Default extensions in OPL dialogs One of the things that's a real pain in the bum when making OPL filename edit- boxes, is that you can't set a default file extension without having silly things like ".PIC" already in the box. Here's the solution. It's so simple I'm surprised noone spotted it before: PROC Demo: PRINT "File chosen:",NewFile$:("\WRD\",".WRD") GET ENDP PROC NewFile$:(initDir$,initExt$) LOCAL fname$(130),buffer%(66),index% LOCAL pDialog%,bufLBC%,bufText%,WNSET% WNSET%=10 bufLBC%=ADDR(buffer%(1)) bufText%=ADDR(buffer%(2)) fname$=initDir$+initExt$ dINIT "New file" pDialog%=PEEKW($36) dFILE fname$,"File:",$11 index%=1 REM File edit box is our first item. POKE$ bufLBC%,"x"+CHR$(1)+initExt$ CALL($D9,pDialog%,WNSET%,index%,bufText%) POKE$ bufLBC%,"x"+initDir$ CALL($D9,pDialog%,WNSET%,index%,bufText%) IF DIALOG RETURN fname$ ENDIF ENDP Special thanks to Ali (psion_c) for his informative VARRAY.DOC document, which inspired this solution. Jezar.