========== psion/opl #1453, from jezar, 661 chars, Sep 29 9:41 94 ---------- Getting rid of clicks If you write games for the Series 3a, (or anything else which involves *holding* down keys during use) then you may be interested in this routine, which disables key-clicks in your OPL program ONLY (not in the other apps) PROC SetClick:(on%) REM Set on% to zero to turn off REM keyclicks. Non zero turns REM them back on. LOCAL ax%,bx%,pad3% LOCAL pad4%,pad5%,pad6% ax%=$7e02 IF on%=0 bx%=1 ENDIF OS($8d,ADDR(ax%)) ENDP NOTE: This ONLY works on the 3a, as it is a new feature introduced in version 4 of the window server. Jezar.