========== psion/opl #1244, from millar, 1704 chars, Jun 4 13:49 94 Comment to 1234. ---------- PROC scwin: global id%, n%, pos% local g%, top%, bot% id%=gCREATE(120,0,240,160,1,1) gBORDER 3 while n%<30 pos%=(n%+1)*15+9 if pos%>152 gscroll 0,-15,5,26,215,121 pos%=144 endif gAT 10,pos% gprint "Foo,";gen$(n%,12) n%=n%+1 endwh top%=n%-10 bot%=n% while 1 g%=get if g%=256 n%=top% top%=top%-1 bot%=bot%-1 pos%=23 if pos%<24 gscroll 0,15,5,11,215,121 pos%=24 endif gAT 10,pos% gprint "Foo,";gen$(n%,12) n%=n%-1 elseif g%=257 n%=bot% top%=top%+1 bot%=bot%+1 pos%=144 if pos%>143 gscroll 0,-15,5,26,215,121 pos%=144 endif gAT 10,pos% gprint "Foo,";gen$(n%,12) n%=n%+1 endif endwh ENDP Hope that got through OK, have a look at it, it's basic but it works. It's only a Saturday afternoon hack so don't flame me! If I have time I'll do one with all the arrows etc and the ability to edit a current line. Hope it helps a little. -- Matt