, use this toggle switch. Basically, if it is set to Auto, any entry after today's date will show up as deferred, and then as the date arrives, the deferred flag will be automatically removed. c. The program keeps track of how many transactions you have with the 'Warning' attribute. Occasionally it can lose track, so use this option to reset it. d. The Tax Rates option is discussed separately later. e. The default Archive file can be selected to be either a certain file or the last one used. Alternatively, you can go straight into the 'Archive Select' dialog. f. The Archive file extension. This defaults to ARC, but this can cause trouble in Windows if you have it associated with WINZIP. Display Menu a. The Font can be toggled between Swiss and Roman. b. The Date can be configured for '1 Jan 96' or 'Jan 1, 96' and a few other formats. c. The default number of decimal places can be defined. This is used for all currency displays. Where relevant, i.e. fuel consumption or Share numbers, separate configuration options are provided. Note that this setting is Group-specific, so you can have different values for each Group. d. The labels you attach to the 'Account Details' information window can be edited through this option. e. You can select a faster screen refresh, but this tends to be jerky, so the slow option is also selectable. f. If you have a long Account description and don't want it truncated, you can combine the Credit/Debit display to give you a bit more screen room. g. There is an optional Middle column available to show Interest Rates, Account Type, or Balance Limits. Transaction screen ------------------ Program menu a. Decide which type of Account Switch dialog you prefer. b. Often, during reconciling, it can be useful to automatically jump to the next transaction. This is selectable. Transaction menu a. Again, Default Transactions and Counters are covered later. b. Some people like having deferred transactions not included in the Balance, with or without the Balance showing, some people like them included in the balance. Use the option to select your preference. c. If you don't like having single keys working to set attributes (Space Bar or 'r' for reconcile, 'w' for warning, 'd' for deferred) you can disable them. d. Normally, the first dialog in the Transaction Entry option has the usual entries, and the Advanced ones are put into second, and occasionally third, optional, dialogs. However, if you have the Foreign Currency option selected, there is not sufficient room in the first dialog to hold all the entries. Therefore, you have this option to determine which 2 out of three you would like to have in the first dialog (the other gets 'bumped' to the second screen) [This option is available only if you have the Budget Module loaded. e. You can specify whether the 'Advanced Functions' field in the Transaction Entry dialog defaults to 'Yes' or 'No'. f. You can specify a default attribute for each account for when you enter a transaction. g. Normally, if you transfer funds to another account, or to the Expenses module, a dialog is presented showing the transfer details. Use this option to disable that dialog. Display menu a. The Symbols for Cleared, Reconciled, Warning and Deferred entries can be defined. b. I like to have 'Initial Balance' displayed in the transaction screen, but other people prefer 'Current Balance', or 'Today's Balance' or 'Total Balance', which takes deferred entries into account. Use this option to select which you want. The single key 'B' also activates this option. c. If you have the Status Window removed, there is room for another column. Use this option to define whether you want the Reference field, the Budget Category field (if available) or nothing in this column. Note that this can be set differently for each account for maximum flexibility. Also, the single key 'M' has the same effect. d. If you have a long Transaction description and don't want it truncated, you can combine the Credit/Debit display to give you a bit more screen room. e. You can select the initial highlight in the Transaction screen to be on today's date, or the last entry. f. You can decide if the Credit limit figure displayed is the absolute value, or the amount you have remaining Currency Screen --------------- a. There is a repeat of the Currency setup dialog available from the Main screen. b. The number of decimal places for the Exchange Rate can be specified. c. The optional Allowances display can be toggled. d. Some people find it easier to put the rate using the number of the foreign currency to '1' of their own, some prefer the opposite. Use this option for your preference. e. You can specify here which currencies first appear in the 'Conversion' module. Archive Screen -------------- a. The Archive screen has a similar 'Middle Column' selection, and options repeated from the Main screen. Stocks/Shares Screen -------------------- a. Normally, the program will prompt you as to whether you want the History file updated. An option here is to remove that confirmation request. b. The decimal places for the Number and Price can be set separately from