BaseConv - A Base Conversion Utility for the PSION 3A BaseConv is a small utility for converting between Decimal, Hex, Octal and Binary representation of numbers. The number to be converted must be positive, and be in the range 0 to 2147483647 decimal (7FFFFFFF hex, 17777777777 octal). To install the utility, simply copy the file to the OPO directory, and run it by selecting BaseConv under the OPO Icon. To use the utility, just Enter the number which you need to convert. If the number is decimal, Enter it directly. If the number is in Hexadecimal Format, prefix the number with 'h' or 'H' (e.g. h23FE). Similarly for Octal prefix the number with 'o' or 'O', (e.g. o7765), and for Binary prefix the number with 'b' or 'B' (e.g. b101101). In all cases the result of the conversion is shown in all four formats. Invalid numbers (e.g. 'h12R5') will give a message "NOT A VALID NUMBER". Press any key to clear this message. When you have finished using the utility, Enter 'q' or 'Q' to quit. This program is distributed as free for you to use, but donations of œ2.00 to the address below might encourage further programming!! Tony Abbey 4 Broadacre Close, Bredon, Tewkesbury, Glos. GL20 7NW