NagMaker for Psion Documentation 1. Introduction NagMaker is a developer's tool that releases you from the burden of writing "nag" screens for your shareware products. Simply use the NagMaker app, and it does the work for you! It will generate a few lines of OPL code needed to call the psinag.opo module from within your application. Once called, psinag will (at random) display either no nag, or 1 of ten possible messages with your details inserted into them. License costs are only $20 for unlimited use, a small price to pay for a timesaver like this! :-) In short, it takes all the work out of making sure you get paid! 2. Use These instructions assume you have installed NagMaker onto your Series 3a and have the Icon in the System screen. NagMaker is very easy to use follow these step by step instructions to create your own nag: 1. Choose "Nag Setup" under the "Nags" menu. 2. In the first dialog type in the following information: Application Name (as you want it to appear in the nag screens) Shareware fee (how much your app costs) Menu title for nag info (i.e. Special) (The Menu where your registration info is) Menu item for nag info (i.e. Register) (The Menu option where your registration info is) e-Mail address (as you want it to appear in the nag screens) WWW page address (as you want it to appear in the nag screens) CompuServe registration (If you offer CIS SWREG a second dialog will come up) 3. If you offer registration via CompuServe, a second dialog will come up, type in the following information: (if not, see item 4) Compuserve SWREG ID# (the id# provided to you by CIS) SWREG app title (as you want it to appear in the nag screens) 4. The next dialog allows you to set the following options: Nag Delay (default is 5) (this is used for the unregistered delay progress bar, and a few other nags) Frequency of nags (default is 20) (this allows you to determine how much nagging gets done) It can be any number between 1 and 40. It works in the following way: There are ten nag screens, the lower the frequency is, the more they will get nagged. The higher the number, the less they will get nagged. Twenty seems to be a good mix of nag and non nag. Please change that number and experiment to find the right amount you need. License number is next (registered owners) Directory to install into (this is where your app will call psinag.opo from) For example if your app was called "Calc.opa" your directory might be: \APP\CALC\ *Please note you need to leave the Backslashes in!* 5. Next you are prompted for a filename for the example OPL code. NagMaker will then generate example OPL code ready to copy and bring into your OPL app. It will also copy psinag.opo and it's .ini file to the directory you specified. Incorporating psinag into your own application: For any procedure that you wish to have the possibility of a nag screen, simply copy the example code at the beginning of that procedure. For your convience, the example code is represented below: REM *************************************************************** REM Generated by NagMaker Version 1 REM (c)1995-96 GBSoftware REM Example code for calling the Psinag.opo module REM that you distribute with your application PROC first: REM PROC to declare the path where nag REM is installed REM You MUST use this code or PsiNag won't REM work! GLOBAL nagpath$(128) nagpath$="\APP\YOURDIR\" ENDP PROC myPROC: REM start of a PROCedure REM put some code to check IF the app is registered TRAP LOADM "\APP\YOURDIR\psinag.opo" IF ERR=-106 missing: ENDIF mainnag: TRAP UNLOADM "\APP\YOURDIR\psinag.opo" REM The rest of your PROCedure ENDP REM the 'missing' procedure states that your app REM must be registered or it won't run without REM the 'psinag.opo' file PROC missing: REM procedure in case PsiNag is missing dINIT "Missing file" dTEXT "","You cannot run this",2 dTEXT "","UNREGISTERED",2 dTEXT "","application without the",2 dTEXT "","file 'psinag.opo', please",2 dTEXT "","reinstall this application",2 DIALOG STOP ENDP PROC register: REM your registration PROCedure REM put your registration validation code here REM and once your user has registered, then REM put in the following lines to delete psinag REM and it's INI file from their machine... TRAP DELETE ""+nagpath$+"psinag.opo" TRAP DELETE ""+nagpath$+"nag.ini" ENDP REM ********************************************************** REM END OF SAMPLE CODE As you can see, if you strip out all those REM statements, there is very little code for you to incorporate into your application. v1.0 July 23, 1996