the main program setting. c. In the History screen the X & Y-axis can be defined, and the type of Gain/Loss display. Petrol/Gas Screen ----------------- a. The decimal places and units can be defined. b. The consumption units cane be defined. c. How you display the 'Driving Mode' can be set. Expenses Screen --------------- a. The default entries use the same principle as those in the main Transaction screen. b. The final column can be toggled between Total spend or Balance remaining from a specified overall allowance. c. The total sign can be switched between +ve & -ve. Accounts -------- 5. When entering or updating Accounts, there is a second screen obtainable by selecting 'yes' in the first dialog screen. This allows you to specify the Quicken type, whether the Account should be included in the 'Net Worth' calculation, a Credit limit (Use +ve for the case of a minimum balance for a current/checking account, and -ve for a Credit card debit limit) and the associated Interest rates if you are using the option in the Standing Orders. The Credit Limit will cause an alarm to be displayed if the value is exceeded, and the Interest Rates are used in the Automatic Interest option available from the Standing Order screen. 6. After popular demand, I have incorporated a 'Look Ahead' mode . For example, on the 27th of the month, you can have a prediction of your status on the 2nd of next month when all Standing Orders and Deferred Transactions are taken into account. I have also left in the Transaction Enter/Update/Delete options, so you can do some 'what if' budgeting. In V1.4, I improved this option, so that you can either do it for all accounts in a Group (the default), or for a single account. Please note that any changes you make while in this mode will be canceled when you return to normal operation. 7. In a similar vein, I have implemented a 'Pay Bills' option - in the main screen, similar to that provided in Microsoft Money. It is very similar to the 'Look Ahead' mode, except it now gives you the option of actually actioning the Standing Order to pay it in advance. Once complete, unlike the 'Look Ahead' mode, it does NOT restore the original values, but stays with the new values. 8. I have provided general information screens. Press from Main screen and from the Transactions screen. Also, after popular request, there is an 'Account Details' option available to display Account Numbers, Bank addresses, Card Numbers, Emergency Phone numbers etc. Use the 'Account Details Labels' option under the 'Display' sub-menu of the 'Set Preferences' menu ( to define the Labels, then ) either from the Accounts screen or the Transaction screen to View/Edit the details. Transactions ------------ 9. As with Accounts, when entering or updating Transactions there is a second (and sometimes third) 'Advanced Functions' screen. To access them, just select 'yes' on the 'Display Advanced Functions' on the bottom of the first dialog. These screens give access to the automatic counters (see later), and also allows the attribute to be set, and the transaction to be integrated into each of the appropriate optional modules that you may have loaded. Under normal circumstances, the most common dialogs are put onto the first dialog, so that you do not have to access the Advanced screens. However, if you activate the foreign currency option, which means the first dialog needs an extra line, then something has to be 'bumped' to the second dialog. To decide which ones you want under that circumstance, select 'Define First Dialog' from the 'Set Preferences menu' in the Transaction screen and make your selection. 10. In the Transaction and Expense screens, and their associated Archive screens, you can set a Filter, and then the system will display (and print) only those entries applicable to the Budget Category, Date, Tax rate and Text specified. 11. For advanced users, I have also incorporated a 'Default Transaction' option for those entries that you regularly want to input. Using the 'Set Preferences' Menu from the Account or Transactions screen and 'Default Transactions' you can define up to 20 default transactions, giving each one a unique name. These can then be quickly obtained by pressing instead of when in the transaction screen (or ), and then most of the fields will already be completed. (This option is also implemented in the Expenses module. Exactly the same logic applies). Note that these entries are Group-specific, to give you total flexibility. 12. Within each Default Transaction, or Standing Order, or normal Transaction you can also implement an Automatic Numbering option to keep track of cheque numbers or, in my case, the number of registrations for the program !! To enable this function use the 'Set Preferences' menu from the Account or Transactions screen and the 'Setup Counters'. Allocate a title and a value to each of the counters you wish to use (i.e. My Cheque and 345) and then it can be allocated from within a default transaction or Standing Order. 13. There is also a last Transaction Used option, just like the last Number Redial on a phone. Use or to redisplay the last entry. Standing Orders --------------- 14. The Advanced functions in the Standing Order second dialog allow you to specify a different initial payment if that is appropriate, make it a warning entry only, allocate a counter, or just do the order a specific number of times, i.e. 10 monthly payments, set an attribute, and whether you want it to integrate with the optional modules. 15. If a Standing Order is set to be done a fixed number of times, once it has been actioned that number of times it will still remain in the screen, but with a 'Complete' displayed instead of the date. This allows you to either delete it, or keep it until it needs restarting again next year. Archive ------- 16. Providing an Export routine for the Fuel and Shares history, and the Archive file, that would produce .SPR files proved to be very difficult, so I have provided an interim attempt. Select the 'Export History' option. This will produce a file (initially defaulting to FUEL.TXT, INVEST.TXT, EXPENSE.TXT or ARCHIVE.TXT, but selectable) in your \WRD\ directory. Next, load the file into Word, go to the beginning of the document, then block it all using Shift-Control-Psion-PgDn. Now start a new Sheet file, and use 'Bring' function to bring it in. It can then be saved in a PC-spreadsheet compatible format. Budgets ------- 17. In V1.5 I implemented 'Split Categories' for Budgets. This was to cater for those occasions when a single cheque or VISA payment related to more than one category. To use the option, enter a transaction, select 'Yes' in the Advanced function field, and select 'Split Transactions' in the 'Update Budget' field. This takes you to another screen allowing you to split the value across various categories. Unfortunately, memory limitations preclude the program remembering these values, so this is 'one-shot' only, and the transaction will not remember to which categories it was allocated. However, the word 'Split' will appear on the display as a reminder. Planner ------- 18. I found it very difficult to cope with all the possible permutations of display in the Planning module, so a 'Screen Display' option was incorporated. This allows you to define the design of the screen, including the position of the vertical lines (remember the screen is 480 pixels wide) and how many months are displayed, where they start, and how much gap between them. Basically, just play about with settings, it may take a few goes to get what you want. Note the 'Total' column and the associated second vertical line are available only if the Status Window is turned off. General ------- 19. In most screens, pressing the first letter of an entry will take you straight to it, and using the left/right arrows will cycle through groups/accounts/files. 20. As with the Agenda and Data programs, I have coded a routine to allow you to configure the Diamond menu to those screens that you access regularly. Simply press to set it up. 21. Note the individual Groups can be Password protected. Use from the Accounts screen. From V1.4 onwards, this password is not case-sensitive. The Password can be configured to work only on program start, or on all occasions, i.e. auto-shutoff and then restart. 22. I've implemented a 'memo pad' feature along the same lines as that used for the 'To-Do' lists in Agenda. Simply access a Notepad from any screen by using . Within the Set Preferences menu you can specify if this should be a WORD file of a DATA file. For most of the screens, this will access the same file. In the case of the Expenses module, the Investment module and the Home Inventory module, this will access a file unique to that module. In the Fuel module it accesses one for each vehicle. That is for people who like to keep track of Car Maintenance details, Trip timings, Certificate numbers and Insurance Policy details. 23. Many of the screens have 'Information' screens that give you more information about an entry. These were originally put in as part of the Siena version, but they still serve a useful purpose so I left them in. 24. The final option to be discussed is one to help in tracking Tax payments such as Value Added Tax, (VAT) or GST. Use the 'Set Preferences' menu to define up to 4 Tax Bands, and the 'Advanced Settings' field on Transaction entry will then have a new field allowing you to allocate a tax value to the entry. In both the Transaction and Archive screen there is then a Tax filter which will then display only those entries which match the filter value. Note that it is the actual percentage that is saved with the transaction, not the tax band. The use of the tax band is simply a short-cut, to save you having to type in the value every time. These tax bands can also be put in Default Transactions and Standing Orders. Also, you can select Tax Rate as the option for the Middle Column in both the Transactions and Archive display screens. Also note that you can allocate 'Zero' as a tax rate, which will set a flag showing the transaction has an associated rate, but set it to zero. This is different to 'None', which means that no rate is applicable to that entry. 25. Finally, don't forget the Help menu ().